August 2017 babies!

Spuds I've been checked for gestational diabetes with both previous pregnancies because my dad is a type 2 diabetic and because im overweight but both times I've been fine so just carrying some extra weight doesn't necessarily mean you'll get it. It's an absolutely horrible test to go and do so not looking forward to it!

My latest symptoms:
Really vivid dreams where nuts stuff is happening but I really believe it's happened when I wake. And I have a totally dry tongue as soon as I'm in bed, it's the weirdest sensation, literally the whole thing goes bone dry and feels like I can't move it until I get a drink! As I'm still getting up in the middle of the night to feed my little boy I go get a drink of water but I agree with others that this is making me feel a bit sicky too. I'm also starving and tired all day. My morning sickness has always made me feel like I need to eat and this is now my third pregnancy where I'm obsessed with having bacon sandwiches in the first trimester - I don't have them any other time! I'm convinced it must be something about the vitamins etc in them that my body wants.

Yes, that's exactly the dry mouth experience I have. Noticed it more since taking the vits at night (which was meant to help with sickness in daytime, although I don't think it is relevant for me).
Ditto the dry mouth at night and vivid dreams. The dreams are really annoying me now, cos they are usually unpleasant and I have several a night (I wake up about 3 times to pee). Was really fed up this morning!
Congratulations and welcome Sarah! :)

Hoping4rainbow poor you! Sounds horrible. Hope it eases for you after the first trimester.

My symptoms are alright at the moment. I feel a mixture of lucky and worried... Still weeing a fair bit but being a teacher I don't really have much say over when I wee so unless I'm desperate it's break and lunch times! Get up about twice in the night/early morning too. Occasional nausea but very fleeting and is usually abated by eating something bland, boobs are a tiny bit tender and I'm feeling tired. Now I write it it's more than it feels I suppose... lol.

You guys are definitely tempting me with the early scan pics and reports! I think I might book one for 10 weeks. I know it seems silly being only 2 weeks away from the NHS scan but then this Thursday I could say in 3 weeks I have a scan... instead of 5 haha.
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Hey guys hope everyone is alright I have a scan today but I'm rather nervous as it feels like all my symptoms have disappeared. It could be that I have got used to some of them and the sickness has died down but feeling very nervous now. I'm 8 +4 today so fingers crossed for this afternoon.
All fingers and toes crossed for you Rachlaidler94!
Thinking of you and looking forward to some lovely news this afternoon xx Super sticky babydust to you :dust:
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I feel the same, my symptoms seem to have faded. I get so nervous! My 12 week scan is next week and it feels like a very long Wait!!!! Xx

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Rachlaidler84 - I'm sure it's that your ur adjusting to the symptoms and aren't noticing the changes so strongly. Good luck for this afternoon- be looking for your update.

Hope everyone else is okay xxx

Congrats and welcome Sarah!

Rachlaidler94 - hope you're scan went well today. I wouldn't be too concerned about your lack of symptoms, it seems most of us have had them in varying degrees at some point or another!

Rainbow - sorry to hear you've had a rough time.. I've just about managed to avoid vomiting but started dry wretching like nobody's business the last few mornings: it must be hilarious to be a fly on the wall in my house!

I'm glad to learn that I'm not the only one getting by on simple carbohydrates only!! Was feeling a bit guilty that bean is not getting sufficient nutrients, but hey we have another 2 trimesters to do the healthy eating right?!
Hi 👋🏻 everyone I'm just not going to worry about the symptoms thank you and I think it might have also been my mind preparing my for the worst today. But my scan went great I got to see little bean and his heart ❤️ beating away 🙂 He was being awkward so on the pictures he looks like a blob because the head they couldn't pick up completely due to the angle. If you look right in the centr though where the body is there is a little white dot which is the heartbeat. The woman doing the scan was very abrupt with me for some reason and then kind of softened when she read my notes 📝 about my mc last year. They booked me back in for my scan on 7/02 now when I will be 12 weeks!


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Awww wonderful news Rach!!! :hug:
I'm in bed feeling pants 'cause my back hurts and feeling sore in my lower tummy, but this just put a smile on my face :cloud9:
Great to hear Rach! Lovely scan :-) Hope it's put your mind at ease. Countdown to the 12 week one now!
Hi 👋🏻 everyone I'm just not going to worry about the symptoms thank you and I think it might have also been my mind preparing my for the worst today. But my scan went great I got to see little bean and his heart ❤️ beating away 🙂 He was being awkward so on the pictures he looks like a blob because the head they couldn't pick up completely due to the angle. If you look right in the centr though where the body is there is a little white dot which is the heartbeat. The woman doing the scan was very abrupt with me for some reason and then kind of softened when she read my notes 📝 about my mc last year. They booked me back in for my scan on 7/02 now when I will be 12 weeks!

Great news and lovely picture. I am seeing midwife this week for the paperwork to book my 12/13 week scan :-)
Rach - excellent news it must be amazing seeing your little one x hope the time to your next scan goes quickly xx

What a lovely scan picture Rachel! You must feel better now having seen the baby's heartbeat flickering away.

Thanks for the advice Rose and Jill, I did think I wouldn't get a choice, as this is my first pregnancy no idea if I would be higher risk, perhaps given the IVF start, I am still on a lot of medication but thankfully can stop all injections at 10 weeks! Glad other changing hospitals isn't too complicated either, I also still need to change my name after getting married (a year and a half ago) but as we'd just been referred then I didn't want to change it as thought it might confuse matters - we have had a lot of paperwork go missing between GP and clinic, including our first two referrals which delayed us over 6 months with treatment. Hope this will be a lot simpler!

Sorry you are feeling so rotten Rainbow, hope some rest will sort out the pain, theres lots going on in there, its not surprising things are uncomfortable with everything growing and moving around! feel bette

DocL, I was on basically only carbs, but have been getting cravings for fruit and veg this week, and even though I am totally not in the mood for them, when I make (or ask the DH nicely to do it for me) and eat them they are actually pretty nice! Its just meat in general that isn't going down well at the moment, stinks and just tastes metallic. Except bacon... has been my breakfast almost every morning :x xx
What a lovely scan picture Rachel! You must feel better now having seen the baby's heartbeat flickering away.

Thanks for the advice Rose and Jill, I did think I wouldn't get a choice, as this is my first pregnancy no idea if I would be higher risk, perhaps given the IVF start, I am still on a lot of medication but thankfully can stop all injections at 10 weeks! Glad other changing hospitals isn't too complicated either, I also still need to change my name after getting married (a year and a half ago) but as we'd just been referred then I didn't want to change it as thought it might confuse matters - we have had a lot of paperwork go missing between GP and clinic, including our first two referrals which delayed us over 6 months with treatment. Hope this will be a lot simpler!

Sorry you are feeling so rotten Rainbow, hope some rest will sort out the pain, theres lots going on in there, its not surprising things are uncomfortable with everything growing and moving around! feel bette

DocL, I was on basically only carbs, but have been getting cravings for fruit and veg this week, and even though I am totally not in the mood for them, when I make (or ask the DH nicely to do it for me) and eat them they are actually pretty nice! Its just meat in general that isn't going down well at the moment, stinks and just tastes metallic. Except bacon... has been my breakfast almost every morning :x xx
Haha I love you haven't changed your name
Hahaha Delta this is my third pregnancy where I've been obsessed with bacon sandwiches - glad it's not just me! They've got to have vine tomatoes in them too and washed down with pineapple juice. I'm also eating bananas too which I never do. I'm convinced your body just tells you what you need. With my daughter I spent two months eating poppy seed bagels with cream cheese and cucumber everyday! X
I know a lot of you are suffering with morning sickness but is anyone stupidly hungry?! I feel sick if I'm hungry and the past two days have rushed home to eat prior to dinner. So I've basically had two mini dinners.. quite bad really!
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Mrs duckie I find that I'm starrrving but then just eat a small amount and feel very bloated, it's so annoying!!

I had my booking appt today, I will be having consultant led care as my BMI is 36 and I have a family history of diabetes and heart disease. I was a bit gutted although I knew it would probably happen, but my midwife was lovely and being a bigger lady herself I felt no judgement!
She did tell me not to take cod liver oil which I had been, so a heads up to anyone taking cod liver oil it's not good for baby apparently!

I also told my head at work as I needed to afternoon off and annoyingly it's spread round the leadership team! Plus my head of dept asked me if the reason I was off was because I'm pregnant and that if I am
I need to tell them so they can cover my mat leave, so I felt I couldn't lie and told her. So by the end of the day 7 0people knew when I didn't want them to!! Had a good cry about that one! Turns out the head of dept is 5 weeks pregnant also! And call me silly but I don't want to share this experience with someone at work :( probably hormones!

Great new Rachel.

MrsDuckie. This is exactly what I had in my first pregnancy. I was intensely hungry all the time. I would eat my lunch at 10am, pull over at petrol stations / supermarkets all the time as I just had to eat and eat several dinners. I called it hunger sickness, because like you describe I felt sick if I didn't eat.
Also developed a craving for unhealthy food and just wanted to eat dominos pizza which my DH found hilarious.

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