August 2017 babies!

Also I rang the GP this morning who said it's the midwife I should be in touch with and gave me a number, so I called them and she said they won't make an appt until you're 8 or 9 weeks, so now what do I do? I feel like I might go at 8 weeks and they'll say 'no you were never pregnant!'
It's took away some of my excitement :(
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Welcome BexTez.

I'm in a similar position I don't have my appt until the end of Jan when I'll be almost 10 weeks. I feel the same. I've done 4 tests since (boots own ones) my digi and really want to do another digi but price is putting me off!

I guess we all just have to keep going and hope for the best.

Sticky baby dust to all.
My first appointment is next Weds when Ill be almost 8 weeks, so I think that is pretty normal. I think they trust the pregnancy tests available so much that they take your word for it.
I have to pick up my bounty pack tomorrow and fill everything in ready for my first appointment on the 18th of January. It still seems so long to go, but I know time will just fly by.

For the first time I've noticed I have trouble sitting in the back of a car. I get really sick and start feeling dizzy. Never ever do I suffer under motion sickness etc so I'm assuming this is a lovely new *side effect* of the pregnancy.
I was also naughty today and bought some more pregnancy strips :)
I know I can just rely on the 2 I've done already but having had several mc's including one this summer ( which I only knew for a few days that I was pregnant ) I am so worried.
But to be fair, I am 5 weeks tomorrow and I started feeling nausea already, which I am seeing as a positive sign. With my mc's I never had that. Plus my boobs hurt so badly at the moment.
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Gosh I have missed so much!! Welcome to all the new mummies!! I have been feeling so tired and sick these last couple days so i have just been in a corner crying!! I hope everyone else is doing as wonderful as I am haha!!

Bextez my midwife appt isnt until 11th Jan and I have the awful feeling that i will go and they say..hmm no your not pregnant!! It is such a long wait isnt it. At least we have Christmas and New Year to keep us preoccupied.

MissCharli its so exciting that your appt is so soon!! Will start to feel real once you get your maternity notes!

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My first appointment is next Weds when Ill be almost 8 weeks, so I think that is pretty normal. I think they trust the pregnancy tests available so much that they take your word for it.

Yep, I have my 1st appointment on the 4th when I'll be 9weeks, I had to see a gp to get referred to the midwives but he said they just trust the home test and basically take my word for it. Until that 1st scan I think we just need to hope for sticky beans! Although I'll admit I'm finding it hard to imagine a baby in there just yet, that'll prolbably change once I've seen him/her though
Well I took the plunge and told the OH tonight, it went about as well as I expected: he was horrified at the thought of 3 under 3. Obviously he admits that he knew the risks of 'natural family planning' and that this was just an accident but all he did was just reel off all the difficulties I would encounter with 3 to look after (e.g how will I go to the shops). I think he'll be ok when it's sunk in a bit. To be honest i think I'm still in shock a bit myself! Glad I didn't keep it as a Christmas Day surprise because he would not have been impressed. He has just sat I silent shock all night really. The whole thing wasn't helped by my 9 month old who woke up while I was telling him then proceeded to cry and not sleep for the next 3 hours!

Hope everyone is doing ok x
Hi all new mummies to be !!
Congratulations and goodluck xx

I have some news I've had an early scan!!!!!!!!

Il try upload the scan picture- does it feel more real- definitely!
To see our babies heart ❤️ beating was amazingly exciting and reassuring,

I thought I was having internal scan as I was not asked to have full bladder, but they did external and seem everything!

I'm to ring midwife today and confirm all is well and over next couple of weeks before 1st mid wife visit I'm to think about
If I'd like the screaming for Down's syndrome, it will only tell us likely hood not yes or no so I'm thinking that I won't as it won't change anything...

It's amazing how you don't feel pregnant intill they confirm it and you see it for yourself, even with every symptom it's still like you need to see it with your own eyes!

Really excited for next scan when we see more xX
How exciting Prrrfect, that must have been an amazing Christmas present! I can imagine it all seems real now :)

How did you all get your booking in appointments, did they come through the post? I visited the midwife last week and she wrote a letter to refer me for a booking in appointment but I've not heard anything yet, I'm 8 weeks next Friday so I'm guessing it may be a little late! Apparently I then need to ring and book a scan, although I'm scared I'll have to wait until after 12 weeks if my booking in appointment is so late! Maybe I'm just being impatient haha :)
Prrrfect - yay that is amazing . Congratulations on your early scan x

Rose83 - I'm sorry you didn't get a great response from your OH, I'm sure it was just a shocker for him and will be made up when it's sunk in x

I can't wait for my early scan it's not until 16th Jan when I'll be 8 weeks - I wish it was sooner to know if we have 1 or 2 in there. Tiredness has hit me this weekend but luckily I am off work until 3rd Jan and can rest up.

I have a appointment with the midwife today, think it's probably too early but the receptionist booked me in. I'll go anyway as it will be good to have a chat with her.

Has anyone else been having Period style cramps? I've had a few but no blood so not worrying too much.

By the time I got in bed last night I think it had sunk in a bit more with my OH and although he knows it will be super tough he at least doesn't sound quite so horrified anymore!

I've had the odd cramp here and there too, that's totally normal though, a lots going on in there! X
Rose glad that he's no longer horrified, if he is less than supportive maybe remind him it's your body that's got to go through it.

Mummy to be - sorry I missed your ur post earlier. I'm a bit behind you and haven't seen midwife yet. It seems like a lot of waiting in pregnancy
Hi everyone nice to hear that there is loads of you already here 🙂 I found out I was pregnant 🤰 on Friday from the doctor because I had went to the doctors thinking I had low iron so they did some blood and pee tests and phoned me the next day to say "yeah your pregnant". So I have gotten pregnant while being on the pill! Because we weren't sure how far on I was the midwife rushed me in on Tuesday to see me and get my booking in appointment done and she thought I was 11 weeks. We couldn't wait to see our little bean because we had a miscarriage at 11 weeks last New Year's Eve so we paid for a private scan and had it today and it turns out I am 5 weeks 5 days and due on the 18th August 🙂 So nice to meet you I'm just super nervous to get the next 6 weeks out of the way. Ps also we paid for an early scan and because we were too early we get to go back in a couple of weeks so we can see the poles heart. My OH named it the pole because that's all we could see lol.


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Welcome and congrats to the recent arrivals!

Prrrfect - ahh congrats, that's so good everything is fine on your early scan. I bet it does make it seem all the more real! :) I've got my scan booked for next Thursday, I'll be 7+5. Am really keen to get to that point, and hopefully it'll give me the boost I need.. like someone else said, I'm almost just expecting them to say there's nothing there when they do the scan!! I hope and pray for a beating heart.
At least if all goes to plan, it'll only be around 4 weeks until the next scan..

Definitely finding eating every 2-3 hours is helping to keep the nausea away (for a while..!). Hows everyone feeling about the prospect of scoffing a huge Christmas lunch/dinner? Making me feel a little queasy..!
Congratulations Prrrfect. How wonderful to see your baby. Sounds very reassuring.

Rose, glad your OH is coming round. 3 children under 3 does sound quite hard. How have you found having a close age gap between your two?

Congratulations Rach. Good luck for your next scan. How do you feel about getting pregnant. You sound happy about it. ( I once worked with a girl who got pregnant whilst on the pill and didn't realise until she was 23 weeks...No word of a lie!)

Excited for you having your scan next week DocL. I'm sure it will be good news for you.

Feeling much more sick today which has made me feel better. It is rather ridiculous!

Hi Everyone, had my first midwife appt today. Very basic details taken, few checks (height/weight/blood pressure). I am 6 weeks today. Next appt is at my home on week 9. No scan until week 13 unless severe cramps and/or bleeding occurs. That is going to be a LONG wait :-(
Was also surprised no bloods or urine tested. Paperwork will be done at next appt; they come out to the home for 2nd appointment.
That is great Prrrfect; must have been such a relief to see that heart beating. Very pleased for you.
Spuds glad to hear everything went well, and that it's normal to not have any confirmation of a pregnancy, people could just lie about it! Although not sure why they would!
I've been lucky so far, no sickness at all but my appetite is reduced, anyone else had this? Usually I could graze all day but now I don't fancy anything!!

Also when do people plan to share the news? I'm meeting my mum Friday so I'm going to tell her then and OHs mum on Xmas day, apart from that we're keeping the secret til first scan! Although I might tell my cousin, just because she has a 3 month old so she knows what it's like and would be good to have someone to talk to!

Bex xxx

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