August 2017 babies!

Fish and chips!
Ok so they are ok with curry sauce but....
Nowhere near as good as Indian lol

glad you made up with your sister sounds like pregnancy hormones!
I haven't got any family near me which sounds awful but I like that, it's peaceful and I visit fairly often, but my
Mum seems to think il want to be closer when we have children (I know she'd like us too! OH mum would love him too!)

But I love the little bubble we live in we have our life and they have theirs it's nicer when we do see each other none of
The same conversations all new and it's exciting to see them..

We will see how we feel :)
Great youl have sisters help! :)

Did you get scan date? How did booking app. Go?

Im on antibiotics for a UTI :(
When I picked these up I asked about flu jab I'm having it on Thursday...

Rose that's a big baby weight!
I do love a chubby baba :)
But bit scary when baby needs to come out, good luck hope not tooo big for you..

Let us know how you get on with the doppler mischarli fingers crossed it works for you, ideally it be nice for
all mums to monitor the heartbeat effectively but sounds like a lot to do with position of baby as to how clear
It will be
Best of luck xx
I ended up having Indian last night, was amazing!!

Yeah it is handy having my sister close and yeah the hormones effected both of us haha! My dad is quite close to us but we don't see him very often, my mum is over 2 hours away but visits as often as she can. Apart from that we are in a bubble too. I like it! My inlaws are an hour away which to me, is still to close!!

I have my scan this Thursday so can't wait to make sure all is OK!!! Been so nervous this week xx

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Awww Prrrfect, how sweet xx We felt the same 3 years ago when falling pregnant with our baby boy...Let me try and put it in a sentence for you, if that's even possible. If you are as happy together now as you sound to me, you will fall in love with the baby and with each other 1000 times more than you already are, in ways that you didn't know existed. You will adore your partner seeing him being an amazing dad and he will adore you and worship you for growing and giving birth to this little mini you and for being a caring, phenomenal mummy. You will see the world again through the baby's eyes, together, reliving your childhoods. You will never be able to imagine or even remember what your lives were like without him/her. Lol, ok that was four sentences instead of one :roll: but can you tell I can just carry on forever :cloud9: xx

Wow, beautiful words Hoping4rainbow.
Although I'd say having our daughter has brought us closer and is the greatest joy in our lives, then there's no denying that parenting in hard hard work and completely changes relationships. I can't really remember the time before she was born now but I was blissfully ignorant about how our lives would change ( which is completely, beyond all recognition!!). I think if you are both wanting a baby and keep communicating about how you're feeling and what you need then things will be just fine.
Personally I'm glad to have quite a big age gap as I really feel my relationship with oh deserved a bit of attention over the past year or so. Plus knowing how hard those first months are I needed him completely on board and wanting this too.

I've been feeling more poorly. Threw up for the first time yesterday, which seems very odd at 10+ weeks??

Congratulations on your scan Tashap. You must feel so happy and excited.
Elspeth, with my daughter I got nausea until 10 weeks then from 11 weeks to 16/17 weeks I threw up once a day every day so don't worry too much if you suddenly start now x
I don't think the morning sickness has actually left properly since it started and when I thought I was getting a handle on it, it moves itself to a whole new level. I felt like I was swaying today at one point - I don't think I was actually moving, but it felt like it. I vomited for the first time today at just over 9 weeks; I am hoping it is an isolated case as hiding vomiting will be hard at my workplace. I have just about got away with the nausea so far, or at least I hope so !!
Wow, beautiful words Hoping4rainbow.
Although I'd say having our daughter has brought us closer and is the greatest joy in our lives, then there's no denying that parenting in hard hard work and completely changes relationships. I can't really remember the time before she was born now but I was blissfully ignorant about how our lives would change ( which is completely, beyond all recognition!!). I think if you are both wanting a baby and keep communicating about how you're feeling and what you need then things will be just fine.
Personally I'm glad to have quite a big age gap as I really feel my relationship with oh deserved a bit of attention over the past year or so. Plus knowing how hard those first months are I needed him completely on board and wanting this too.

I've been feeling more poorly. Threw up for the first time yesterday, which seems very odd at 10+ weeks??

Congratulations on your scan Tashap. You must feel so happy and excited.

I completely agree Elspeth. A strong relationship, communication and both wanting a baby for the right reasons are so so vital xx

Your little girly is now 3? My boy will turn 3 just before my EDD. I love the idea of them being the older bro or sis in your case! Hoping he'll be excited over mummy's tummy when it puffs up. Have you told her there's a baby in mummy's tummy yet?? xx

My nausea is persisting and feeling even more intense now, constantly. It doesn't matter if or what I eat or drink or not, my stomach is constantly turning and I feel like I'm about to throw up. Actually threw up once and felt relief only for a tiny bit. I am seriously struggling to function these days, zero energy too :(

I have my booking in app'nt tomorrow afternoon. I hope the midwife is understanding and happy to book my scan very soon as I'm 11w tomorrow eeek! And I need to know more about this ovary growth! xx

Sending love to everyone xx
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Good luck today Hoping4rainbow. I hope the midwife can get the ball rolling with the MRI scan and sort your booking scan very quickly.

I am so excited about telling my daughter. I'm sure she's going be happy to be a big sister. I can't wait to start getting her involved. We will wait until the 12 week scan though before we do. How about you, have you told your son yet?

It's horrible this sickness isn't it. I can't face eating anything now. It's a case of forcing a tiny amount of something down and hoping it doesn't come back up again. :(

Roll on the first trimester... Wishing everyone a good day.
Good luck with midwife today hoping4rainbow. Hope they get everything sorted quickly for you. And that your sickness eases up and goes soon. So close to tri 2 now x

Elspeth - how will you tell you daughter? I bet she will be super excited and tell everyone so waitings probably a good idea x

Can't read back further on my phone so just sending a hope your all well and not struggling to much . Everyone keeps saying it gets easier in a month to two xxx

I am gutted. Appointment was at 5 and was ready to leave the house literally, putting my shoes on. Knock on my door, it's a midwife handing me a note saying: "unfortunately we have to change your appointment to 23rd January at 1400 hrs, sorry for the inconvenience." :(

She said she couldn't get through to me via phone, it was ringing but no answer (don't understand why, I check my phone ALL the time and there is no record of any missed calls! only thing I can think of is that the GP pass it on wrong), so I really appreciate her coming to my door to deliver the note but I am so disappointed :( She said that she'd already finished her clinic! The letter I got is signed by the community midwife so I guess she messed up and booked wrong time for her?? Dunno, so gutted. I'll be almost 12w on the 23rd and it's not like they'd book my scan sooner to compensate for this :(

I am getting really stressed now about that ovary growth, wondering how much more it's grown, it was already 6cm at my 7w scan and I want to know that it's not something malignant :( and that baby is still there healthy :( I'll book privately, was just hoping that at least I could have the NT scan with the NHS :( This will end up very expensive especially if I need diagnostic tests afterwards too like CVS or similar, like with my previous pregnancy :( But I guess it's about my baby's life so I shouldn't care. I feel guilty now for having said this too :( xx
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Oh no Hoping4Rainbow that's terrible! You absolutely shouldn't have been rebooked. I think you should call them first thing tomorrow and explain your situation because the rules are that you are scanned between 12 and 13 weeks so by not doing your appt til the 23rd they could miss that window. I'm being scanned tomorrow to check I'm not further along because my health service are so adamant about not missing that window. With all your other problems you should have been a priority. You should not be having to pay privately because of them. I would ring Them tomorrow and explain everything again and tell them that unless they book you in for a scan next week you are going to have to have a private one and that that isn't fair at all x
I am gutted. Appointment was at 5 and was ready to leave the house literally, putting my shoes on. Knock on my door, it's a midwife handing me a note saying: "unfortunately we have to change your appointment to 23rd January at 1400 hrs, sorry for the inconvenience." :(

She said she couldn't get through to me via phone, it was ringing but no answer (don't understand why, I check my phone ALL the time and there is no record of any missed calls! only thing I can think of is that the GP pass it on wrong), so I really appreciate her coming to my door to deliver the note but I am so disappointed :( She said that she'd already finished her clinic! The letter I got is signed by the community midwife so I guess she messed up and booked wrong time for her?? Dunno, so gutted. I'll be almost 12w on the 23rd and it's not like they'd book my scan sooner to compensate for this :(

I am getting really stressed now about that ovary growth, wondering how much more it's grown, it was already 6cm at my 7w scan and I want to know that it's not something malignant :( and that baby is still there healthy :( I'll book privately, was just hoping that at least I could have the NT scan with the NHS :( This will end up very expensive especially if I need diagnostic tests afterwards too like CVS or similar, like with my previous pregnancy :( But I guess it's about my baby's life so I shouldn't care. I feel guilty now for having said this too :( xx

Please don't feel guilty and don't feel bad for being stressed about this. It sounds like a series of events that was completely out of your control. Personally, I would call the midwife / GP tomorrow and try to find out more about what happened (and get it corrected for next time if nothing else)...but, I would ask for a scan - say that a wait that long with the ovary growth is not acceptable and that you are wondering whether a pre-scan can be done at the Early pregnancy unit whilst you wait for your documents to be completed. It is worth a try.xx
I am gutted. Appointment was at 5 and was ready to leave the house literally, putting my shoes on. Knock on my door, it's a midwife handing me a note saying: "unfortunately we have to change your appointment to 23rd January at 1400 hrs, sorry for the inconvenience." :(

She said she couldn't get through to me via phone, it was ringing but no answer (don't understand why, I check my phone ALL the time and there is no record of any missed calls! only thing I can think of is that the GP pass it on wrong), so I really appreciate her coming to my door to deliver the note but I am so disappointed :( She said that she'd already finished her clinic! The letter I got is signed by the community midwife so I guess she messed up and booked wrong time for her?? Dunno, so gutted. I'll be almost 12w on the 23rd and it's not like they'd book my scan sooner to compensate for this :(

I am getting really stressed now about that ovary growth, wondering how much more it's grown, it was already 6cm at my 7w scan and I want to know that it's not something malignant :( and that baby is still there healthy :( I'll book privately, was just hoping that at least I could have the NT scan with the NHS :( This will end up very expensive especially if I need diagnostic tests afterwards too like CVS or similar, like with my previous pregnancy :( But I guess it's about my baby's life so I shouldn't care. I feel guilty now for having said this too :( xx

Oh no I'm gutted for you hoping4rainbow hopefully they can get an appointment in for you even if you have to wait till the 23rd they should be able to get an NTC Scan done in time because that has to be done between 12 + weeks and 14 weeks so fingers crossed
Hi ladies, I'm Jo I think due 2nd August but have my dating scan TOMORROW!! I absolutely cannot wait it's been such a long wait, I've know I'm pregnant for nearly 8 weeks now so there has been lots of anxious thoughts but I'm being positive for tomorrow as there is no reason I shouldn't be congratulations all you mummies to be! This is my first baby so I'm very new to all this xxx
Hoping4rainbow, I'm so so sorry your appointment was cancelled. This would be totally rubbish anyway but especially with all the things that are going on for you. Like others have said, call the midwives and make sure they are aware of the issues that are going on. I really hope they can step up and sort things.

I'm not sure if this if this is helpful, but you are clearly concerned about NT screening and you said you had CVS privately last time. If you were considering going private then you could consider getting this newish non invasive test for trisomies. It's a blood test so no risk to baby. Costs between 300 and 500 pounds depending on where you are. I would definitely get this if combined screening comes up as high risk for me. I can understand you would want to assess the risk with the NT scan first but if you do find yourself in the situation where you think you will be forced to pay for this scan then why not go straight for a definitive answer.

I really hope things get sorted for you today. Xxx
Congratulations and welcome Joanna! How exciting that your dating scan is tomorrow!

Hope everyone is doing well. Hoping4rainbow I really hope you can get seen soon as this is really unfair on you. Let us know how you get on.

How's everyone's symptoms? How are you all finding it at work?

3 weeks until half term then my dating scan is that week. Going mad with people not knowing!! Xx
Welcome jo!

I've got my scan today - pretty excited but nervous now too.
So glad I don't work anymore mrsduckie but my two children exhaust me instead! I'm nauseous most of the day and after my evening meal I get the most horrendous gas, my stomach literally inflates so I look about 6 months pregnant (I'm not exaggerating!) x
Thank you so much for your support and advice my lovelies xx
I have booked a private consultation next week, Friday, in London re. my ovary growth.
I will chase my NHS booking in appointment and scan date in the meantime though, like you've all advised. Hoping that at least I will be given a scan date soon enough to compensate for the unnecessary cancellation delay.

~ Elspeth,
thank you for reminding me of the non invasive blood test option for trisomies, I remember I was given it as an option 3 years ago but back then I think the results would take quite a while to come back (I think the samples would be sent all the way to the United States for analysis at the time, but I was so stressed that I opted for CVS in order to find out ASAP. I think this method must now be more developed here and hopefully I can go for it if needed, I'd definitely prefer it! I had to stay in bed for a few days after the CVS procedure as there is a tiny risk of miscarriage with these invasive tests, I was terrified and felt so vulnerable) xx

~ Rose83,
Good luck xx Thinking of you and looking forward to your update eeek! xx
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All fine at the scan ladies, they measured me as 8+4 so a couple of days ahead of what I thought but not madly out. So I'm a little bit disappointed that they then booked my 12 week scan for 23rd Feb when I will be 13+4. Don't really like that it's at the later end of the period they need to scan you and that I now need to wait AGES for that one. The scan itself is below, as you can see the baby is just the blob at the bottom that the arrow points to, the White bit towards top is the yolk sak. All healthy though and nice little heart beat seen :) x


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Awww really happy for you and your little raspberry Rose83! :hug:
I understand your disappointment re. the later scan date, arghhhh I hope time flies for us! xx
Hi all, well I had my scan.... Baby was moving too much so I have to go back next week to get a better Look and a more accurate date. Here is the pic for the time being.

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Ohhh my goodness I see a proper baba!!! Thrilled for you JillMcCoy, wow you must be almost 12w? Awww they were naughty, but this way we'll get to see them next week too! ;-) xx

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