Are everyone's children so destructive?

Sebastian is 14 months and he is quite destructive, though I think at the moment it's just boundary pushing so we just make sure we're absolutely rigid in our disciplines and that DH and I are on the same page x i hope the star charts work hon, this can be so tiring and soul destroying! x :hugs:

Oh I so so hope they work. The thing is I thought me and oh were quite strict with them, obviously it's not working xx
Tegan is only 14 months but she's a terror!! rips things up, chucks food & juice everywhere, has started putting stuff out the letter box and puts everything in her mouth. i hope she isn't like this forever, everyone reckons i've got my hands full lol! x
But you can kinda accept it a little bit more when they are under 2 can't you (it's still frustrating and naughty don't get me wrong) but my twins are 4 in April, that's just not acceptable at that age, they know it is wrong. Do you know what I mean? xx
Totally agree with you Hun they should 'know' better & understand that its naughty. where as Tegan doesn't and you can't really discipline as she doesn't know she's doing wrong still driver me mad though lol! hope you find a solution Hun xx
Thanks hun, we have safety gates on top and bottom of the stairs and the little sods can open them no problem! They're far too clever, they work as a pair to cause mayhem! x

Oh no looool - they must be clever wee souls managing to open them, bless em lol. Must be coz my LO is a girl, she's less adventurous, I still threaten her with the gates (their under my bed) works every time (she's 7)! Duno how i'll cope if this LO manages to escape them. Think i've got tough times ahead having a boy this time, eldest LO was a good baby, OH keeps saying now we've got a boy its our turn to have a "naughty" one. im scared

I've heard boys can be more destructive, I don't have any girls to compare it to though :( x
Do you have the room in your house to seperate them at bedtime? My boys are sharing a room, and always have had problems going to bed as they played of each other, just asking as they are now 10 and 12 and still causing me bedtime greif, if you have room to give them there own space without each other at bedtime, do give it a whirl as I despair still. My daughter has her own room, and my baby will be living with us till she leaves home, but I would love to split the boys up.

I always remember the amount of loo rolls we got through when mine were small, they always threw them in the loo!!! And loo brushes , straight into the wet loo roll and then you just can't get the wet tissue off and have to buy a new one.....

You sound like your coping well tho with a diffucult situation - well done
Thanks hun, we only have 4 bedrooms, there's a 13 year old in one, 9 year old in another, me and oh have one and the twins in the last one. I am planning on renovating the loft, maybe I could then out the 13 year old in there. I know what you mean about the loo roll, grrr awful xx
Oh the loo roll is just shocking. Paige has been known to grab some of my chocolate cake and put it down the loo closely followed by the whole loo roll and then shut the lid. I dont know how long it was down there but I swear when I opened the lid I almost gagged at the scene. It looked shocking.
Omg :shock:
We had to get the man with the big stick to poke our pipes because the twins had stuck so much rubbish down there! x
It was my tooth brush that I almost cried at. I mean really.....the tooth brush?!
Oh no! I had a beautiful big bottle of Marc Jacobs perfume - down the sink! :cry: x
Don't dread it hun, I don't remember my singletons being this bad! x
Im trying to think of things she's done. Smashing my ipod touch 2 weeks after I got it had to be the worst. I actually cried.
Cosmic- ahh yes we want 4 bedrooms , we got a quote for the loft , extra two beds and it was £35,000!!
We have a utility, if we sort piping to ouside (gas and elec, plus fuse box) we have the option maybee of having bedroom in there for Devon or larger kid!! Not sure where we will put the table and chairs tho then? I am happy to have it as a bedroom without sorting the piping out, our bed won't fit but we could get a slimmer one and put a curtain up of of the kitchen, easy solution

Oh the choc cake thing!!! August mum

Have you had the wax crayons down the vent in the top of the gas fire yet? We stopped using ours after the gas man cleared out the melted wax that year, still don't use it.....

Then theres stolen Lipstick and permenant lunch box marker pens!! Cave man style Wall drawings , oh and the best one, was my eldest cutting half of my daughters hair off in the night with plastic child safe comic sissors , she was only about 2/3 and had just got her hair to pony tail length, and it was less than an inch on all of one side!! I just cried all day. He didn't get sweets and pocket money till it grew back, took at least a couple of years no kidding!!!
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My iPad looks like its been in numerous head on collisions! It's been thrown down the stairs so many times I can't count. Still going strong though (with multiple dents!) x

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