August 2017 babies!

I am 11+6 but because of the baby not staying Still and then when it did it was all curled up so they guessed 11+4. They couldn't do the downs test so I'm back next week. We announced it to everyone now so if feels so real xx
Welcome jo!

I've got my scan today - pretty excited but nervous now too.
So glad I don't work anymore mrsduckie but my two children exhaust me instead! I'm nauseous most of the day and after my evening meal I get the most horrendous gas, my stomach literally inflates so I look about 6 months pregnant (I'm not exaggerating!) x

Poor you. Bet your two kids certainly keep you busy and from getting any rest! Glad your scan went well. Must be so reassuring to see your little one safely growing! :-)

My nausea is mainly when I'm hungry but the time between when I need to eat is getting smaller. Very concious that I shouldn't put a lot of weight in 1st trimester! I feel your pain on the gas. The bloating is uncomfortable but as it's my first baby I kind of like the bump illusion I temporarily get in the evenings haha.
I'm finding the same - I keep having to eat, especially in the evening I'm finding I need to eat a sort of half dinner at about 5 so I can make it to 8 when I usually get my dinner after the babies are in bed. Fortunately our routine involves a two hour nap for both of them from 1-3 in the afternoon so whereas I would have used that time to do jobs around the house I now sleep with them so I can keep going!

Last night I didn't take my vitamins last thing at night and took them in the morning instead and I think it made a difference to how nauseous I felt in the middle of the night but maybe that's just in my head. I'm starving right now and we are having takeaway but my OH came in from work with a terrible headache and went straight to bed, thought he was getting up when I bathed the babies and put them to bed but no sign of him! X
Hoping4rainbow, think it's terrible you've had to get a private consultation for the growth on your ovary. I really don't like to slag off the NHS but you'd think they would have got their act together a bit sooner. When are you seeing the private doctor? I hope you get the information and reassurance you need.
Didn't mean to be telling you info you already knew about the blood test option, it's good to know the test is so much more available now. I hadn't heard of it when I was pregnant in 2013. I was reading all the NHS combined screening info last night getting in a bit of a state about it because I've no idea what I'd do if I did get a positive result. I'm also worrying and regretting the tiny amount of wine I drank over Xmas.

I'm coming across as a really anxious person. I sailed through my last pregnancy and didn't worry about a thing. Somehow since having a child I'm absolutely terrified by the lost of one. If that makes sense. It's going to be a long 9 months.

On a more positive note, I have a date for my scan, 1st Feb.

Really struggle to eat in the evenings now. Just lie on the sofa trying not to throw up.

Great news on your scans Rose and JillmcCoy. :)
Enjoy your takeaway Rose. Oh my, I wish my girl had a 2 hour nap in the day.

Hope everyone is looking forward to a lovely weekend.
Thanks elspeth! My little girl is sleeping a crazy amount at the moment - she has always done the two hour nap once she cut down to one nap a day but she is now also sleeping 7.30 to 9.00am or even 9.30 for the last two weeks. She used to just do 7.30 to 7.30 so I'm thrilled with this development but assume it must be a growth spurt x
Wow, I am seriously jealous Rose.
My daughter is three and she still wakes once every single night. She sleeps 8pm - 7am if I'm lucky. Plus she's always been a bad sleeper.
This is the main reason my DH has made me wait so long for another baby.
I would be over the moon to have a baby who actually likes sleeping, think it makes such a big difference.
Yep it definitely makes a big difference, she wasn't great until she was about 13 months, before that we had to cuddle her to sleep (sometimes for up to two hours) and she would wake multiple times and then my partner did a week of a sort of soft version of controlled crying to get her to sleep and she had been perfect ever since. Basically he would read her a story then sit with her til she got dozy and if she stood up in her cot in that time or when he went to leave then he would leave her for a few minutes to cry and then go back in and lay her back down. I think it took two nights for her to realise that if she just stayed laying down he wouldn't leave the room til she was asleep then after a week he could leave the room and she would just stay down and fall asleep. I was shocked!
My son is the total opposite, 10 months old and was breastfed until December when I got pregnant and my milk supply just went. So now he is on formula but is so used to drinking no more than about 5oz every 3 hours that he has tried to do the same with formula. I've managed to get him up to 7oz but he has that at 7.30pm, 9.30pm, 11.30pm, 3am and 6am and that's the improved version. At first he was doing 12.30 and 5am as well!! The only thing I can't complain about is his two hour nap!

On another subject I have terrible mummy guilt at the moment because my morning sickness is making me totally repulsed by the sleepy sweaty smell of my son (mixed in with formula which I can't stand the smell off). Weirdly my daughter is fine to my delicate nose! But I do remember I had the same thing happen with her when I was pregnant with him - it's just totally turns my stomach which makes me feel terrible - I'm supposed to love his cute sweaty baby smell! X
Hi again ladies, I had my scan yesterday and all is well so YEY! I can finally start to enjoy it :) they dated me a week behind so I'm 11+1 due on the 11th August. It was so surreal seeing the baby doing flips and cartwheels ect I loved every minute, I didn't want it to end! Now I just have to wait 29 weeks to find out what we are having hehe. Hope everyone is feeling okay xx


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My guess would be girl from your scan but I know from my own experience that a scan at 11 and 12 weeks makes a big difference and the gender can look different! I take it you are waiting for a surprise? I can't handle not knowing so am going to book a gender scan for 16 weeks.

I threw up for the first time this morning :( although not so secretly hoping this means it's a girl as its the same way I was with my daughter x
Thanks elspeth! My little girl is sleeping a crazy amount at the moment - she has always done the two hour nap once she cut down to one nap a day but she is now also sleeping 7.30 to 9.00am or even 9.30 for the last two weeks. She used to just do 7.30 to 7.30 so I'm thrilled with this development but assume it must be a growth spurt x
My wee one has always been a good sleeper. She is a solid 7.45 to 10.30am. She isn't up just now because my sister put her to bed late.... God knows when she will surface. It has been so handy with the fategue all the way through tri1.x

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We had a bit of a scare on Thursday, I woke in the night with bad cramps going to my back, rang nhs direct who said to go to A&E to be safe so we were at A&E at 6am!! The doctor said with no bleeding it was probably okay but booked us a scan to rule out ectopic pregnancy. Longest wait of my life but it was all good news, everything was fine and we got to see our baby! They said the pains could have been to do with the fact I'd not eaten much or that I'm a bit constipated.


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Oh wow bextex that's scary but a fantastic scan photo! We are almost the same size and mine was just a hazy blob. I'm blaming the fact I'm just carrying a lot of fat on my tummy from baby 1 and 2 :( x
10.30?! That's crazy! How old is she? X
She is 14 months. She has always been a very good sleeper. My nephew is the same, pair of them could sleep for Scotland.

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Joanna and BexTez,
wonderful scan pictures, so happy for both of you xx

Elspeth, I feel for you xx

JillMcCoy and Rose,
I am so jealous! xx

My boyo has always been such an early riser! 6am!
7am is a "lie in" nowadays!
8pm-6am and he wakes up SOooo full of beans: "get up mummy, c'mon get up!" He also wakes up usually once a night and needs me in his room to fall asleep again. 2yrs5m old! He does have a 1-2hr nap though so I am grateful for that xx
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Bex that will be why it's so good I expect then. Can't wait til my 12 week one now but it feels like ages away :(

Jill I'm Scotland too - Ayrshire. But I'm originally from London x
Bex that will be why it's so good I expect then. Can't wait til my 12 week one now but it feels like ages away :(

Jill I'm Scotland too - Ayrshire. But I'm originally from London x
I'm in the borders. We only just moved from Edinburgh back to my home town 6 months ago. So glad we did now!! Need the family support with 2 under 2 haha x

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So my mother in law did some hanging needle on a thread over my tummy today which apparently indicated a girl... lol. Don't believe in things like that myself but fun nonetheless!
Anyone got any new weird cravings? My bacon sandwich obsession seems to have subsided but I keep wanting things like ice lollys (which I never normally have unless it's summer) or crushed ice drinks like ice blasts. Literally as I wrote that it has come to me that I think I got obsessed with lemonade ice lollys when pregnant with my daughter. *rolls eyes* better add them to the shopping list! X

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