August 2017 babies!

Haha I love you haven't changed your name

I've been living a double life! Using married name at home and on all Accounts, but maiden name at work and on passport/medical. It's getting hard to keep track of so really need to get round to changing it. My DH was so sweet though, before we married he offered to change his name to double-barrelled and then I could take that. But thought it would be a bit of a mouthful!

Mrs Duckie - I'm the same, need to eat every two hours or I feel terrible. I always split my dinner into two too, have half at 6 and the other half at 8.

How annoying your head was so indiscreet Bex! That's horrible people have gossiped. I'm pretty sure there are rules about that, it's a confidentiality matter, your head should not betray that confidence. But I suppose it helps she is also pregnant, so she will understand the need for antenatal care and any necessary pregnancy sick leave. Might make your life easier. My boss already knows also, as she gave me flexitime during ivf treatment. She had terrible morning sickness with her second so if very understanding when it comes to things like that - which has made my life a lot easier and less stressful! Sounds like you had a good booking appt Bex, I'm sure they'll take good care of you!

When it comes to supplements I did a lot of research, while preparing for treatment, so have been on organic prenatals vitamins without fillers, omega 3 tablets suitable in pregnancy (so mercury free), vitamin D and I take extra folic acid as I have a family history of spinach bifida. Have been considering taking extra calcium, as I am intolerant to dairy, but the go said I should be fine since I take vitD, but will check with the midwife when I get my appt.

So I've been thinking about keeping a pregnancy journal, is anyone else doing this? If so are you keeping your own or did you buy one specifically? Xx
Mrsduckie I'm the exact same with hunger and it's been the same with my previous pregnancies - my style morning sickness seems to be that I'm just starving.

Bex I'm horrified by your work! Being a teacher myself my school were much more discreet. If I were you i'd have to say something. 1) they should not have made you feel you needed to disclose private information - you have no legal obligation to until much later in your pregnancy. 2) in terms of confidentiality if you say it's private info no one else should have been told without your say so. 3) they have to abide by laws that state that undue pressure/stress should not be put upon you when pregnant - I had problems with my head of department with my first pregnancy so I had to write to our head stating my grievances and I stated the law for them just to remind them I knew exactly my rights.

I kept a journal with my first which I got from The Works but didn't do one with my seocnd and regret that so think I will do one for this one x
Thanks everyone today I think I'm having a crazy lady day I cried because I burnt the onions and then proceeded to cry when told him when he got home tonight I burnt them, then he told me about top gear dog �� dying and I cried! I didn't even know what top gear dog was! Oh and I cried at coronation street it was very emotional. I definitely think you should have a word with your boss's boss and tell them everything as that should never happen it's all up to you when and if you tell people and you don't legally have to tell them your pregnant until 15 weeks you go off on maternity leave. Mind I thing most would guess by then lol. I was thinking about keeping a journal Delta but I think I won't actually do it until after the 12 week mark I'm just too nervous kind of thing.
Haha I love you haven't changed your name

I've been living a double life! Using married name at home and on all Accounts, but maiden name at work and on passport/medical. It's getting hard to keep track of so really need to get round to changing it. My DH was so sweet though, before we married he offered to change his name to double-barrelled and then I could take that. But thought it would be a bit of a mouthful!

Mrs Duckie - I'm the same, need to eat every two hours or I feel terrible. I always split my dinner into two too, have half at 6 and the other half at 8.

How annoying your head was so indiscreet Bex! That's horrible people have gossiped. I'm pretty sure there are rules about that, it's a confidentiality matter, your head should not betray that confidence. But I suppose it helps she is also pregnant, so she will understand the need for antenatal care and any necessary pregnancy sick leave. Might make your life easier. My boss already knows also, as she gave me flexitime during ivf treatment. She had terrible morning sickness with her second so if very understanding when it comes to things like that - which has made my life a lot easier and less stressful! Sounds like you had a good booking appt Bex, I'm sure they'll take good care of you!

When it comes to supplements I did a lot of research, while preparing for treatment, so have been on organic prenatals vitamins without fillers, omega 3 tablets suitable in pregnancy (so mercury free), vitamin D and I take extra folic acid as I have a family history of spinach bifida. Have been considering taking extra calcium, as I am intolerant to dairy, but the go said I should be fine since I take vitD, but will check with the midwife when I get my appt.

So I've been thinking about keeping a pregnancy journal, is anyone else doing this? If so are you keeping your own or did you buy one specifically? Xx
My friend was the same. Tbh I can't prenounce her married name so I am quite thankful haha xx

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Ah lovely scan pic Rach!

I did start off feeling ravenously hungry, but the last month I have just felt increasingly nauseated! Fruit and fibre with lots of sliced banana seems to be my staple dinner these days..!

I've found it a bit annoying how I've had to let the news slip to certain people at work earlier than I would have otherwise, but kind of inevitable in my line of work, with lots of kids with various rashes, wouldn't be prepared to take the chance!!
Ladies, quick question, just been sent my booking appt and first scan appt, booking appt at 11+6 and scan at 12+3, are these not too late?

One of the midwives when I self referred told me to make sure I have the scan before 12 weeks to screen for something! But can't remember exactly... ��
Sounds perfect Delta, nothing to worry about! 12+ is the ideal time for the Nuchal Translucency scan (for Down's syndrome) xx
Ladies, quick question, just been sent my booking appt and first scan appt, booking appt at 11+6 and scan at 12+3, are these not too late?

One of the midwives when I self referred told me to make sure I have the scan before 12 weeks to screen for something! But can't remember exactly... ��

Mine is at 12+1, but I'm pretty sure it has to be before 13+6 so you're okay :)
So I'm 10 weeks today and it feels like a bit of a milestone getting into double figures week wise! I can't wait for my scan though just to make sure all is okay in there, this has been the longest 5 weeks since I found out haha.
Ladies, quick question, just been sent my booking appt and first scan appt, booking appt at 11+6 and scan at 12+3, are these not too late?

One of the midwives when I self referred told me to make sure I have the scan before 12 weeks to screen for something! But can't remember exactly... ��

You scan is a great time because it has to be done at 12 weeks and a few days up until end of 14 weeks that's what they said for the tests 🙂 On my 12 week scan I will be 12+4
So I'm 10 weeks today and it feels like a bit of a milestone getting into double figures week wise! I can't wait for my scan though just to make sure all is okay in there, this has been the longest 5 weeks since I found out haha.

It's a massive milestone MissCharli and I bet the 2 weeks wil fly by for your scan 😊
So I'm 10 weeks today and it feels like a bit of a milestone getting into double figures week wise! I can't wait for my scan though just to make sure all is okay in there, this has been the longest 5 weeks since I found out haha.

It's a massive milestone MissCharli and I bet the 2 weeks wil fly by for your scan ��

I really hope so (: Roll on the 27th!

I have the week off work beforehand anyway so actually only have 6 more days at work til my scan, makes me feel a bit better (:
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Hi All, it is so nice to come online and read all your messages and keep up to date. Looks like you are all doing well.xx

Had my midwife appt. I will be with her but will need a couple of consultant appointments just to check glucose (although no history of diabetes in family). It means extra scans so am not complaining !

Not much happening here. Sickness eased but back with a passion. I feel hungry and sick pretty much all the time, regardless if have eaten. Can only manage small snacks. I noticed if I nibble at work it stops it a little. No one there knows and am trying to keep it that way for as long as possible.

My next scan is at 13 weeks. I am only 8 weeks now. Urgh.
Haha I love you haven't changed your name

I've been living a double life! Using married name at home and on all Accounts, but maiden name at work and on passport/medical. It's getting hard to keep track of so really need to get round to changing it. My DH was so sweet though, before we married he offered to change his name to double-barrelled and then I could take that. But thought it would be a bit of a mouthful!

Mrs Duckie - I'm the same, need to eat every two hours or I feel terrible. I always split my dinner into two too, have half at 6 and the other half at 8.

How annoying your head was so indiscreet Bex! That's horrible people have gossiped. I'm pretty sure there are rules about that, it's a confidentiality matter, your head should not betray that confidence. But I suppose it helps she is also pregnant, so she will understand the need for antenatal care and any necessary pregnancy sick leave. Might make your life easier. My boss already knows also, as she gave me flexitime during ivf treatment. She had terrible morning sickness with her second so if very understanding when it comes to things like that - which has made my life a lot easier and less stressful! Sounds like you had a good booking appt Bex, I'm sure they'll take good care of you!

When it comes to supplements I did a lot of research, while preparing for treatment, so have been on organic prenatals vitamins without fillers, omega 3 tablets suitable in pregnancy (so mercury free), vitamin D and I take extra folic acid as I have a family history of spinach bifida. Have been considering taking extra calcium, as I am intolerant to dairy, but the go said I should be fine since I take vitD, but will check with the midwife when I get my appt.

So I've been thinking about keeping a pregnancy journal, is anyone else doing this? If so are you keeping your own or did you buy one specifically? Xx

I have a sort of journal. Putting important stuff that happened and the appointments etc. Be nice to look back on. I did start symptoms but it was all morning sickness which I shortened to MS and each day it was MS which was so funny after first two wks so I stopped those entries !!
Ladies, I've got a question about baths, is anyone having them and if so how hot? I've stopped up until now following the ivf and suggestion from others post transfer. But I'm scared of staying in too long or then being to hot. Xx

Ladies, I've got a question about baths, is anyone having them and if so how hot? I've stopped up until now following the ivf and suggestion from others post transfer. But I'm scared of staying in too long or then being to hot. Xx

I had a hot bath once but felt dizzy and was sick after. It wasn't stupidly hot but if it raises blood pressure it will sink it just as quickly so be careful. I have them warm instead now....what they say is, that you should be able to get straight in without having to lower into it gradually. It isnt as relaxing as pre-pregnancy but is nice to have a soak all the same.
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So jealous of the ladies that are in to double figures and approaching scan dates. It feels like AGES until I'll be scanned and I'm rubbish at keeping secrets so I want to tell everyone too! Got my booking appointment on Monday so I suppose it will feel more real then and I'll get my scan date shortly after that x
So jealous of the ladies that are in to double figures and approaching scan dates. It feels like AGES until I'll be scanned and I'm rubbish at keeping secrets so I want to tell everyone too! Got my booking appointment on Monday so I suppose it will feel more real then and I'll get my scan date shortly after that x

How many weeks are you now, did you say?
Ah I feel like that too Rose! Another girl at work is 24weeks and has the cutest little bump and I wish I could just tell everyone now!

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