I go to LLL meetings which tend to be AP orientated. I don't think that by doing this I am pigeon holing myself. Where I live, there are no other AP parents. It can get a bit lonely being the only babywearer in town, where you get comments and stares, where no-one else I know breastfed past the age of 6 months, where I can't get all excited about the latest cloth nappy without a glazed look appearing in their eyes (my poor OH). Whereas by going to these meetings I can get support and help in my parenting choices and reassurance that what I am doing is not detrimental to my children. Its also a great advice source, Seren's tantrums were getting ridiculous and I don't have anyone else to turn to, and found some great ideas there. I am a very open minded individual and talk to anyone, no matter what their background is, or beliefs, and my children will also grow up to be the same.
In terms of what is AP, these are some good links. I can recommend the continuum concept too. The thing about AP is that you don't have to do it all, just the bits that work for you. I went back to work after Seren was born but still ap'd.
what is ap
what ap is NOT - this is from the Dr Sears website,he is big in the ap world.