August 2017 babies!

Hey guys how is everyone I feel like I haven't had a chance to actually be on here life seems like a whirlwind at the moment as I've been offered a new job on promotion and they are wanting me to start the 30th January. So quick!

But today we have been for another scan which was our private reacann and I was so nervous. I don't why I was after seeing little bean wave and kick his legs away. It makes the really bad sickness I have been having worth it after seeing that he is alright. (We both think it's a boy) hope everyone has had a lovely weekend.

Oh and is anyone else struggling to fit into their jeans yet as my split because they were well worn on Friday night so I cried! So I have got some new ones but ended up trying a million in as loads were too tight etc due really bad bloating.


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Congrats on your new job and what a lovely scan picture! xx
I am starting to want looser softer clothing around my tummy, even the elastic waists of my leggings/jeggings are starting to annoy me a bit, becoming a bit "aware" of them kinda pressing my tummy xx

~So girls,
you won't believe this
I saw a midwife finally this afternoon - despite the cancellation last week, there was a cock up AGAIN, can you believe it?!? and waited for about 45mins, there was no-one to see me again! Not sure what happened, just another excuse that didn't make sense! Something about a children's centre, something about my midwife having her clinic hence she couldn't, excuse me am i not part of this?!! BS. I just went along with it as I JUST NEED to be seen, get in the system, I need a scan date for goodness sake I have a large thing inside me that's growing with my baby, I need some reassurance at least :( So got seen by a random midwife in the end simply because I explained my case (which was what the GP had done anyway in the first place 2 weeks ago) and they said "no, you are not leaving today without getting seen". Which I am grateful for. But who knows why such a mess for a simple booking in appointment wasting useful time! Twice!!!

Just did all the paperwork and had blood pressure and blood samples taken. Will wait for my scan date, said it might be a phonecall. I hope it is! Based on
my previous high risk pregnancy history of growth restriction due to placental blood flow issues (diagnosed privately too to save vital time and followed through by NHS monitoring me regularly)
also on the fact that my babyboy was in the end born with type IV ileal atresia that needed 5 hour surgery to save his life and a longwinded recovery in intensive care fed via TPN line through his heart for weeks before I could take him home (all of which I had to explain thoroughly as if it happened 152 years ago in a different universe, not 2 years ago right here)
and on the 6cm ovarian mass that I now also have,

I will be consultant led,
which is such a RELIEF thankfully and what I was hoping for yippeee! Phewww I feel already tired though, last time I had to go and have certain things done privately to get diagnosed as they were not being proactive, I hope it's different this time round xx

I hope you are all well girls, plz forgive me for the long post/rant
sending love to all of you xx
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I cannot believe they cocked up your appointment again! That is unbelievable! So glad you got seen though and you can get things rolling with checking out the growth etc. I'm honestly speechless that they could have messed you around again x
Congrats on your new job and what a lovely scan picture! xx
I am starting to want looser softer clothing around my tummy, even the elastic waists of my leggings/jeggings are starting to annoy me a bit, becoming a bit "aware" of them kinda pressing my tummy xx

~So girls,
you won't believe this
I saw a midwife finally this afternoon - despite the cancellation last week, there was a cock up AGAIN, can you believe it?!? and waited for about 45mins, there was no-one to see me again! Not sure what happened, just another excuse that didn't make sense! Something about a children's centre, something about my midwife having her clinic hence she couldn't, excuse me am i not part of this?!! BS. I just went along with it as I JUST NEED to be seen, get in the system, I need a scan date for goodness sake I have a large thing inside me that's growing with my baby, I need some reassurance at least :( So got seen by a random midwife in the end simply because I explained my case (which was what the GP had done anyway in the first place 2 weeks ago) and they said "no, you are not leaving today without getting seen". Which I am grateful for. But who knows why such a mess for a simple booking in appointment wasting useful time! Twice!!!

Just did all the paperwork and had blood pressure and blood samples taken. Will wait for my scan date, said it might be a phonecall. I hope it is! Based on
my previous high risk pregnancy history of growth restriction due to placental blood flow issues (diagnosed privately too to save vital time and followed through by NHS monitoring me regularly)
also on the fact that my babyboy was in the end born with type IV ileal atresia that needed 5 hour surgery to save his life and a longwinded recovery in intensive care fed via TPN line through his heart for weeks before I could take him home (all of which I had to explain thoroughly as if it happened 152 years ago in a different universe, not 2 years ago right here)
and on the 6cm ovarian mass that I now also have,

I will be consultant led,
which is such a RELIEF thankfully and what I was hoping for yippeee! Phewww I feel already tired though, last time I had to go and have certain things done privately to get diagnosed as they were not being proactive, I hope it's different this time round xx

I hope you are all well girls, plz forgive me for the long post/rant
sending love to all of you xx

What an absolute nightmare! At least you're finally getting there though! Best of luck with the growth, I hope it's all fine x
Hi all, I hope you're all doing okay! Feels like I've been away for a few days.

Passed my driving test this morning woohoo! Such a relief and a load off, spent most of this afternoon driving around with my OH! Glad to have it sorted before baby :)

Off to Cardiff tomorrow for our anniversary, and then scan on Friday. Looks like it is going to be a great week! I'm feeling a lot better too, I'm knackered today but I can tell that's just because I've been really busy and not because of baby for once!
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HFR It's really good to hear that you're finally being treated properly and have had your booking appt. Finger's crossed that your scan date is through ASAP! Keep us posted :-)

Rose my craving was marmite and twiglets but it's subsided now. Quite liking salty crisps now but trying not to eat too much of those! Persuading myself to eat fruit instead lol. My evening nausea is horrible if I don't eat a piece of toast/crumpet/potato cake. Not great really but all I can stomach last thing before bed!

Rach congrats on the job offer! Are you taking it? How far are you now? Your scan pic looks great! I'm 8w 4d and get bloated. Choosing not to wear jeans for that reason. I got a pair of leggings from m&s that have a really cosy and stretchy waistband (non maternity).

MissCharli well done on passing your driving test!
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Hello ladies, hope you're all feeling ok! I feel like I've not posted for ages, it's been a busy week or so but I'm here now, such a lot to catch up on :)

Rach, the scan photo is fab and congrats on the new job!

I'm so glad you got seen Hopingforarainbow, fingers crossed you don't have long to wait for a scan :)

Rose83, I'm craving ice lollies and cold drinks too, I've just eaten my last one though, may have to go shopping tomorrow haha!

Misscharli, I'm on the countdown to Friday too, can't believe the scan is only 3 sleeps away! I keep going from being really excited to being terrified there will be nothing there, it's weird! Congrats on the driving test :)

Take care all x
Thanks girls and yeah I accepted the job because it's still within the government so it's still classed as the same job so I get my full time maternity pay. I do feel rubbish thinking that they are going to be having to look for someone else the time I'm off but I had to weigh up that I will still be there more than 6 months nearly and really I don't have to tell them until ages in. And also I know this probably sounds bad but I keep expecting the worst to happen like last time he just doesn't seem real yet.

I'm 10weeks and 3 days today that was a private scan but my dating scan is the 7th Feb so 2 weeks tomorrow.

Can't wait to see your scans misscharli and mummytobe ��
~ Thank you so much girls xx

~ Well done on passing your driving test MissCharli! I remember the joy when I passed mine, I had passed lots of tests and qualifications/exams in my life but with this one I was ecstatic and felt such freedom and independence that I could finally drive on my own, I thought I could "fly"! :) xx

~ So exciting you're having your scans on Friday MissCharli and Mummytobe0817! xx

I am seeing an obstetrician privately on Friday, so hopefully will see baby too. Need to hear that heartbeat again, I am so nervous about it still being there and was disappointed that the midwife didn't use the Doppler on me today, at 11+5. It would have given me so much reassurance!
As this has been stressing me a lot, thought I'd have this ovarian growth looked at privately this Fri. whilst I'm waiting for a date for my NHS dating scan/screening tests, hopefully soon xx
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Aww try not to stress about the Doppler - it's policy where I live that they won't even try to use a Doppler before 20 weeks in case they can't find it and freak you out x
I've just realised this morning that some of us will be starting to move into tri 2 really soon! �� Fingers crossed for you H4R
Rach that is true, seems like ages getting here, how exciting! I'm 12 weeks on Friday and so excited to tell people this weekend all being well, it's been such a difficult secret to keep!
Got a phonecall in the morning by the hospital and was given a date for my dating/NT scan girls! Wednesday 1st of Feb. Then got another phonecall this afternoon, they changed the time to a few hours later and asked me to ignore the letter I'll receive as that has the wrong time on it...Erm...They'd better stick to what they just told me down the phone! Ohh well I'm happy I've got a date :) Although I'll be 13weeks then which makes me a bit nervous re. getting the screening results back soon etc. But 'til then...I got to see the baba first and hear his little heart, hopefully on Friday! So nervous, I hope all is OK in there :pray:

I hope everyone is doing well, sending hugs to all of you xx
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Got a phonecall in the morning by the hospital and was given a date for my dating/NT scan girls! Wednesday 1st of Feb. Then got another phonecall this afternoon, they changed the time to a few hours later and asked me to ignore the letter I'll receive as that has the wrong time on it...Erm...They'd better stick to what they just told me down the phone! Ohh well I'm happy I've got a date :) Although I'll be 13weeks then which makes me a bit nervous re. getting the screening results back soon etc. But 'til then...I got to see the baba first and hear his little heart, hopefully on Friday! So nervous, I hope all is OK in there :pray:

I hope everyone is doing well, sending hugs to all of you xx

Gosh, you really are not having much luck with appointments ! I think I'd turn up to the earlier of the two times, just to be sure - even if you have to go find a café for an hour if you're too early ! I wouldn't trust anyone after the amount you've been messed around ! :-D
Congratulations MissCharlie on the driving test - nice one! Freedom.

I had a wave (heading towards worrying but am trying to stop it) that I didn't feel pregnant today.
Still have the morning sickness but when I read that someone on another forum had found out at the 12 week scan that their baby had stopped growing at 9 weeks, but no symptoms had eased until they found out at the scan (and kept going for 2 weeks after).
Sorry, not meaning to worry anyone - I've just been unable to get it off my mind today :-(
I still have a few weeks before the scan date - urgh!, if only I could switch my mind off, even for just a night.
Oh spuds that's an awful story to have read but try not to worry, I'm fairly sure that is pretty uncommon.

I booked my gender scan today just so I have a date to look forward to! So I have my NHS 12 week scan on Feb 23rd when I'll be 13+4 (grrrr) and then my private gender scan on March 15th so not even 3 weeks after which is exciting (I'll be 16 +3). The place I go to is only £37 to find out gender which I will happily pay as they take all the time they need to find out and usually show you a sneaky 3D peak too although that usually just looks like a little alien! X
Oh spuds that's an awful story to have read but try not to worry, I'm fairly sure that is pretty uncommon.

I booked my gender scan today just so I have a date to look forward to! So I have my NHS 12 week scan on Feb 23rd when I'll be 13+4 (grrrr) and then my private gender scan on March 15th so not even 3 weeks after which is exciting (I'll be 16 +3). The place I go to is only £37 to find out gender which I will happily pay as they take all the time they need to find out and usually show you a sneaky 3D peak too although that usually just looks like a little alien! X

Thanks Rose.x My scan will be 13wks1day when I have it. Seems to becthe NHS norm! :-/
Not usually where I am spuds (Scotland) I've previously been seen at 11 weeks with both of mine then called back the next week when I wasn't far enough along. Never had to wait this long :( x
Not usually where I am spuds (Scotland) I've previously been seen at 11 weeks with both of mine then called back the next week when I wasn't far enough along. Never had to wait this long :( x
Yeah I had mine last week 11+6 and they want me back tomorrow. Partyl due to a wre wriggle not staying still and for a more accurate measurement for the downs test. I am booking my gender scan tomorrow too. X

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Hayyy everyone!
So I can see a few of you are booking gender scans!
I don't know what to do maybe just see how much they cost in our area I keep thinking only have to wait till 20weeks!
And it keeps the excitement going!!
Can't wait to find out though!!!!

Hope everyone's symptoms are calmer now..
I've been great other than the odd head ache/ migraine that paracetamol don't have any effect on :(
Anyone know of anything to help with these?

Oh I also had UTI but just finished antibiotics and I never knew I had it it was from midwife sample so good they take the wee samples all the time to check...
I've been drinking loads and loads of cranberry juice!

Next scan 13th of Feb I chose not to have the downs test as I was going to continue with pregnancy regardless to the out come and I wouldn't have wanted the more invasive tests if the chance was high.

Few weeks Into 2nd trimester a lot of us will know the sex of our babies!
I think anyone not finding out it will be hard not knowing but amazing surprise at the end!!

This may sound awful but anyone finding a sharp sudden rise in sex drive?!

Ahhhh spuds don't worry yourself with sad stories- I can honestly say I have hardly any symptoms at all
And I'm just going to enjoy it and focus on the positives..
I'm pretty sure we will all have our difficult moments and unexpected things happen but stay positive and youl send good vibes to your little growing baba :)

Miss Charli congratulations you've done that at the best time over and done with and when babies born you can get about
And to meet other mums etc fantastic news- drive safe xx

H4R I think you've made best decision they seem a bit all over the place I do hope they sort it out and be better for you as it's not good when they are making it more stressful not what you need!!

Is there another hospital close by in case they don't improve?
They should be reassuring and kind to you, I hope good news will come though your scans as it's making me feel quite annoyed for you!!

And to JillMcCoy I'm having Indian tonight hahaha
And how did your re- scan go?


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