there is always an element of 'is it worth it' Is it worth it to have the odd cup of coffee, given that it does very little to a baby and is probably a bit of a crutch for the mum
is it worth it to eat blue cheese, given that it creates strange enzymes in the body, which have been linked to birth defects?
its YOUR call, but if your talking about a product, which wether you are pregnant or not, has been used to replace sugar in a number of drinks to make them 'healthier' actually, you need to look at what it has been prone to cause
depression is a major one
death is another one
do you know the stories you hear about war veterans in Vietnam who went mad and never quite recovered? A massive part of that was down to their aspartamine rich diets, which caused them to go actually loopy. This stuff will affect you and your family on such a major psychological level even when your all formed and made, let alone a wee fetus in the womb
there is absolutely NO WAY i would happily ingest it while pregnant, its clearly evil! many many levels of evil
you want to be 'healthy' by not eating sugar? Dont eat a 'low sugar drink' have a herbal tea with honey in it, have a fruit drink sweetened by nature, not sweetened by some rank chemical they have created in a lab for the purpose of making things like coke 'diet' and something they have to heavily heavily regulate the amount of to stop the world going mad AND they still havent discovered all the different side effects yet!
Sugar, has been around a LOOOOONG time, we are fortunate enough to have a few generations of dead people who tested it for us, Aspartamine, pretty new invention and its ALREADY causes loads and loads of mental and physical problems in the population. You want to take that risk with your body so you can drink a 'diet' coke. Do yourself a favour and have a full fat one! Just while your pregnant.
Morning rant over, seriously though... If your going to fight to justify putting something in your body, try not to make it a nasty, manufactured sweetener which has been again again again shown to be deeply bad for you AND your children.