**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Is anyone else feeling really shattered at the moment.....?? I am not sleeping well I am tending to wake in the night (which isn't like me) and then struggle to get back off which won't be helping I am going to be early as I am up with DD at 6am every day but it doesn't seem to be making a difference!
MrsP I get bouts of waking up early, usually between 3 and 5 am which drives me crazy! When I do eventually get back to sleep, I don't want to wake up at a normal time! Xx
I have never slept through the night but being pregnant makes it so much worse. I wake every 1.5-2 hours and my 2.5 year old is a rubbish sleeper as well. I'm pooped!
I'm shattered constantly too. Baby keeps me awake at night and I'm forever waking up to drink/pee/get comfy and then baby moves all over again.
I've also got low levels of iron, calcium and protein and am anemic too. I could go on but it's so very boring lol
Yeah, I went from sleeping like a baby to tossing and turning all night, waking up every couple of hours and just feeling awkward and weird trying to sleep which sucks :( Anyone having trouble getting maternity clothes in-store? I am a size 18-20 depending on fit and today someone told me to go to H&M cause they have some... but H&M seem to think pregnant women have flamingo legs and everything is mega overpriced... ended up dropping £45 for 4 shirts (2 of which double as nursing shirts) and a pair of over the bump leggings, but anything that was remotely stylish was well over £20 :( It's just buying online doesn't give you a chance to try on first and as you girls know from one week to the other our bodies change completely
having trouble sleeping too..used to sleep through the night but now it's very broken up which makes me feel very tired the following day. have a little nap in the afternoon when I get the chance but it's not very often.
Tummy feels so heavy with sleeping on my side and baby laying against it. but I am a tummy sleeper so I was always bound to have problems! never mind eh..all be worth it :) Xx
I was having issues sleeping until recently. Really bad insomnia! Now I'm sleeping right through and making the most of it because I know it won't last long!!! My 1year old has literally only slept through the night for the last 5 nights so hoping it lasts so I can try and catch up with my sleep before this little one pops out! Xx
Futurejedi, I bought some jeans from asda online maternity and they fit a treat. I have trouble in mothercare and h&m I'm currently living in my one pair of asda jeans and leggings from mothercare. I have two maternity tops and lots of long dress type jumpers to cover bum and tum! Xx
Feel for you ladies having problems sleeping :( I'm doing ok but I don't usually go to bed till late and sometimes wake up for a wee- other than that I'm ok! I do have a big pillow pet I half lay on. I'm having trouble finishing meals- can't sit forward too long as baby wriggles and it's feet stick out in protest xx
I think I've only been in 2 shops (with my last pregnancy) that stock maternity in store - Matalan & New look. Most I've found online though. Asda do some lovely things in 18/20 as does New Look online. Might be worth having a look to see if you could grab anything in the sales? It's a nightmare though! You'd think of all the people who need to try things on for comfort & fit it would be pregnant ladies! Silly really that shops don't stock it. Especially the basics like leggings, underwear, jeans and basic tops!

Has everyone had/booked their whooping cough jab yet? Due 28+ weeks xXx
Hi Flickalicious, I had my whooping cough jab a week or two ago now, it was a bit sore for a day or so but not until the night time xxx
Had whooping cough injection couple days ago, yesterday I felt run down and flu like symptoms just achey and no energy. Back to normal today but arm still hurts. Xx
Whooping cough is the next thing I need to get booked - I am seeing the MW tomorrow for 28 week check & bloods then next week I have my anti D at the ante natal day unit.
I slept through the night last night well just after 10pm until 5:40am when my DD woke up it is amazing how different it makes you feel! :-)
Warning - I'm going to moan!

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one getting excited about this baby. My oh is a great dad to our lg but he just lacks any sort of enthusiasm about the bump! I'm sure when they are here it will be different but I just feel very alone in the run up! And I've spoken to him about it - the response I always get is 'how would you like me to be?' Which makes me feel silly! I can't remember if he was like this for our lg. to be fair to him he is working hard to sort out the nursery, it's just the little things like talking about names, picking out outfits, feeling baby movements etc that he seems to have no interest in!!

Anyone relate?? Or is it just my lump of a man! Haha x
I know what you mean Holi, my partners great but can't help but feel sometimes he could be more enthusiastic! he can't wait for our baby boy to arrive and he'll feel the movements and everything but feel like I'm the one sorting all the clothes and his little things, going out and getting ready for his arrival, he doesn't seem to involved with things like that.
Or I'll say I'm tired and achey and he'll ask why... like duuuuh im 7 months pregnant! haha probably just a guy thing. urgh men eh...Xx
I think men just don't know how to act! My husband is excited, but he's not in the least bit helpful about picking names, except for every one I pick he doesn't like!! He also doesn't like feeling the baby move as he said it makes him feel weird (he's a paramedic!! God knows what he'll be like during the birth!) but he has said he's looking forward to bathing our little one, but that's the only thing he's really excited about! Xx
I think the concept is a bit remote for men
They don't have that initial bond really until baby here
At least my husband didn't
He was of the school I'll believe it when I see it ha ha
My husband is the same he thinks the movement is wierd and in fairness when she is moving and I get him to feel she goes shy and stops!! I think as the others have said men can't really feel involved until the lo arrives they aren't going through it like we are! We are also women so it is our instinct to get organised and nest ahead of a baby arriving. I am going to rely heavily on my OH to entertain our DD in the very first few days so I can focus on baby and getting us a good family routine which I know he will be great at as they have a fab relationship!

Where is this baby hiding??!!??!! I'm so small wonder if baby will pack on loads of weight over next few weeks!!!

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