Are everyone's children so destructive?

Oh dear :(
One of the twins told the other one that it was ok to open a big pile of presents they found hidden (poorly) in a cupboard. They got up about 6am, I woke at 7.30, silence, thinking everyone is asleep, oh no, they were in their room with the door closed, playing with the toys they had opened! x
Oh dear :(
One of the twins told the other one that it was ok to open a big pile of presents they found hidden (poorly) in a cupboard. They got up about 6am, I woke at 7.30, silence, thinking everyone is asleep, oh no, they were in their room with the door closed, playing with the toys they had opened! x

Oh that's soo funny:lol: were they xmas pressies for xmas just gone? bet they egg the other on badley terrible twosome
Yep, I had just wrapped them and put them into a cupboard on the landing that they never ever even go near (I think they must have seen me rummaging in there) got up, dragged the bag into their room, closed the door and played (silently) with them, all the while I thought they were asleep (stupid fool!) x
Yep, I had just wrapped them and put them into a cupboard on the landing that they never ever even go near (I think they must have seen me rummaging in there) got up, dragged the bag into their room, closed the door and played (silently) with them, all the while I thought they were asleep (stupid fool!) x

Oh there good! maybee it is a multipule issue after all, my three were just three under 3, and the youngest two were 13 mths apart, so a bit close in age, just right for trouble :lol: , is it 5 you have cosmic?:shock:
I think my Lo is going through the terrible 2's already. He stands on almost anything to push something or take something off the sides. turns toys upside down and stands on it. throws his juice bottle everywhere. thinks biting me is funny. Hubby tapped me on the bum slightly tris comes up to me and literally smacks me. Pulling my hair started smacking other kids!! Hates waiting for food chucks his bown all round the room. Purposly stamping on chrisps on the floor because he likes the noise i think. Has now tackled opening my fridge after copying someone elses kid do it!! need a child lock. purposly chucking toys over the stair gate. I think he will be tall hes almost touching his finger tips on sides now :L. Im glad ive got the one child because dealing with 2 kids my own child and someone elses 2's r harder. my one is only just nearing manageable but with 2 kids i get the names wrong by saing get down all the time lol. Oh little man has figured climbing on the pushchair turns himself round he usually hates going in the pushchair wtf lol. he can now climb on a chair turn round and get back off again hes done this repeatedly. hes still in a big chair thing forgot what there called. hes trying to go on the table now eek lol. Tiring job i tell ya. by 6 when hes in bed i need a fag an cuppa to chill rest of the time im running about. i feel like im forever saying no, naughty, get down or u will hurt ya self. :S lol x
I feel like that, all my neigh ours must hear is "NO!!! STOP IT!!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!! NAUGHTY!!!"
I know how you feel x
sounds awful cosmic, you need to find something that they really dont like and come down tougher on them, like taking away something they like toys or no choc or treats . something to make them realise there is consequence for bad behavior and reward for good, its sounds like they need to be separated too when naughty. very tough one, i think you def have your work cut out no wonder you are at the end of your tether,i sure would be too! Good luck. xxxx
When I was about 3 I climbed to the top of the shelf where my mum had laid put Easter eggs for all extended family and I ate the backs off all of them. So they looked normal from below it was only when my mum pulled them down on Easter morning to take to family that she realised what I'd done!!!!
:rofl: loving the Easter egg naughtiness, that's actually quite clever ;) x
Oh feck is this what I have to look forward to with my pair?????? I have a 3 year old as well but she's a girl and I have to say mostly well behaved. I look at how the boys are just now (just turned 1) and she never did the things that they do now. They are little thugs and they wreck everything. So I think it must be combination of being boys and the fact that there is 2 of them and they just encourage one another. Sorry Cosmic not really much help to be honest. I use the naughty step for her and find it works quite well when it doesn't work i go down the route of the bedtime story, she normally gets 3 stories so i tell he I'll take one away etc. She loves her stories so this is a good one and the other thing I dis about a month ago is a reward chart for her eating which was great although I'll need to try it again in the new year :lol:

Hope they get better for you soon I think I'll be coming back to you for top tips :wave:
Cheers snappy, I do try with the naughty step but I'm going to try more reward charts I think, double attack! x
OMG that sounds like a nightmare Cosmic!! Don't think I could handle that.
I have a 3 year old (only one thank goodness!!!) and I think I'm very lucky... He's a very "good" kid, even if I do say so myself!!:)
Have you thought about sending them to kindergarten for a few days a week.... The discipline, rules and structure might do them a world of good. Quinn goes three days a week, 9-3, and it really does help/teach them to follow instructions and to learn that some behaviors are just unacceptable.
Other than that have you tried doing more "structured" play with them.... Painting, play dough, gardening, baking etc....when it's just you and them. Maybe they're just the type of kids that need to be kept occupied all the time.
I agree that at almost 4, their behavior is totally unacceptable, children learn very early on what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior and it does seem as if they are tag teaming you a bit as they would definitely be aware at this age when they're being naughty.
Think I'd be going down the route of removing privileges, TV, favorite toys, treats, dessert etc.... Every time they misbehave..... They might respond to that????
Hope you manage to find something that works!
This is an older post, but I was reading it, as I had just looked up destructive behavior because my 3 year old little girl is going through it just like her four year old brother did and it is frustrating cause we just moved into a new place and she has been taking the trim off the walls. I think it is normal for chuildren to go through a stage like this. like they are experimenting with what everything does and so they have to ruin it and find out and thats fine, however when you are talking about the being disobedient and and not being scared when you yell. I would say that isnt good. I know spanking is controversial and we all have our own parenting styles, but I would say you are not spanking them hard enough if you are doing so at all. I have three little ones under four and another on the way. My husband and I spank them, not for making mistakes or needing to be taught something but for deliberately disobeying or having an attitude. We only ever give three swats on the rear end, depending on how bad the thing they did was and we always talk to them about it before hand and never spank them when we are angry. We tell them that we love the and we dont like giving them spankings, but that they have to learn that bad choices have bad consequences and that when they are older the consequences will be a lot worse then just spankings. They hit someone, like they hit their sister and they go to jail. We treat them like little adults and explain to them they need to be responsible and respect others. And you know who they misbehave with more? Me, because I dont spank them as hard as Daddy, they are not nearly as afraid of being in trouble from me as they are their daddy, but do you know who they would rather play with the most... Their daddy. They respect Him and love him, because they know that even though He spanks them he does it out of love for them and to teach them.... so anyways just my two cents. my four year old boy is no longer destructive, like His three year old sister is becoming and that is because we set rules and boundries and spanked His butt when he didnt obey. Lots of Love from the crazy world of parenting.
I think, they just want to know how far they can go. They just discover their environment and limits. stay calm and try to explain them. It works really with my 3 years old boy.

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