August 2017 babies!

Ah any guesses on mine? Its not a great pic of the skull! He was kinda hiding a bit :)
My initial thought was a girl when I saw it yesterday but it's really not very clear of the skull area so it could easily be a boy. Are you finding out at 20 weeks? X
We are gonna have a private gender scan at 17+2 for my OHs birthday, so hopefully he'll be more in the mood to show off :P
Had my scan today, it was amazing. Such a relief to see him floating around in there, wiggling and kicking his legs out! (I'm calling him a him, I think it's gonna be a boy :P). Due date is now officially 10 August, so it didn't change :)


Aww, thank you for sharing. How dare he/she hide after all the waiting ;-)
MissCharli and Mummytobe, wonderful news and beautiful scan pics, was thinking of both of you yesterday, so happy it all went well :hug:

Really glad for your news too Greendazes :wave: xx

Welcome to Katiebelle and Svetlana too :wave:

Jeepers, London was a mission on Friday!

Good news first: Baby's heart was beating, he/she seems ok❤️ I was SOooo relieved! Had their back to us though so I didn't get to see their face! Only spine and bum! But when viewing the top of their head, he/she kept touching their little face with those tiny little cute hands! I melted :cloud9:

But things are complicated re. this mass of mine...The ob had trouble determining if it's ovarian or uterine origin or both, he had to do an internal ultrasound in the end, he took a looooong time and as if that wasn't uncomfortable enough he also then had to use his hand to feel inside me for a thorough pelvic exam :( which was long and very painful. He struggled, this damn thing I got is tricky to view as it seems to be sitting BEHIND my uterus, possibly attached to ovary and possibly to uterous too :( He said if it's uterine it's most probably a fibroma (plzzz be that), but if ovarian in origin there is a small probability it could be cancerous :(

Only thing he can tell for sure is that vaginal birth will not be possible because it sits behind my uterus and he could feel it big and very hard already causing obstruction. Further assessment needed, he wrote a report for Drs in my hospital for when I go on Wednesday for my dating/NT scan.

He measured the baby a week ahead(!) 13+1 instead of 12+2 but reassured me that, even if a bit more advanced gestation-wise, I could still have an option for CVS if my results next week require it (or Harmony) so that took that part of my stress away.

He thinks obstetricians in my hospital will take this seriously based on his report and will proceed in conjunction with a radiologist to confirm whether I need an MRI and determine the nature of the tumor.
As we want them to coordinate the whole investigation ideally. IF not, and not as proactive as we want them to, then he can help me with the investigation privately, so that I feed back to the NHS.

I have a mix of emotions inside me, relief, gratefulness, but also feeling worried and a bit vulnerable and sorry for myself (esp. after that long pelvic exam, my back and tummy are sore and I feel even more sick :( ) I want my mummy, I miss her so much, wish she was still around :cry:

Sorry for the long post lovely mamas xx Sending love to you and your beans (or limes or plums!) xx
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Mine was being awkward too Misscharli, sleeping with its head against the side of the womb, it took 45 minutes to get a nuchal measurement after lots of walking round and prodding! Has anyone else got a scan this week?
MissCharli and Mummytobe, wonderful news and beautiful scan pics, was thinking of both of you yesterday, so happy it all went well :hug:

Really glad for your news too Greendazes :wave: xx

Welcome to Katiebelle and Svetlana too :wave:

Jeepers London was a mission on Friday!
Good news first: Baby's heart was beating, he/she seems ok❤️ I was SOooo relieved! Had their back to us though so I didn't get to see their face! Only spine and bum! But when viewing the top of their head, he/she kept touching their little face with those tiny little cute hands! I melted :cloud9:

But things are complicated re. this mass of mine...The ob had trouble determining if it's ovarian or uterine origin or both, he had to do an internal ultrasound in the end, he took a looooong time and as if that wasn't uncomfortable enough he also then had to use his hand to feel inside me for a thorough pelvic exam :( which was long and very painful. He struggled, this damn thing I got is tricky to view as it seems to be sitting BEHIND my uterus, possibly attached to ovary and possibly to uterous too :( He said if it's uterine it's most probably a fibroma (plzzz be that), but if ovarian in origin there is a small probability it could be cancerous :(

Only thing he can tell for sure is that vaginal birth will not be possible because it sits behind my uterus and he could feel it big and very hard already causing obstruction. Further assessment needed, he wrote a report for Drs in my hospital for when I go on Wednesday for my dating/NT scan.

He measured the baby a week ahead(!) 13+1 instead of 12+2 but reassured me that, even if a bit more advanced gestation-wise, I could still have an option for CVS if my results next week require it (or Harmony) so that took that part of my stress away.

He thinks obstetricians in my hospital will take this seriously based on his report and will proceed in conjunction with a radiologist to confirm whether I need an MRI and determine the nature of the tumor.
As we want them to coordinate the whole investigation ideally. IF not, and not as proactive as we want them to, then he can help me with the investigation privately, so that I feed back to the NHS.

I have a mix of emotions inside me, relief, gratefulness, but also feeling a bit worried and a bit vulnerable and sorry for myself (esp. after that long pelvic exam, my back and tummy are sore and I feel even more sick :( ) I want my mummy, I miss her so much, wish she was still around :cry:

Sorry for the long post lovely mamas xx Sending love to you and your beans (or limes or plums!) xx

If I lived close by, I would be around in a shot. You are such a lovely person from the posts you have and I am so sorry that you are still so ewhat in the dark with all of this. This should be a time for you to be enjoying your pregnancy with that cutie that you have growing in therem. I really do hope the NHS buck up and take this matter with importance and get you the answers. You know where I am in you ever need a private chat; I am sure all of us are here for you in fact. Take it easy today.xx
Mine was being awkward too Misscharli, sleeping with its head against the side of the womb, it took 45 minutes to get a nuchal measurement after lots of walking round and prodding! Has anyone else got a scan this week?

Still a couple of weeks before my 13 week scan. Hey, this baby better be in a photogenic mood, I tell you! ;-)
Mine was being awkward too Misscharli, sleeping with its head against the side of the womb, it took 45 minutes to get a nuchal measurement after lots of walking round and prodding! Has anyone else got a scan this week?

Omgosh little bugger ha. Mine wasn't too bad but I did have to put my bum up in the air and wiggle to get him to get into the right position, which worked well enough (just) to get the measurement!

I can't stop looking at the scan pic though :love:
MissCharli and Mummytobe, wonderful news and beautiful scan pics, was thinking of both of you yesterday, so happy it all went well :hug:

Really glad for your news too Greendazes :wave: xx

Welcome to Katiebelle and Svetlana too :wave:

Jeepers, London was a mission on Friday!

Good news first: Baby's heart was beating, he/she seems ok❤️ I was SOooo relieved! Had their back to us though so I didn't get to see their face! Only spine and bum! But when viewing the top of their head, he/she kept touching their little face with those tiny little cute hands! I melted :cloud9:

But things are complicated re. this mass of mine...The ob had trouble determining if it's ovarian or uterine origin or both, he had to do an internal ultrasound in the end, he took a looooong time and as if that wasn't uncomfortable enough he also then had to use his hand to feel inside me for a thorough pelvic exam :( which was long and very painful. He struggled, this damn thing I got is tricky to view as it seems to be sitting BEHIND my uterus, possibly attached to ovary and possibly to uterous too :( He said if it's uterine it's most probably a fibroma (plzzz be that), but if ovarian in origin there is a small probability it could be cancerous :(

Only thing he can tell for sure is that vaginal birth will not be possible because it sits behind my uterus and he could feel it big and very hard already causing obstruction. Further assessment needed, he wrote a report for Drs in my hospital for when I go on Wednesday for my dating/NT scan.

He measured the baby a week ahead(!) 13+1 instead of 12+2 but reassured me that, even if a bit more advanced gestation-wise, I could still have an option for CVS if my results next week require it (or Harmony) so that took that part of my stress away.

He thinks obstetricians in my hospital will take this seriously based on his report and will proceed in conjunction with a radiologist to confirm whether I need an MRI and determine the nature of the tumor.
As we want them to coordinate the whole investigation ideally. IF not, and not as proactive as we want them to, then he can help me with the investigation privately, so that I feed back to the NHS.

I have a mix of emotions inside me, relief, gratefulness, but also feeling worried and a bit vulnerable and sorry for myself (esp. after that long pelvic exam, my back and tummy are sore and I feel even more sick :( ) I want my mummy, I miss her so much, wish she was still around :cry:

Sorry for the long post lovely mamas xx Sending love to you and your beans (or limes or plums!) xx

Ah what a nightmare :( I'm sure that the NHS will have to take this seriously now though, fingers crossed its all okay for you xx
Hoping4rainbow amazing news your baby is growing lovely and you are ahead!

Hoping it's a fibroma for you and I echo what spuds said!!
And you really do seem like such a lovely lady - you deserve to be cared for properly at the hospital!!!!

Hope your feeling less sore today, think positive and don't let it damped your mood lovely xxxx

Beautiful scans girls!!!
Amazing how much our babies have grown!
Now at 12weeks I feel my tum has just popped out :) and hubby said he can see it and feel it too!

Does anyone else feel their tummys changing now?

Welcome new mummies!!!
Hope everyone is having a lazy Sunday and a symptom free day?

I still having trouble with the odd head ache, anyone know of any safe remedies?

We have a holiday cottage booked in 5days!!!
It has a hot tub and a sauna (I booked for hubbies birthday before I found out I was pregnant)
I can't use the hot things :( and I love them :( but baba is worth missing it of course!
Il have to just dip my feet in hot tub! Hahaha
Sure hubby will still enjoy it!

Anyone planning to do pregnancy aqua aerobics or anything simlar?

Thank you so much for the kind words and positive thoughts
lovely girls xx

Prrrfect, yessss tummy feels firmer and slightly popped out! Noticeable by my hubby too!
I would still use the hot tub sweetheart as long as you can tweak the temp of the water. We had a jacuzzi in a room we rented for a few nights over the Xmas holidays and that's what we did. Made sure the water was pleasant not too hot for me and I enjoyed it too! It was lovely, bubbly and warm, just right so I would feel hot. The directed bubbles/streams of warm water did wonders for my back too!

Re. your headaches, are you making sure you are hydrated enough? Sometimes headaches might mean we need more water/liquid! I know I am terrible with my liquid intake because liquid makes me feel more sick :( xx

Aqua aerobics sound great. I'd love to join pregnancy yoga soon xx
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I have to confess I'm terrible at drinking always have been and likely the reason for my recent UTI :(
I'm drinking lots of cranberry juice as hate water it has to be flavoured!
Diluted orange pop at night so I keep trying to drink more Hun I know your right!

I love fruit and have a real craving for all fruit at the moment I'd happily eat and apple a kiwi followed buy an orange or mango!
Grapefruit another favourite!
Grapes and pears! So least baby getting some goodness and hydration from those too! :)

Just had a good Sunday dinner- the chicken cooking made me gag though! that's a new one!!

My hubby said no to early gender scan and to wait!
:( ok il wait... haha

Stumbled apon the most amazing baby boutique and I just want to know boy or girl just to buy a few little special things!
Loads more for girls! As always!

I'm going to be very jealous when you go for your early gender scans now girls!!

Just wondering what will happen if they have not been able to do downs tests/measurements at the dating scan?
Will you have to go back?
HFR glad baby is growing and doing well. It's positive that the Dr was so thorough with you, although I'm sorry to hear that you're so uncomfortable afterwards. Poor you xx Fingers crossed that it's a fibroma. Either way it looks like you are getting the care and attention that this so importantly requires. Keep us posted. We're all always here for a rant, a moan or to boost you when you're feeling down. xx

Oh my gosh you guys are making me even more excited about my scan now! 5 more sleeps until private 10 week scan! Hoping to see a clear baby pic! :) Has anyone announced baby news publicly now you've had your scans? We're still waiting until after our 12 week scan. May tell a close friend after this Friday's though.

Prrfect I currently go to yoga and can switch to the maternity yoga from 14 weeks which I plan on doing. Would love to start swimming with the view to attending pregnancy aqua aerobics too. Feeling so lazy at the moment. Used to do kettlebell and boxercise plus yoga; now it's just yoga and if I'm not feeling a) too nauseous or b) knackered - then a long evening walk. Really conscious of getting unfit though... :/

Random question but has anyone got/had in previous pregnancies a belly piercing? I just ordered two of the pregnancy belly bars which are made of the safe plastic so that they're more flexible. Anyone tried these? Are they total crap and it's just best to take it out or did they work for you? Not the end of the world if I have to take it out but I'd like to give them a go. Don't know when I'll need to take my current metal one out though; I suppose I'll know when it's too uncomfortable!

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend xx
Yep I made it facebook official (ha!) a few hours after my scan :) I had to tell my dad first!
HFR glad baby is growing and doing well. It's positive that the Dr was so thorough with you, although I'm sorry to hear that you're so uncomfortable afterwards. Poor you xx Fingers crossed that it's a fibroma. Either way it looks like you are getting the care and attention that this so importantly requires. Keep us posted. We're all always here for a rant, a moan or to boost you when you're feeling down. xx

Oh my gosh you guys are making me even more excited about my scan now! 5 more sleeps until private 10 week scan! Hoping to see a clear baby pic! :) Has anyone announced baby news publicly now you've had your scans? We're still waiting until after our 12 week scan. May tell a close friend after this Friday's though.

Prrfect I currently go to yoga and can switch to the maternity yoga from 14 weeks which I plan on doing. Would love to start swimming with the view to attending pregnancy aqua aerobics too. Feeling so lazy at the moment. Used to do kettlebell and boxercise plus yoga; now it's just yoga and if I'm not feeling a) too nauseous or b) knackered - then a long evening walk. Really conscious of getting unfit though... :/

Random question but has anyone got/had in previous pregnancies a belly piercing? I just ordered two of the pregnancy belly bars which are made of the safe plastic so that they're more flexible. Anyone tried these? Are they total crap and it's just best to take it out or did they work for you? Not the end of the world if I have to take it out but I'd like to give them a go. Don't know when I'll need to take my current metal one out though; I suppose I'll know when it's too uncomfortable!

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend xx
I don't have my belly done but my cousin and sister did and got the plastic ones and loved them. They were apparently comfy xx

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I told three of my friends almost immediately and my partner told one of his, then this week we told my mum and dad and his mum. Being my third it's pretty obvious that I'm pregnant from my enormous belly so I didn't think we could keep it a secret from my family as its my niece's birthday in two weeks. We'll make it Facebook official after their scan lol.

So I had a bit of a worry last night, went to the toilet and when I wiped a huge lump of mucus came away - fairly sure from consistency etc that it was some of my plug. Did some reading and your mucus plug does regenerate if you lose some and you shouldn't worry too much but it was still a bit worrying so I'm going to just ring the midwife tomorrow and tell her x
We've told everyone this weekend, nobody else knew prior to Friday! It's starting to sink in and feel real now that people know :)

Prrrfect, our sonographer carried on until she could get a measurement, sent me out for a walk then told me to go the toilet & eventually got one once the baby moved, it was fine too, just awaiting bloods now.

HFR we're all thinking of you, hope you get some proper answers soon x

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