August 2017 babies!

Hayyy everyone!
So I can see a few of you are booking gender scans!
I don't know what to do maybe just see how much they cost in our area I keep thinking only have to wait till 20weeks!
And it keeps the excitement going!!
Can't wait to find out though!!!!

Hope everyone's symptoms are calmer now..
I've been great other than the odd head ache/ migraine that paracetamol don't have any effect on :(
Anyone know of anything to help with these?

Oh I also had UTI but just finished antibiotics and I never knew I had it it was from midwife sample so good they take the wee samples all the time to check...
I've been drinking loads and loads of cranberry juice!

Next scan 13th of Feb I chose not to have the downs test as I was going to continue with pregnancy regardless to the out come and I wouldn't have wanted the more invasive tests if the chance was high.

Few weeks Into 2nd trimester a lot of us will know the sex of our babies!
I think anyone not finding out it will be hard not knowing but amazing surprise at the end!!

This may sound awful but anyone finding a sharp sudden rise in sex drive?!

Ahhhh spuds don't worry yourself with sad stories- I can honestly say I have hardly any symptoms at all
And I'm just going to enjoy it and focus on the positives..
I'm pretty sure we will all have our difficult moments and unexpected things happen but stay positive and youl send good vibes to your little growing baba :)

Miss Charli congratulations you've done that at the best time over and done with and when babies born you can get about
And to meet other mums etc fantastic news- drive safe xx

H4R I think you've made best decision they seem a bit all over the place I do hope they sort it out and be better for you as it's not good when they are making it more stressful not what you need!!

Is there another hospital close by in case they don't improve?
They should be reassuring and kind to you, I hope good news will come though your scans as it's making me feel quite annoyed for you!!

And to JillMcCoy I'm having Indian tonight hahaha
And how did your re- scan go?

I have requested we have Indian for my birthday next week. I am so excited!!! I have my scan tomorrow and I can't wait haha!

I decided to book a gender scan only because my sister went last time and said they were so good. Its 44 in Edinburgh so I just thought oh well, birthday prezzie to myself!

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The place I go to is called Babyscanning and they have an Edinburgh office - website says £37 in case you wanted to spend slightly less Jill!

No increase in sex drive here - I'm far too tired much to my OHs dismay!

Been out with my little ones all day today and feel like I just need to go to bed but I have so many jobs to do I really can't. One good thing that happened today was I got a place on a totally free CPD course which I can add to my teaching record file just to show that even though I'm not working I am still developing. It's important to me that I don't lose touch with my teaching so I'm glad I'll just be able to do this little online thing x
The place I go to is called Babyscanning and they have an Edinburgh office - website says £37 in case you wanted to spend slightly less Jill!

No increase in sex drive here - I'm far too tired much to my OHs dismay!

Been out with my little ones all day today and feel like I just need to go to bed but I have so many jobs to do I really can't. One good thing that happened today was I got a place on a totally free CPD course which I can add to my teaching record file just to show that even though I'm not working I am still developing. It's important to me that I don't lose touch with my teaching so I'm glad I'll just be able to do this little online thing x
Oh fab thanks! I will have a look. I love a saving! X

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That's a good price!
Babyscanning wonder if any in England near me...
I do so want to know!!!!

Talking of saving money Indian by us is such good value for £15 we get 2good meals and they are very good curries full of
Flavour 5* hygiene rating..
so it's so tempting to have a couple a month!! :)

That's good Rose I'm like you I have to been learning and collecting certificates but I think at the moment I like reading about pregnancy and that's like my education at the moment... 1st child syndrome!

Good luck for scan Jill :) xxx
Hahaha prrrfect I was the exact same - read everything. Had the pregnancy day by day book and read it every single day plus loads on Internet! X
Ah I plan to book a private gender scan too if all goes well tomorrow! I'm going to book it for my OHs birthday when I'll be 17+2, thought it would be a nice idea :) Though it's really expensive in Plymouth so we're gonna drive to Exeter, it's half the price!

I'm 12 weeks today woohoo! and scan tomorrow, I'm so excited. I don't feel nervous atm but I'm sure I will be in the morning. Luckily it's at 10:10, so pretty early on!
Also when does tri 2 officially start? I think we might need a thread over there soon!
Well I had my scan today and I couldn't believe that change in a week! My due date is,still 4/8/17 which I had guessed it was any way. Here is the scan

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Also when does tri 2 officially start? I think we might need a thread over there soon!
It depends on where you look, some places say 12 weeks and some say 13. My app is 13 :)

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Well I had my scan today and I couldn't believe that change in a week! My due date is,still 4/8/17 which I had guessed it was any way. Here is the scan

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Ah what a great pic :)
Good luck for tomorrow MissCharli! xx
I am seeing the private doc in London tomorrow afternoon, too nervous :oops:
Is anybody else having a scan tomorrow? xx
Lovely scan Jill! I've decided what I think you're having based on skill theory in that one! X
Lovely scan Jill! I've decided what I think you're having based on skill theory in that one! X
Haha yeah I thought boy too until I compared it to my daughters scan. I guess only time will tell :)

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I'm having my scan tomorrow too! I'm so nervous, apparently my husband can tell as 'this is the first time you've been quiet in weeks' haha :) x
Good luck to you too Mummytobe0817! xx

I'll be thinking of both of you girls! xx
Good luck tomorrow hoping 4 rainbow !!
Enjoy yourscan misscharli !!!
So jealous I got to wait agers hahahaha!!!

Rose it's amazing after 1st babies we could teach a child development class!
But actually saying that I did child development and loved it and I got a B so should know alittle bit!

Anyone close to 13weeks yet? Xx

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