Welcome to Alternative Parenting!

Mervs Mum

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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While most Mummies and Daddies tend to do what feels 'right' to them when it comes to parenting 'styles', some things tend to be more popular or 'mainstream' than others with the majority of parents.

This forum is a place to talk about things that might be seen as slightly 'alternative' to the mainstream options.

Things covered here will range from cloth nappies, baby wearing, baby led weaning and co sleeping through to more unusual ones such as elimination communication (nappy free babies) and home schooling.

You may be interested in all or just some of these methods and as with all areas of Pregnancy Forum, everyone's contributions are welcomed! :)
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ooo I have never heard of elimination communication... sounds a bit messy though :dohh:
:lol: I follow a woman on FB who has done it with her girls from birth and her 8 month old now is now dry day and night! I think it can be to start with and it takes some dedication to it. Not for me but fascinating stuff :)
blimey...am having a hard enough time convincing DH about cloth nappies... I can just imagine his reaction for that one... will bring it up and let you know how I get on ;)
found this on google: http://www.essortment.com/family/eliminationcomm_ttvl.htm

went down better than I thought, but I need Mamafy's shock eyes to explain his facial expression to the full extent... I did suggest it as an instead of the cloth nappies, think the cloth may be winning :lol:

good idea though, if you have the patience I guess...
could you add baby signing???

woop woop!!!!!!
You can talk about anything you think fits and I think signing is a great one! :) My examples are just a few to give an idea. Another one might be growing your own food to make your own baby food - I didnt want a list because I think we all kind of know the kind of thing that fits. ;)
ohhhh i make my own baby food. I have 2 really good books! i only buy the jars for the child minder. I didnt realise that was an alternative thing, i thought everybody did it xx
i think more people do make their own these days. We grow our own veggies and OH used to get such a buzz when Hebe ate food he'd grown AND cooked for her :cloud9:
Hello, I found this site The Baby Vine helpful to all parents like me who really want the best for their kids. I just read their post about food recipes for our children. I hope it works.

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