Aspardame update - good news for all fizzy drink lovers!

It is not my intention to be patronising at all.

If you feel empowered in your decision to drink aspartame, then fair play to you!

I will say however, that aspartame is notoriously difficult to break down in the body, so though a dangerous amount MAY (and thats a big may) not be presents in the drink in your hand, the inabiility of the body to fully digest it, can lead it to build up very quickly to a dangerous level.
If you feel empowered in your decision to drink aspartame, then fair play to you!

& you say you don't rub people up the wrong way?????? There was absolutely no need for what you said then!!!!!
now i'm just confused!

what relevance does the last comment have to this discussion and please explain to me where i have said that i dont rub people up the wrong way?

This is preposterious! i am being bullied into leaving a discussion for no reason other than having a difference of opinion and putting my point across in a certain way!
I think you should re think your wording big bump as if you are not trying to sound patronising your doing a very poor job.

I am not going to participate in this thread anymore as i dont think you are willing to accept anyone elses opinions.
I cant be anything other than who i am! This is how i communicate and how i have always communicated! Its not put on for you guys or something i think 'oh i will make this sound awfully patronising to make people hate me' what on earth do you expect me to do?
BigBump I have to agree with the ladies (and no not because they are friends! There is only 2 people who I have spoke with properly on here and they are not in this thread!) you gave your opinion, fair enough, but as soon as someone else says something you are straight back! I really felt for Susanne this morning, I know how she felt as I too backed off this thread when you started coming on really strong! You need to back off a little, you gave your opinion once you did not have to keep repeating it. Like the others said, we make our own decisions, and if that's our decision, then so be it! I made the decision to try and avoid it, but this is not to say I will never touch the stuff again! But if there is an alternative available, then I shall take it (if I like it)
Respect other peoples decisions and choices thats all, without making them feel bad.
sorry is that not what a discussion is? Having two or more people with different opinions talk about them? Anyway, whatever, I hope anyone reading this thread will ignore the nonsense and have the common sense to do some heavy research before picking a 'side'

particularly before giving it to children because there is really quite massive problems with that

If you feel empowered in your decision to drink aspartame, then fair play to you!

& you say you don't rub people up the wrong way?????? There was absolutely no need for what you said then!!!!!

Who said they felt empowered?
Who said it was good for you?
What a ridiculous statement.
For someone who keeps telling us all how "well researched" you are in these matters you do come out with some stupid statements.
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This is exactly the reason why I dont feel like I can join in on alot of threads. I've noticed it alot with this forum, when someone posts a thread, some times it ends up with a couple of people objecting, then an overall majority of people agreeing, and to be fair on most threads its the same names ect that pop up onto threads, with not much to contribute to the discussion apart from one or 2 lines which "seems" to back up their friends. I say seems because there is no other valid point apart from...I agree with so and so. To me, its a bit pointless and does move towards more of a....i'm on their side and not yours. If its a topic you feel strongly on or would like others to hear, then brilliant, even better, but alot of such posts there's no actual views expressed. I suppose it kinda makes others feel like they dont belong to the gang, if that makes sense?

Luckily I've had alot of brilliant discussions on this forum, but unfortunately this is one of the ones that could actually help people to make an informed decision but they end up being put off with the needless bickering.

Aspartame is dangerous in any quantity wether its one glass on a night out or one every night, its one of those things, as with the others mentioned where we have to decide for ourselves what we are willing to do/not do with regards to our pregnancy, we dont even need to tell anyone else about it, on here or other, I felt the need to speak out about the aspartame posts because its something I feel very strongly about, and have researched alot, and tbh I probably know more about it than pregnancy. That doesn't give me the right to tell you's what I think you should do, or what is the right thing to do. I only meant to come on this to share my knowledge - not trying to sound like a know it all or anything but you know what I mean.
This is exactly the reason why I dont feel like I can join in on alot of threads. I've noticed it alot with this forum, when someone posts a thread, some times it ends up with a couple of people objecting, then an overall majority of people agreeing, and to be fair on most threads its the same names ect that pop up onto threads, with not much to contribute to the discussion apart from one or 2 lines which "seems" to back up their friends. I say seems because there is no other valid point apart from...I agree with so and so.

I couldnt disagree with you more.
This is one of the most supportive and least bitchy forums I have ever seen made up of a large number of wondeerful ladies who support each other in ways that no other group do.
I think the backing up friends comment has already been addressed by Olive, Kez and Nurse - its not about backing up friends, its about agreeing (or not) with someones posts. So does that mean you are backing up your friend Bigbump???
I agree with what you are saying though about the same people turning threads sour - take a look at the home schooling thread and the one in tv called OBEM USA - I know who got everyones back up there!
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Oh no, its defo not a bitchy forum at all. Thats not what I meant, tbh I cant think of any other way to explain it, I just think often its the same people who join in on threads, but dont actually join in on the subject of the thread, but make a point of agreeing with the same people who they agree with on other posts too, and never ever disagree with these said people. I'm sure if big bump posted elsewhere, i'd defo not just join in as she's my friend, I would only join in if i thought, ooh thats an interesting convo i've got something i'd like to add to that. Rather than doing it for no aparent reason than to show your friends some support, because whats quite often not thought about is the other people in the thread, and how they may feel about it, not being discussed properly or even thought about for any lengh, just simply, I agree with such and such, and when it happens over and over you'd think, hang on, whats going on here. I'm not sure if im making any sense?

I've not seen any other posts by big bump, or have I seen the ones you mentioned CG. I presume that theres a connection there somewhere.
let me just reiterate my posting on this thread has nothing to do with backing up friends. your making it sound like people ganging up on other and thats not the case. i was interested in the subject and had a view thats all, dont think i will bother giving my opinion in future.
let me just reiterate my posting on this thread has nothing to do with backing up friends. your making it sound like people ganging up on other and thats not the case. i was interested in the subject and had a view thats all, dont think i will bother giving my opinion in future.

Nurse - this is quoted from your first post on this thread -

I dont think anyone was suggesting it was "good for you" but as you say having a burger as having a can of diet coke every now and again is personal choice. Nobody is suggesting that we go out and drink it by the bucket load.

Each to their own :smile: xx

You didn't say anything nasty or anything but your quite clearly backing people up by saying...I dont think anyone was suggesting.....
This thread has made me think (and peed me off as well tbh, although sure I'm not the only one). I'm going to ask my mw about it all and would be interested to see if there is any information re pregnancy and aspartame from the NHS. Have had a google but can't find anything yet.

Anyway, my personal opinion is I'll be taking advice off of mw.

As for everything else, I wasn't backing up a friend, I was agreeing with a friend. If that's a crime then so be it.
Many many foods contain aspartame and artificial colouring, more than you will ever realise. Unless you want to never eat out at a restaurant ever again, share in a birthday or wedding cake or an ice lolly in the summer then you are going to ingest aspartame - fact! x

Cosmic - some of us really do have to be that careful, I rarely eat out or buy takeaway for that very reason, meals are home cooked with organic produce. My Pot Noodle craving of the last week has been VERY difficult to manage!!!

My allergy to this stuff is very real and dangerous and possibly caused me a lifelong medical condition. Now if I can put one person off having the stuff ever again then I'm happy!
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Littlemiss i was just pointing out that nobody had said anything about it being "good for you" as big bump said, i searched the responses and didnt find anybody saying that.

I gave my opinion later as you will see, i'm sorry i didnt follow the format you would have liked. i gave my opinion none the less, i dont think there is anything wrong with sticking up for someone (if they are a friend or not) if you think they are being attacked just for voicing their opinions.
Uch, i'm not adding any more to this thread unless its related to the subject because tbh its all getting a bit childish with all the who said this and who said that.

Olive - each to their own chick, you dont need to explain yourself to anyone about what advice you are going to follow - its your body, and your baby. My mw hasn't heard of aspertame but hey ho, neither have alot of people.
getting childish! lol

i think thats the only thing you have said that i would whole-heartedly disagree with L

this thread has gone beyond childish and come out the other side to full on prepubescents in a playground territory!
Many many foods contain aspartame and artificial colouring, more than you will ever realise. Unless you want to never eat out at a restaurant ever again, share in a birthday or wedding cake or an ice lolly in the summer then you are going to ingest aspartame - fact! x

Cosmic - some of us really do have to be that careful, I rarely eat out or buy takeaway for that very reason, meals are home cooked with organic produce. My Pot Noodle craving of the last week has been VERY difficult to manage!!!

My allergy to this stuff is very real and dangerous and possibly caused me a lifelong medical condition. Now if I can put one person off having the stuff ever again then I'm happy!

I see what you're saying hun, as someone with a peanut allergy I know how hard it can be.
My point was that someone had said "just drink full fat versions" and what I was saying that it is in more than just diet drinks x

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