August 2017 babies!

Lots happening here. :)
Congratulations MissCharli and mummytobe on your scans. It's just incredible how perfectly formed the babies are by 12 weeks.
And welcome and congrats to new members who have just had dating scans.
There's lots of growing excitement about finding out the sex now. I'm excited for you guys, hopefully this will help me stay strong and not find out myself until the birth.

Hoping4rainbow, thanks for the update. Glad your little one is growing well. Everything crossed that it's a fibroma and that it doesn't cause you any more problems. Sorry to hear you'll have to have a c-section but at least they can be sure to get baby out safely and that is all that matters at the end of the day, plus obv you have bigger things on your mind.

My scan is also on Wednesday. Feel less nervous about this one than I did about 8 week one which is strange. Still feeling constantly sick although it has eased in the last week and I can stomach more food. Feel horribly tired and would just love to feel normal again but I can't remember what that feels like.

My belly is huge. I got my maternity leggings out about 2 weeks ago. I think a lot of it must be bloating but I am probably the size I was at 17/18 weeks last time!!!
It's that awkward belly stage where people aren't sure if you're pregnant or not.

Hope you've all have a good weekend.
We've ( or I should say my OH) have been manic, about to put the house on the market. So lots of de cluttering and tidying.

So after midnight tonight I am the furthest along in pregnancy �� than I ever have been! I might start and relax now lol!
That's great Rach! Congratulations!

I'm feeling pretty crap today, just really tired and nauseous, been wretching loads. This is quite similar to when I had my little girl and my nausea and vomiting got worse from 10/11 weeks. Spoke to midwife on phone today about the mucus I had and she didn't sound too concerned but freaked me out a bit with questions like 'do you still feel pregnant?' 'If there is more or any blood then call the EPU'. I think I was just expecting her to say it was all fine and I was being neurotic. Can't believe I still have so long to wait until my scan - it feels like forever and now I've started worrying like I never have done before! X
Welcome KatieBelle - what area are you from? Great that you've had an early scan and that has released some of the anxiety. I had one at 5wks 5 days (few days earlier than I'd expected to be) and saw a heartbeat. Makes such a difference. Long wait for the 13 wk scan now (another 3 wks to go).[/QUOTE]

Thanks Spuds. I'm in Gloucestershire. Have had my scan date come through for the 17th Feb so just over 2 weeks to go. If my early scan dates are correct I will be 12 + 6.

Good luck for tomorrow's scan Elspeth! Will be thinking of you xx

Mine is in the morning, I've been soooo nervous all day!
Anyone else scanned tomorrow/this week?

I am sick of feeling so sick 24/7, extreme queasiness and exhaustion, zero energy, struggling to function :sick:

Sending love to all of you and your little bumps! :petal:
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Thanks Hoping4rainbow.
I hope yours goes well too and things start happening to fully investigate the growth.
I've been very busy all day which has helped with the nerves. I know I'll be bricking it tomorrow. Scans at midday.
Sorry to hear you're feeling so crap. I really hope the sickness and tiredness start to ease soon.

Rose sorry to hear about your scare with the mucus plug. I can imagine it has set off lots of worrying. It's extra hard waiting so long for your scan. I'm sure you're little bubba is fine in there, it's just so horrible the thought of loosing them. Try to stay positive, but I'm the same with getting carried away with worrying.

Thanks Elspeth, I've been feeling generally rubbish for a few days so I called the EPU today and they were much more helpful. Explained that even at 10 weeks you don't have a mucus plug yet so can't lose it - wish my actual midwife had said that! And she talked through the other things I've been feeling and says it sounds like I just have general pregnancy symptoms and maybe some kind of virus that's zapping my energy more. I've had a tension headache for two days but I think that was caused by me worrying. It's worn off this afternoon and I suspect that's because she was so reassuring. Just wish it would hurry up and be scan time.

How did everyone's scans go today? X
Sorry to hear that you're all feeling so rubbish, but glad it was good news Rose83 :)

Just booked a private gender scan for 3 March, my OHs birthday! Exciting eek!
Hi lovely mamas xx

Rose, I am so relieved to read your update re. the reassurance you got from the EPU and glad to hear you are feeling a bit better and headache has worn off :hug:

Elspeth, I hope your scan went very well today, been thinking of you :hug:

Thought I'd update you with my news (and new NHS adventures!)
Ok, good news first?

Baby looked well and cute with little feet crossed at the ankles and little hands waving in front of their face. Measures officially a week ahead - I am 14(!) weeks today apparently! How?! I know exactly when I ovulated (digi OPK, day14 of a 28-29 day cycle) as well as when we dtd! I guess 2/3 days of difference I understand, but 7 days?! And if it's a matter of implantation then, if anything, it could only be later (ie several days AFTER ovulation, not a week BEFORE?! haha) So relieved baba looks healthy! :cloud9:

Now the annoying news: (can't believe the useless-ness of some professionals, it should not be allowed. I mean, a 3rd cock up for me in a row?! One worse than the other!) Ok here it goes:

Had the NT scan and bloods.
But no appointment with a consultant, clever midwife had only written my risks in MY notes and not ON the referral! I only found out cause I thought of asking if the referral is on the system as I have not received a letter yet. So they checked and told me yes it's on the system and consultant didn't want to see me until 28 Weeks(!) based on my risk of my first babyboy's intestinal atresia when he was born. No mention of the ovary mass!!! They told me that's all the midwife had sent to them and to go back to her if there was anything else (won't see her until March!) I insisted and I asked them if I could please show them my notes, there is a more pressing matter with me! My notes, where SHE had written everything down re. the unknown 6cm growth/prev IUGR history/plus my baby's atresia when born. So yessss, her mistake, she did not put down the most important reason for referring me as high risk ON THE ACTUAL REFERRAL!!! Honestly have you ever come across such useless professionals?!?
What's wrong with midwives in my area?!?

So they corrected my referral and will show the consultant AGAIN to reassess and call me for an appointment (hopefully before 28 weeks(!) what the actual **** ?!?) I mean, come on... (I feel so tired from all this :( )

Sending love to all of you and your little bumps xx
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Hi lovely mamas xx

Rose, I am so relieved to read your update re. the reassurance you got from the EPU and glad to hear you are feeling a bit better and headache has worn off :hug:

Elspeth, I hope your scan went very well today, been thinking of you :hug:

Thought I'd update you with my news (and new NHS adventures!)
Ok, good news first?

Baby looked well and cute with little feet crossed at the ankles and little hands waving in front of their face. Measures officially a week ahead - I am 14(!) weeks today apparently! How?! I know exactly when I ovulated (digi OPK, day14 of a 28-29 day cycle) as well as when we dtd! I guess 2/3 days of difference I understand, but 7 days?! And if it's a matter of implantation then, if anything, it could only be later (ie several days AFTER ovulation, not a week BEFORE?! haha) So relieved baba looks healthy! :cloud9:

Now the annoying news: (can't believe the useless-ness of some professionals, it should not be allowed. I mean, a 3rd cock up for me in a row?! One worse than the other!) Ok here it goes:

Had the NT scan and bloods.
But no appointment with a consultant, midwife only wrote my risks in MY notes and not ON the referral! I only found out cause I thought of asking if the referral is on the system as I have not received a letter yet. So they checked and told me yes it's on the system and consultant didn't want to see me until 28 Weeks(!) based on my risk of my first babyboy's intestinal atresia when he was born. No mention of the ovary mass!!! They told me that's all the midwife had sent to them and to go back to her if there was anything else (won't see her until March!) I insisted and I asked them if I could please show them my notes, there is a more pressing matter with me! My notes, where SHE had written everything down re. the unknown growth/prev IUGR history plus my baby's atresia when born. So yessss, her mistake, she did not put down the reasons for referring me as high risk ON THE ACTUAL REFERRAL!!! Honestly have you ever come across such useless professionals?!?
What's wrong with midwives in my area?!?

So they corrected my referral and will show the consultant AGAIN to reassess and call me for an appointment (hopefully before 28 weeks(!) what the actual **** ?!?) I mean, come on... (I feel so tired from all this :( )

Sending love to all of you and your little bumps xx

Omg how do they just keep getting it wrong? I would complain and ask for a new midwife if I was you! Glad baby was okay though :)
Also, if you're 14 weeks H4R then I guess we need to start a tri 2 thread soon!! :o
Omg how do they just keep getting it wrong? I would complain and ask for a new midwife if I was you! Glad baby was okay though :)

I know sweetheart right? But she wasn't my midwife just a random one that replaced her cause she couldn't see me when they rearranged my booking in appointment last moment (cock up number 1) and at the rearranged appointment there was none there to see me (cock up number 2). I am losing track...And the will to fight :shock:

My gosh 14 weeks! I don't want to be there on my own :) who's next to enter tri2? xx
Blimey, H4R.
How ridiculous. I'm so sorry you are having to fight every step of the way to get the care you need. Fab news that baby is growing so well. It's just the best thing seeing them wriggling around in there.

My scan went well, it was so wonderful to see a tiny little baby. I've been on a high all day. I had to do a fair amount of jumping around so she could get the NT measurement.

Rose, that's great you've had some reassurance. I'm glad you are feeling a bit better.


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Omg how do they just keep getting it wrong? I would complain and ask for a new midwife if I was you! Glad baby was okay though :)

I know sweetheart right? But she wasn't my midwife just a random one that replaced her cause she couldn't see me when they rearranged my booking in appointment last moment (cock up number 1) and at the rearranged appointment there was none there to see me (cock up number 2). I am losing track...And the will to fight :shock:

My gosh 14 weeks! I don't want to be there on my own :) who's next to enter tri2? xx
It could be your dates are right and the baby has just grown really wellm. Happened to my cousin and they changed her dates then went for her 20 week scan and they adjusted it back. I'm 14 weeks on Thurs x

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H4R I cannot believe they made a mess again! That is absolutely appalling that you could have slipped through the net til 28 weeks if you weren't so proactive. I really would be putting in a complaint somewhere. My second baby was big most of the way through too - he was measuring at least two weeks ahead on most measurements by 20 weeks and I knew I was right in my dates. He was about 4 days ahead at 12 week I think. Baby is iobviously just growing well x

Elspeth that's a brilliant scan - I think I'm going to have to write down somewhere all my gender guesses so I can see if I'm right when you all have your scans!
Thanks Spuds. I'm in Gloucestershire. Have had my scan date come through for the 17th Feb so just over 2 weeks to go. If my early scan dates are correct I will be 12 + 6.


That's the date of my 12 week scan too! I'll be 12+1 by my dates. ☺ Not long now!

HFR that is so ridiculous. Where are you based again? I would be making a formal complaint for sure by now. One mistake is perhaps forgivable; we're all human... but 3? And in such big ways when there is such an important issue? Not good enough. Glad baby is doing well though x
My scan went well, it was so wonderful to see a tiny little baby. I've been on a high all day. I had to do a fair amount of jumping around so she could get the NT measurement.

Elspeth what a great scan pic! So clear! Is that your 12 week scan? I have a 10 week private scan today. So nervous!!
Thanks guys.
Yes, the sonographer got a good pic! So much clearer than my 12 week scan with my daughter.
It was a 12 week scan. They dated me at 12+5 so I'm now due on 11th August.

I hope it goes well Mrs Duckie. Let us know how it goes.

Elspeth that's a brilliant scan - I think I'm going to have to write down somewhere all my gender guesses so I can see if I'm right when you all have your scans!

Rose, would be really interested to know your gender guesses. You seem to have good skills!

I reckon another girl for me.

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