**** APRIL MUMMIES 2016!!!**** Almost there!****

Welcome over MrsT :-) Great news about getting the OK for home birth!

Jedi - hope the physio can relieve the pain a bit for you.

I'm having my first sick day in 10 years today, haven't had any sleep due to a horrible cough/cold so decided to stay off. Hopefully an extra day at home will sort me out. Need to start chilling more at weekends I think to make sure I can get through full time working week xx
Lots of that going around Jenny, my mum, DD, DH are all down with it and I have the fringes of it at the moment!

Glad you are getting physio Jedi hopefully it will help! My sciatica is bad today and my back is doing my head in - a lot of that is self inflicted I think I completely overdid it yesterday its so much harder to gauge if you are overdoing it when you are running around after a toddler and trying to get ready for a new arrival!! :-)
Saw midwife today, and little lady is head down, ready for exit! And I can definitely feel it in my ribs!

Hope your physio sorts things out jedi, and you feel better soon Jenny xx
Hope everyone who is suffering gets better soon. Xx

Had a private scan today


I know this is going to sound odd and I love babies and I'm sure your babies are adorable Jnyfer but those 3D scans scare the hell out of me... They make the cutest of babies look like a little alien xD Please don't take offense on what I'm saying.
Lol I know what you mean! My mum feels the same. It's different when you watch it moving on the screen. It's more real. He looks so much like Finn at the same gestation though! I think I am going to have 2 very similar looking boys!
I am going for a Growth scan on Friday so Hopefully I'll get to see my little Chris, it was all booked last minute so my husband cannot come with me as he has an eye appointment. I am sort of disappointed on that one. I invited my Mother-in-law but unfortunately she cannot be out of the house long so I'm going to this one on my own :( Not long now... I'm going to get my hospital bag ready soon... My mum says I'm definitely not going to make it to 40 weeks :D
lovely scan pictures :) I've got my 4D/3D scan coming up in the next week or two. I'm a little nervous, but excited. wasn't really sure how I felt about them before, but had this package as a joint birthday gift for me and my partner which was nice.
they're good though, almost like a photograph aren't they. just a little funny about seeing my womb in 3D and so much detail! something about it makes me a little queasy! I'll be focusing on my beautiful baby for sure! Xx
Enjoy your scan hunni you won't see your womb. They start off in normal black and white scan that you had for your routine scans then they highlight a box around the baby and then change to the 4d which just shows you baby. It's amazing to watch your baby in real time xx
Watched a hospital bag vid online and extra things I've added to my list are...

hot water bottle for pain relief after birth, chewing gums for OH towering over you with their breath! And swim shorts for him in case he's helping you in the tub or shower etc ;)
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Anyone else getting constantly hungry? I'll have a proper meal and be starving again in a few minutes... I just want food all the time
Anyone else getting constantly hungry? I'll have a proper meal and be starving again in a few minutes... I just want food all the time

Yes but it would be unfair of me to blame it on my pregnancy!! I love food!! Haha xxxx
Anyone else getting constantly hungry? I'll have a proper meal and be starving again in a few minutes... I just want food all the time

Yes but it would be unfair of me to blame it on my pregnancy!! I love food!! Haha xxxx

I love food too but I never used to eat this much... Up until this week I wasn't eating much and all of the sudden I want all the food! Especially Special K red berries cereal
hope all you april mummies are well

uh im starting to feel it with my pregnancy now ... out of breath constantly!!!
got my gtt tomorrow should be fun :/ lol
im only sitting down and out of breath
I am constantly eating too :o All the bad stuff :/ Cake, crisps, chocolate, sweets. You name it I'll scoff it! >. <
Oh well, won't be able to once baby is here - body won't let me. Back to my usual diet, 10 weeks left to indulge XD xXx
Constantly hungry here too and a little bit obsessed with cereal too Jedi :-)

Finally ordered baby's pram so that was the last big thing to get. Also ordeted a birthing ball. Just a new moses basket mattress and some bits now for my hospital bag to buy. I got some nice black pj bottoms 2 for £10 if anyone is thinking of getting some, really comfy.

Has anyone used a tens machine for any previous labours? I'm debating getting one - feel like the more natural pain relief things I have to try out before resorting to the drugs the better!!
Constantly hungry here too and a little bit obsessed with cereal too Jedi :-)

Finally ordered baby's pram so that was the last big thing to get. Also ordeted a birthing ball. Just a new moses basket mattress and some bits now for my hospital bag to buy. I got some nice black pj bottoms 2 for £10 if anyone is thinking of getting some, really comfy.

Has anyone used a tens machine for any previous labours? I'm debating getting one - feel like the more natural pain relief things I have to try out before resorting to the drugs the better!!

Where are the pj bottoms from please? I need some desperately and that's a great price! x
And yep, always hungry, always eating :-/ I feel like I'm the size of a whale but hubby assures me he would tell me if I was getting too big ha ha and that I'm all bump still. Oh well it'll come off again I'm sure, it did the first time round!
MW check yesterday was all good. Still head down :) Wonder if he will stay that way! I was asking her about 2nd episiotomies as I had a really big one with my DD that caused me lots of trouble and she said that lots of her ladies have gone on to deliver a second time with no intervention or minimal tearing so heres hoping. I'm hoping so much that I wont have to be induced this time (I had PROM with my first and labour didn't start) and that I'll get the natural, water birth I've always wanted!

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