Aspardame update - good news for all fizzy drink lovers!

Oh god it annoys me a littler mum drank diet coke throughout both her pregnancies and me and my sister r fine! If u look up anything there is info saying yes and no and we can't starve etc so as long as u don't drink 5 litres a day I don't think it will do any harm
Many many foods contain aspartame and artificial colouring, more than you will ever realise. Unless you want to never eat out at a restaurant ever again, share in a birthday or wedding cake or an ice lolly in the summer then you are going to ingest aspartame - fact! x
in my opinion, the only reason you would be offended by or threatened by someone having a strong opinion on a subject, is if you are not clear and comfortable with your own opinion.

Its a discussion forum, we had a discussion! There is no need to get insulting (not that it makes a difference, the expression 'water off a ducks back' springs to mind)

Again, CG, i am not going to curb or change my opinion to bandy to your wishes, given that you had a mope about me apparently 'stalking your every word' in another thread, i think you have been overly hypocritical in this one.

Some subjects are emotive and they will lead to interesting discussions. I have no doubt that aspartame and other man-made sweetners have a dramatic affect on the young developing mind, I believe this is true of children as they grow up (and most schools/nutritionalist will agree with me) and i cannot see how you can 100% say that it would not affect a developing feotus in the same way. If i was to curb my point of view and not say that, i actually be doing myself and those who read my posts a disservice.

if you disagree, please, disagree, frankly i dont care what you feel your kids, so long as you feed them but everybody is entitled to their own opinions (including me) without having to deal with such negative and unjustified attacks as Cosmic Girl showed in her post to me.

Frankly, get over yourself, dont follow me round a forum to 'have a go' about things that happened weeks ago, after wrongly accusing me of doing the same thing to you. It only makes you look like a nasty hypocrite who holds a grudge, not the best image m'dear :)
Completely agree with cosmic's first comment. Its unfair to try and make people feel bad because their opinion differs. Maybe i'm hormonal and interpreting this wrong but it seems that way to me. Reminds me of another thread I read once that got out of hand.
Firstly honey, I do not follow anyone around anywhere, who do you actually think you are? You completely twisted my post, and other ladies posts.
Secondly, you are not the only person who has done their research.
It's fine to have an opinion but it's the way you put them across, making others feel stupid or upset to the point that they want to leave.
Like my mum always says, I'd you can't take it - don't give it.
My post was valid as was my point but you yet again came back with a ludicrous response implying I had said things that I clearly did not.
Many many foods contain aspartame and artificial colouring, more than you will ever realise. Unless you want to never eat out at a restaurant ever again, share in a birthday or wedding cake or an ice lolly in the summer then you are going to ingest aspartame - fact! x

I don't ever normally get involved in debate's as I'm pants at them but this time I feel I need to

Bigbump - I really don't understand how on earth you came up with the things you have said in your reply based on the above post from Cosmic??

I really don't see what the point was in my opinion because Cosmic wasn't being rude in what she was saying at all, she has a very valid point to be completely honest

Big bump it is fine to put your point across but theres no need to launch a personal attack on cosmic, everyone has the right to an opinion. no need for personal insults.

i agree with cosmic, everything in moderation. xx
Big bump

Thank you so much for what you have inputted into this thread.

I 100% agree with everything you have said. I have been researching this subject for a number of years now, and I dont just mean reading through a couple of pregnancy related websites. The evidence to support what you have said is outstanding.

Please note ladies - I dont want to argue about this subject or try to force my opinions on people. I have to agree that I was a bit shocked to see a thread more or less saying to ignore the whole aspartame thing (which is what this thread was started for) it is a very, very dangerous poision and I wouldn't want people who haven't researched this subject (not implying its anyone on this thread, but maybe others on the forum) to think its "ok" to consume this poision while pregnant. I've seen people getting absolutely slated on here and other forums for even mentioning that they smoke when pregnant, I know it isn't a very good comparison but when you think about both being dangerous (aspartame and smoking) you can see where the in-equalities lie with the reasearch (by the general public) and thinking thats done about it.

On another note, regarding official websites, Governments have been poisioning us and lying to us for years, dont for a minute think that they wouldn't do it here in the UK. In America they put Flouride in the water supply, which is known to dumb down the population and make them "compliant" ie sheep. It has been outlawed in various countries but the US continues to use it. I agree 100% with what big bump said about them using aspartame on soldiers, (those who have researched the subject of aspartame will also know this) which is the same thing they did with swine flu, which was man made in the 70's and given to soldiers in the US to "test it out", but when it came out the other year they govt tried to get us to believe that it naturally came from animals - btw - there is evidence out there to support this, i think it was 1976 (or thereabouts) - what is my point in saying all this?? You cant always believe what the news/papers/govt tells you.

Please do your research ladies - dont take my word or anyone else's for it.

This is an open discussion not an oppertunity to back up your friends on the forum, which is what it seems like at times (not pointing any fingers)
Littlemiss, thanks for sharing the information, we are all here to listen and get advice from people not to argue.

I am not 'backing up' friends on the forum, i am very capable of looking at the research and making my own decision. Howerever i dont see how personal insults are nessesary, i simply agree with cosmics comment, thats all. just wanted to make that clear :)
This is an open discussion not an oppertunity to back up your friends on the forum, which is what it seems like at times (not pointing any fingers)

I'm yet to see people back up their friends based on a point of view, unless they genuinely share that point of view.

You will , however, see friends backing each other up if they feel that are being talked to in an offensive manner.

I personally don't really appreciate how Big Bump talks to other people on the forum that don't share her own bigotry on various topics. If you have an opinion, state it and then offer further information if requested. Don't reply to each individual to shout down their own personal view just because it doesn't conform.

Unless you actually sit down and do the research yourself, you are never going to have an opinion that is more valid than anyone elses.
Littlemiss, thanks for sharing the information, we are all here to listen and get advice from people not to argue.

I am not 'backing up' friends on the forum, i am very capable of looking at the research and making my own decision. Howerever i dont see how personal insults are nessesary, i simply agree with cosmics comment, thats all. just wanted to make that clear :)

Glad you pointed that out Nurse because I completely agree, no one deserves a personal attack by anyone that has an opinion, free speech & all that!!!

I'm actually quite annoyed you think we are just 'backing up' friends, none of us our like that & we all respect each others opinions, doesn't matter whether we are in agreement or not that is the whole point of a debate
the post quoted is not the one i took offence to, if you read further you will see what i took offence to, being told i was 'holier than thou' for no more than having a difference of opinion, and a well researched one to boot!

I am not 'holier than thou' i am well researched and happy to put my point across, that may come across as something different to those who struggle with eloquence, but i am not going to be made to feel bad for that. Have a strong view and putting it across clearly does not make me 'holier than thou' it just (in some circles) makes me a bit different!

littlemiss, i think it goes without saying that i totally agree with you, i fail to see how anybody can do any amount of research into this subject and then decide there is 'no danger' involved with aspartame. There are many, many dangers and most of them psychological which some (myself included) feel is much more important that physical issues that you can see.

why not look into the affects of products like aspartame on what we would describe as the 'mentally vunerable' of our population? Those with Dyspraxia, Dyslexia or Autism. When given aspartame the effects are dramatic and very very worrying, unless you are naive enough to think that only those with mental problems are affected with such things, its easy to make the connection between lack of attention span, misbehaviour and diet.

To suggest it is 'harmless' I consider to be very harmful

littlemiss said it right when she gave the comparison of smoking in pregnancy, some will say 'i dont think its harmful, i do it anyway' and that would be a statement worthy of shock and people would understandably argue it. If someone said 'i know its harmful and i take that risk' well thats a different thing all together.

I will follow this post with a quote of the post which was personally attacking and uncalled for from Cosmic Girl, as i feel people have overlooked that which i find unfair and unjust. I would much rather stick to the original debate though, so i will leave it there, but as you read it i suggest you wonder how you would feel reading such a thing on a thread where you had only given your opinion.
Bigbump, I did not say that at all. I think you know my point but just incase I will reiterate. Moderation is the key - it is almost impossible to avoid all toxins so it's about limitation.
I wish I could be as holier than thou as you bigbump, with your belittling comments about education, birthing and now diet, you appear to be the perfect example of a human being, shame you manage to rub people up the wrong way time after time.

As far as Cosmic Girl goes, i rest my case, the above is slanderous, untrue and uncalled for. i am happy to discuss the matter at hand but on this subject i feel the need to say no more.
Your agrument, CG, seems to be 'Oh we are all surrounded by rubbish, why try and moderate it' whereas i would say that is Exactly why we have to moderate it, because otherwise the combinations and amount of stuff we are ingesting is really, really ridiculous.

I did not say anything of the kind, I think you know that!!!!!!!
And while we're on the subject Bigbump why don't you look at how you have spoken to others, not only on this thread I might add, but let's look at how you have spoken to Suzanne for example!!!!!
You do come across as preachy and holier than thou - read back!!!!! How have you made other ladies feel!!!!
This is an open discussion not an oppertunity to back up your friends on the forum, which is what it seems like at times (not pointing any fingers)

I'm yet to see people back up their friends based on a point of view, unless they genuinely share that point of view.

You will , however, see friends backing each other up if they feel that are being talked to in an offensive manner.

I personally don't really appreciate how Big Bump talks to other people on the forum that don't share her own bigotry on various topics. If you have an opinion, state it and then offer further information if requested. Don't reply to each individual to shout down their own personal view just because it doesn't conform.

Unless you actually sit down and do the research yourself, you are never going to have an opinion that is more valid than anyone elses.

But its JUST a difference of opinion, no need to get all 'up in arms' about it! If you feel differently, fair play, if you feel you can discuss why you feel differently then carry on! If you dont, then be quiet, dont have a difference of opinion and then attack people because you cannot argue it! That is a total cop-out i am sorry
This is an open discussion not an oppertunity to back up your friends on the forum, which is what it seems like at times (not pointing any fingers)

I'm yet to see people back up their friends based on a point of view, unless they genuinely share that point of view.

You will , however, see friends backing each other up if they feel that are being talked to in an offensive manner.

I personally don't really appreciate how Big Bump talks to other people on the forum that don't share her own bigotry on various topics. If you have an opinion, state it and then offer further information if requested. Don't reply to each individual to shout down their own personal view just because it doesn't conform.

Unless you actually sit down and do the research yourself, you are never going to have an opinion that is more valid than anyone elses.

But its JUST a difference of opinion, no need to get all 'up in arms' about it! If you feel differently, fair play, if you feel you can discuss why you feel differently then carry on! If you dont, then be quiet, dont have a difference of opinion and then attack people because you cannot argue it! That is a total cop-out i am sorry

You need to take your own advice Bigbump.
the only thing i am 'up in arms about' is this strange mob mentality that has developed where rather than discussing the issue at hand, people have resorted to mudslinging, it is uncalled for.

i have no issues discussing things with people with different points of view, it can be hard sometimes but it certainly doesnt anger me, or make me want to attack people

i have no intention of hurting, upsetting or belittling people. Just like to engage in interesting discussion, i dont consider 'he said she said' an interesting discussion but i find it fascinating to find people who have looked into aspartame to come up with any conclusion other than 'evil' frankly i have never found that before (and i have discussed this with a lot of people!! ) Sure some people say 'i dont really care either way' and thats fair enough but to say 'i have extensively researched and think its fine' i find that worthy of questioning, i would like to know how you came to that conclusion, its interesting.

i am NOT getting drawn into a debate about me being a great person or evil person because frankly, its totally beside the point, this is a thread about ASPARTAME not about me....

i really cant say it any clearer than that
I dont agree that there is a mob mentality at all, i guess its the way you put your point across can sound patronising. aspartame is not good for you in large quantities, i accept that, i only have the odd glass of diet coke when i am out for a meal, as i was last night. I looked at the research and i have concluded that i am happy that i am not doing any harm to myself or my baby. I think that the last thing anyone wants to do.
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