August 2017 babies!

Ah I feel like that too Rose! Another girl at work is 24weeks and has the cutest little bump and I wish I could just tell everyone now!

Are you having many symptoms at the moment?

Other than being absolutely knackered and peeing lots, no not really. I haven't had any sickness or nausea (thank goodness!). My boobs aren't really sore most of the time, just if I lie wrong or squash them.
I know how you feel 9+3 and next scan booked for 13weeks!

I'm so impatient, I want a proper bump! And can't wait to know boy or girl!!!

Anyone doing any fun ideas for announcements??

Feel sorry for those feeling sickly, I've been feeling good for a while now long may it continue!

I think it's the strangest, scary and nicest thought, thinking of the baby being in our lives!
It's sure going to change everything!! Xxxx
Hi my lovelies, this constant sickness is getting me so down :(
Been to the GP with the report from the Greek consultant about the growth in my ovary and he called the midwives asking how I can be referred as quickly as possible due to my (his words :() abnormal scan, and when he finished the phonecall he told me that I will get a phonecall. I left feeling grateful. But that was Tuesday morning. Still no phonecall :( I am thinking of going private now, although I wanted to at least get my NHS scan appointment first, hoping it could be arranged by my 12th week and then I could pursue the rest (eg extra consultation regarding the growth) privately WITH my NHS results already at hand. Rather than having the NT scan done privately too if you know what I mean. 10+1 today (or 10+3 according to early scan) and feeling so so sick and sore in my tummy and back :(

No phonecall by the midwives yet and the wait is killing me :(
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Ahhh that's not fair to keep you worrying like that, have you tried phoning them?
Not sure how I'd go about that :roll:? you see the practice in my area is to get referred to the midwives/consultant through the GP xx
I know how you feel 9+3 and next scan booked for 13weeks!

I'm so impatient, I want a proper bump! And can't wait to know boy or girl!!!

Anyone doing any fun ideas for announcements??

Feel sorry for those feeling sickly, I've been feeling good for a while now long may it continue!

I think it's the strangest, scary and nicest thought, thinking of the baby being in our lives!
It's sure going to change everything!! Xxxx
I bought my wee one a T-shirt that says I've been promoted to big sister. I'm just going to post it in fb. Last time I go DH a T-shirt that said this guy is going to be a daddy.

Both me and DH turn 30 in the space of 3 weeks of each other. I had a look and I might book an early gender scan the week before our party so we can hopefully announce the sex then.

I look 9 months pregnant today because of pasta bake haha! I dug out my maternity clothes and ran them through the machine in preparation for my normal clothes being too tight. Xx

Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
Not sure how I'd go about that :roll:? you see the practice in my area is to get referred to the midwives/consultant through the GP xx

Check the NHS website as they listed the telephone numbers for the midwife unit etc.
Hi everyone! I've been silently hovering for a while now...I think it's about time to say Hi :)

According to my LMP my EDD is 17th August...but I know I OV'd a week later than that so should really be due on 24th August (in my head I'm going by the later date) Got my scan date through for 2nd of Feb when il be exactly 12 weeks by LMP so I'm expecting the baby to measure a week smaller. I hope they change the EDD because if they don't then there is more chance of going overdue and needing induced when I won't actually be overdue!

I haven't been as sick as I was with my Daughter, although I have lots of food aversions, nausea seems to be worse in the evenings and some days are a lot worse than others. That's pretty much it, excited to follow everyone's journey! xx

Hi everyone! I've been silently hovering for a while now...I think it's about time to say Hi :)

According to my LMP my EDD is 17th August...but I know I OV'd a week later than that so should really be due on 24th August (in my head I'm going by the later date) Got my scan date through for 2nd of Feb when il be exactly 12 weeks by LMP so I'm expecting the baby to measure a week smaller. I hope they change the EDD because if they don't then there is more chance of going overdue and needing induced when I won't actually be overdue!

I haven't been as sick as I was with my Daughter, although I have lots of food aversions, nausea seems to be worse in the evenings and some days are a lot worse than others. That's pretty much it, excited to follow everyone's journey! xx
Welcome CoachQueenie :-)
Welcome CoachQueenie and MichelleItalia! Didn't think we would have anyone new join now!
Guys if you have your dating scan through let me know and I can update the first page :)
Hello, I'm a newbie as well. I'm due on the 10th August and my scan is on the 26th Jan. It's all very exciting :)
Welcome all new expectant mummies!!!
This group grows and grows everyday in more ways than one xx
I know how you feel 9+3 and next scan booked for 13weeks!

I'm so impatient, I want a proper bump! And can't wait to know boy or girl!!!

Anyone doing any fun ideas for announcements??

Feel sorry for those feeling sickly, I've been feeling good for a while now long may it continue!

I think it's the strangest, scary and nicest thought, thinking of the baby being in our lives!
It's sure going to change everything!! Xxxx
I bought my wee one a T-shirt that says I've been promoted to big sister. I'm just going to post it in fb. Last time I go DH a T-shirt that said this guy is going to be a daddy.

Both me and DH turn 30 in the space of 3 weeks of each other. I had a look and I might book an early gender scan the week before our party so we can hopefully announce the sex then.

I look 9 months pregnant today because of pasta bake haha! I dug out my maternity clothes and ran them through the machine in preparation for my normal clothes being too tight. Xx

Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk

Oh don't worry I'm so bloated it's like I'm 9months!!
Pizza last night Indian tonight!!!
I'm hungry lots all of a sudden since the sick feeling went away!

Ohhh congratulations to you both on the big birthdays I was 30 in June and my hubby just turned 31 in November so we are similar aged couple to yourselves..

I'm racking my brain for something fun for gender reveal so il let you know when it comes to me,
Maybe a cake and if it's a girl pink butter cream inside or blue for boy so you find out when it's cut open?
Welcome all new August mamas to be! :wave:

Hey girls, got a letter from the midwife finally today, instead of the phonecall I was told to expect, and my booking appointment is next Wednesday the 18th - can't come quick enough!! I can't wait to get my scan date, I hope NHS can offer it to me soon enough so I can then go to the private consultant with the results, and go from there. Get his consultation on my ovary growth, take any more tests needed etc. With my baby boy, I underwent a CVS diagnostic as the NT scan and combined bloods gave me a high risk for down's. I decided on a private CVS as NHS only offered me amniocentesis which could only be done much later in pregnancy.

Oh gosh I just hope the little blueberry is hanging in there, I am so nervous, all I want is that this growth doesn't affect it and this baby is born healthy. Then I can face anything :pray:

Sending love and super sticky babydust to all of you lovelies xx
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Hi ladies sorry I haven't been o. In a while but had a few scares and just needed time to calm down but I'm now 9+2 and I have my scan on Feb the 6th. Hope you are all doing well. Has anyone tried a Doppler yet?x
Hi ladies sorry I haven't been o. In a while but had a few scares and just needed time to calm down but I'm now 9+2 and I have my scan on Feb the 6th. Hope you are all doing well. Has anyone tried a Doppler yet?x

Welcome back :) I hope you are doing okay.

I haven't tried a doppler yet, but I might buy one after my scan (and after I get paid :P). My mum used to be a midwife and she was quite wary about it though!

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