August 2017 babies!

I know how you feel 9+3 and next scan booked for 13weeks!

I'm so impatient, I want a proper bump! And can't wait to know boy or girl!!!

Anyone doing any fun ideas for announcements??

Feel sorry for those feeling sickly, I've been feeling good for a while now long may it continue!

I think it's the strangest, scary and nicest thought, thinking of the baby being in our lives!
It's sure going to change everything!! Xxxx
I bought my wee one a T-shirt that says I've been promoted to big sister. I'm just going to post it in fb. Last time I go DH a T-shirt that said this guy is going to be a daddy.

Both me and DH turn 30 in the space of 3 weeks of each other. I had a look and I might book an early gender scan the week before our party so we can hopefully announce the sex then.

I look 9 months pregnant today because of pasta bake haha! I dug out my maternity clothes and ran them through the machine in preparation for my normal clothes being too tight. Xx

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Oh don't worry I'm so bloated it's like I'm 9months!!
Pizza last night Indian tonight!!!
I'm hungry lots all of a sudden since the sick feeling went away!

Ohhh congratulations to you both on the big birthdays I was 30 in June and my hubby just turned 31 in November so we are similar aged couple to yourselves..

I'm racking my brain for something fun for gender reveal so il let you know when it comes to me,
Maybe a cake and if it's a girl pink butter cream inside or blue for boy so you find out when it's cut open?
Oh that's a lovely idea!! One of my friends announced their pregnancy with a cake with the scan photo on it. Was super cute and everyone was surprised! Have you had a look on Pinterest?

Oh my god I so want Indian tonight now!! Might have to send hubby to get it haha xx

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Yes and after the surprise there is cake and tea!!
I like this idea!

Did you have Indian after?
I love Indian!!!
Tonight will be something very basic I fear fish fingers, chips and peas!!
Oh well :)

Welcome back angel!!
Glad to hear alls ok with you good luck for your scan :)

Hoping for a rainbow sending lots of good wishes your way and hoping little blueberry is happy and healthy xx

Doppler is tempting but like you said miss Charli some people don't like them why is this can they create unnecessary worry?

Feeling so protective over my growing baby and find myself in situations where I have to tell people when I wasn't going too,
Like today a customer said do you mind if I smoke with door open and I said I wouldn't mind tooooo much if I wasn't pregnant:-/ lol

Also hubby is already asking me how our lives are going to change, he said he's loved it just us too!
Bless him so sweet- I said it will be the same just we will have a little mini us to play with and look after haha!!!

All the emotions and realisations of 1st babies is something you don't think about intill it happens!!!

What a journey we are all on :)
Yeah basically my mum said that even for midwives they aren't always 100% and that's using expensive ones. She just said she wouldn't want me to panic just because the baby had moved around a bit, but if I did want to get one she'd teach me how to use it.
Awww Prrrfect, how sweet xx We felt the same 3 years ago when falling pregnant with our baby boy...Let me try and put it in a sentence for you, if that's even possible. If you are as happy together now as you sound to me, you will fall in love with the baby and with each other 1000 times more than you already are, in ways that you didn't know existed. You will adore your partner seeing him being an amazing dad and he will adore you and worship you for growing and giving birth to this little mini you and for being a caring, phenomenal mummy. You will see the world again through the baby's eyes, together, reliving your childhoods. You will never be able to imagine or even remember what your lives were like without him/her. Lol, ok that was four sentences instead of one :roll: but can you tell I can just carry on forever :cloud9: xx
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Congratulations and welcome to the new ladies!

What a lovely post hoping4rainbows. This is our first baby and that's exactly how I hope we feel! I'm sure we all will :-)

How's everyone feeling? My hunger sickness has stuck so far this week. I'm carrying snacks on me continuously and eating 2 small dinners now! Get quite bloated in the evenings too.. I swear I looked about 5 months the other day lol.

My booking appointment still isn't through; was told they'd phone so will be chasing that next week. But my dating scan came through for the 17th February. Exciting! We'll be booking a private 10 week too as in my husband's words "it'd be nice to see the little blighter" haha.
Hoping4rainbow has summed that up really well - exactly how we get after our first.

I have a Doppler but I really wouldn't recommend them so early. Midwives here won't even listen in til after 20 weeks in case they freak you out by not finding it. Basically if you watch some YouTube videos you will see people show how difficult it is to even find the right thing until much later on - you find your own heart beat, the placenta, one of your arteries etc. I did manage it with both my babies but it's not easy at all and could really worry you if you are the anxious type x
I think I will buy one on payday and I'll be 13 weeks almost. But I'm quite level headed and if I can't find it I'll just assume I'm being crap haha.
Yes and after the surprise there is cake and tea!!
I like this idea!

Did you have Indian after?
I love Indian!!!
Tonight will be something very basic I fear fish fingers, chips and peas!!
Oh well :)

Welcome back angel!!
Glad to hear alls ok with you good luck for your scan :)

Hoping for a rainbow sending lots of good wishes your way and hoping little blueberry is happy and healthy xx

Doppler is tempting but like you said miss Charli some people don't like them why is this can they create unnecessary worry?

Feeling so protective over my growing baby and find myself in situations where I have to tell people when I wasn't going too,
Like today a customer said do you mind if I smoke with door open and I said I wouldn't mind tooooo much if I wasn't pregnant:-/ lol

Also hubby is already asking me how our lives are going to change, he said he's loved it just us too!
Bless him so sweet- I said it will be the same just we will have a little mini us to play with and look after haha!!!

All the emotions and realisations of 1st babies is something you don't think about intill it happens!!!

What a journey we are all on :)
We ended up having fish and chips haha.

Yes I like the idea of cake too!! We planned on a gender reveal party with Athena but my sister and I weren't talking at the time ( she was pregnant too and we clashed and fell out.... Didn't last she is moving next door to me haha) so I decided not to do it. Again, very cake orientated haha!!

First babies are so much fun/ tiring haha! With Athena, DH and I did shifts while he was on paternity which was 5 weeks luckily!! He did night shift and I did day shift from 7-1 and then he got up. It does sound stupid doing a relay but my god did I feel fabulous for sleeping every night! The amount of times I was told I didn't have the tiredness of a new mum... Because I got to sleep.

We talked about doing it again but I pointed out I was so getting stuck with the difficult shift of an almost 2 year old and newborn!

I never got a dopler thing, my sister did but her placenta was at the front so she couldn't hear the heartbeat, safe to say they freaked out!

How is everyone feeling? I was Sicky this morning but I feel I have more energy now. I have insomnia which is sucking but luckily Athena is having a growth spurt and sleeping in late each morning.

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Welcome all new August mamas to be! :wave:

Hey girls, got a letter from the midwife finally today, instead of the phonecall I was told to expect, and my booking appointment is next Wednesday the 18th - can't come quick enough!! I can't wait to get my scan date, I hope NHS can offer it to me soon enough so I can then go to the private consultant with the results, and go from there. Get his consultation on my ovary growth, take any more tests needed etc. With my baby boy, I underwent a CVS diagnostic as the NT scan and combined bloods gave me a high risk for down's. I decided on a private CVS as NHS only offered me amniocentesis which could only be done much later in pregnancy.

Oh gosh I just hope the little blueberry is hanging in there, I am so nervous, all I want is that this growth doesn't affect it and this baby is born healthy. Then I can face anything :pray:

Sending love and super sticky babydust to all of you lovelies xx

Roll on the 18th !! :-D
Oh my god Jillmccoy seriously take the day shift/night shift thing again if it's on offer! I had a newborn and a 15 month old and looking after them wasn't difficult but getting no sleep is! I breastfed and my youngest fed every 1.5 to 2 hours so I felt like an absolute zombie - I still do most of the time - so looking after them both was very very tiring. My partner only really had a week off so I was thrown into it big time thought!

Got my booking appointment tomorrow afternoon and so glad I do so I should get a scan date through and have a date to look forward to!

I've been stripping wallpaper in what will be my daughter's (my two year old) room. We bought a big house a year ago and have just been working slowly room by room on doing it up (every room needed doing). So far we have done our bedroom and the nursery, so my daughter sleeps in the nursery and my son is still in our bedroom. Will be so nice to get it done so I get a few months of no children in our bedroom before the next one appears! X
Morning ladies, just wanted to update you. I had my scan this morning with the IVF clinic, everything is perfect and we have one on board - was amazing to see the heartbeat and we are measuring 8w2days as expected x

Hope everyone is doing well xx


Aww what a lovely scan Tash! So happy for you :cloud9: How utterly amazing is it seeing the heartbeat? How was it for your partner?

Just a quick update from me, as in Manchester viewing houses today/tomorrow - got my apps through as I said before so dating scan is 7th February - EDD 19th August atm. :dance:

Feeling a bit better on the nausea front this week, in week 10 now - baby is the size of a grape - just love the fruit comparisons! :) Hope you are all well xx
Had my booking appointment this afternoon which all went well. But excitingly I'm getting a scan on Thursday! I'm sure I'm around the 8 week mark but because technically my last period was back at the end of October they need to scan me now in case I'm further along. I was doing ovulation tests to avoid pregnancy and was on CD40 of negatives when we DTD and then got a positive two days later so I'm quite sure I'm right and the agree with me but its policy to basically go off your period just in case. Not going to complain about getting an extra scan! Also they said because my little boy was 10lbs 1oz they'll likely give me more scans towards the end to check I'm not going to birth a monster! X
Haha Rose83, by "monster" you mean a rather supercute supersquishy yummy baba ;-)
That is so great that you're having a scan so soon, excited for you!!! xx
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Awww Prrrfect, how sweet xx We felt the same 3 years ago when falling pregnant with our baby boy...Let me try and put it in a sentence for you, if that's even possible. If you are as happy together now as you sound to me, you will fall in love with the baby and with each other 1000 times more than you already are, in ways that you didn't know existed. You will adore your partner seeing him being an amazing dad and he will adore you and worship you for growing and giving birth to this little mini you and for being a caring, phenomenal mummy. You will see the world again through the baby's eyes, together, reliving your childhoods. You will never be able to imagine or even remember what your lives were like without him/her. Lol, ok that was four sentences instead of one :roll: but can you tell I can just carry on forever :cloud9: xx

Beautifully said I shall tell my other half this as I can feel how we are going to feel now and I couldn't quite do that before- or explain it to him xx

Wow I'm on a total high about it all now - it's like a motivational speech!

Can't wait for baby now!! Xxx
Beautiful scan Tashap !!
Bet that's helped a lot after your scares, it's lovely to bring the scan pic home too :)

My best friend in school was Tasha p !! Haha!
Fish and chips!
Ok so they are ok with curry sauce but....
Nowhere near as good as Indian lol

glad you made up with your sister sounds like pregnancy hormones!
I haven't got any family near me which sounds awful but I like that, it's peaceful and I visit fairly often, but my
Mum seems to think il want to be closer when we have children (I know she'd like us too! OH mum would love him too!)

But I love the little bubble we live in we have our life and they have theirs it's nicer when we do see each other none of
The same conversations all new and it's exciting to see them..

We will see how we feel :)
Great youl have sisters help! :)

Did you get scan date? How did booking app. Go?

Im on antibiotics for a UTI :(
When I picked these up I asked about flu jab I'm having it on Thursday...

Rose that's a big baby weight!
I do love a chubby baba :)
But bit scary when baby needs to come out, good luck hope not tooo big for you..

Let us know how you get on with the doppler mischarli fingers crossed it works for you, ideally it be nice for
all mums to monitor the heartbeat effectively but sounds like a lot to do with position of baby as to how clear
It will be
Best of luck xx
Haha yep he was a big chunk - tall rather than that chunky I suppose. My little girl was 8lb 8oz so I was expecting bigger but didn't think I'd break the 10lb barrier. Would really like this one to be no bigger! X

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