*** August 2018 Mummies ***

So it has begun, the first bout of sickness kicked in tonight! I have just been feeling sick but not sick!! Feel so tired too! I am one grumpy cow too! Hope everyone is getting on ok. I have contacted my midwife re the booking in appointment. She is going to book me in for when I am between 9-10’ weeks!! I have decided I want a Home birth! I wanted this with my first but it didn’t go to plan and had to be induced the day before I was due! Fingers crossed this time for a water birth at home!! I am looking forward to seeeing baba on the first scan! 6 weeks down 6 to go!!! Xx
Wow Mexico2014 that’s great you want a homebirth, fingers crossed you’re able to this time!

I’ve booked an early reassurance scan in 2 weeks time so all being well I’ll get to see little bean soon!

Hope everyone’s doing well xx
Aww bless you! Look forward to hearing all about it. I have been sick again tonight and still feel sick!! Horrible isn’t it!! Have you got any symptoms!! Hopefully there will be lots of new mummies joining us soon!! Xx
I hope the sickness eases off soon, although it’s all good signs I guess. I haven’t had any real sickness or nausea yet, my main symptoms seem to be bloating and mild cramping mainly in the evening/at night. Also been feeling achey all over today, not sure if it’s pregnancy related though. I’m looking forward to getting some more August mummies to symptom spot with soon too xx
Hello I got my bfp at the weekend so due date 13th August so very early days only 4 weeks. I had spotting from 7dpo for 7 days so thought I was out but when af didn't show I knew something was up! Must have been implantation that lasted quite a long time. Had no other symptoms but since I got my bfp I've developed a sort of viral sore throat with aches (possibly as I'm run down) and I feel sick - feel hungry but don't fancy food - keep looking in my kitchen cupboards for something I fancy and come away with nothing lol!!! Also having super vivid night dreams!! That's it symptom wise.

I've got a wee boy who is 17 months so will be 25 months between them all going well so I'll be busy busy :-) when I was pregnant with him I had no implantation bleeding and only initial symptoms were bloating so completely different pregnancies so far. At 8 weeks however nausea and feeling generally hungover with fatigue hit bad with mega breast tenderness and didn't shift until week 15! We will see what this pregnancy brings..
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Welcome to ttc! I have a little girl who will be one this month! So I will have my hands full too! They will be 18 months apart. My symptoms are pretty similar to last time I had a sickness with her and sickness in the evening. Has anyone decided whether they are going to find out what there having? I didn’t with my first and I don’t think I am with this one either!! Xx
Hi ladies ! I found out last week Thursday I was expecting for the first time . So excited and so so nervous :/

Have had cramps for over a week now but could just be body adjusting ?

Last period started on 31st October which apparently makes me 5 weeks and 2 days?
But have booked an early scan for the 21st to confirm more ,

So excited to see how we all get on :-)
Hi all, I got my BFP last week. My last period was on 4th Nov so I’m estimated to be due 11th Aug. It’s starting to sink in now. I stopped the pill in March with a plan to start trying in Oct. I didn’t get a period until June and had irregular periods since then so I’d convinced myself I was infertile so when it got to Oct we weren’t really actively trying as I wasn’t ovulating. Dr said it takes time to ovulate after stopping the pill and bloods were normal. This must of been the first time I ovulated and hey presto! I thought my body was winding me up when I kept getting positives!! X
Hi all, I got my BFP last week. My last period was on 4th Nov so I’m estimated to be due 11th Aug. It’s starting to sink in now. I stopped the pill in March with a plan to start trying in Oct. I didn’t get a period until June and had irregular periods since then so I’d convinced myself I was infertile so when it got to Oct we weren’t really actively trying as I wasn’t ovulating. Dr said it takes time to ovulate after stopping the pill and bloods were normal. This must of been the first time I ovulated and hey presto! I thought my body was winding me up when I kept getting positives!! X

Aww congrats ! I got my BFP last week too, stopped having the Depo Injection in December, only got my AF back 5 months ago, so I was extremely chuffed. Just struggling to be patient now, worried it’s going to be taken away from me :-( just want it to be 12 weeks already and feels like ages away! X
Massive congratulations Ttc1234, Roniece and Xsarahh and welcome to the thread! These early weeks definitely seem to drag and take forever! I have also booked an early reassurance scan for 19th Dec mainly due to having two previous early losses before this.

I look forward to comparing and moaning about symptoms with all of you xx
Congrats roniece and xsarah. Today more sore throats had improved but feeling sick - it's kinda like a heartburn sickness if that makes sense lol how is everyone else feeling?
Definitely been feeling sick on and off today and permanently living in the land of bloat xx
Welcome to all you new ladies!!! Yeah same constant feeling of sick and feeling like a beached whale already!! Feeling so tired!! Xxx
Thank you! And congrats to you all!! :lol: Got everything crossed for all of us! I'm generally feeling fine atm. Boobs are a little bit tender and I've had mild cramping on and off. Feeling tired but I'm a teacher so I always moan about being tired xxx
Morning ladies. Congratulations to you all. I found out on Monday and my due date seems to be August 13th. I’ve been sleeping badly and having bad dreams and also my face has erupted in spots!! Other than that no symptoms xx
Thanks ladies ! Really bad stomach trouble this morning! Unable to get off toilet for ages accompanied with severe cramps :-( was worried but no blood or anything and I seem to be ok now. Still not had any nausea at all, just heavy boobs, cramps and frequent urination! I keep being told off by everyone for constantly worrying but it’s really hard not to isn’t it ?
Yeh it's hard not to worry. I had cramps last night and today but they're not major just niggles. I remember having them with my son too so assume it's normal everything stretching. I'm feeling really tired this morning. I've got a study day off work and finding it hard to do any work lol
Welcome and congratulations Xliz!

I agree it’s impossible not to worry at this stage, and so hard to do anything to help the worry. I still haven’t stopped taking near daily tests! But even that doesn’t put my mind at ease!

Roniece my symptoms are exactly the same as yours and I’m due the same day as you too! Xx
Welcome and congratulations Xliz!

I agree it’s impossible not to worry at this stage, and so hard to do anything to help the worry. I still haven’t stopped taking near daily tests! But even that doesn’t put my mind at ease!

Roniece my symptoms are exactly the same as yours and I’m due the same day as you too! Xx

Haha let’s hope we don’t get nausea 🙏🏼🙏🏼

I’ve booked an early scan for the 21st which I think I will be 6weeks+ 6 days for, but worried I won’t see a heart beat ! Anyone else had an early scan with positive results? Xx

Haven’t told our families yet, hoping to suprise them on Christmas Day with the news , saves on buying Xmas presents! Hahaha
I have an early scan on the 19th. I have a couple of friends who’ve had them from 6 weeks and although they didn’t see a lot they were able to pick up the heartbeat. All being well I’m hoping to tell people on Christmas Day too, mainly to explain why I’m not drinking the prosecco! Xx
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