Back to work today and dry crackers are seeing me through the day
I said to the oh i dont fancy or want fruit but i know me and my little bean need it, so hes going to make me some shakes up in the evenings. The beige diet is not for me
Other than a bit sicky, i dont feel too bad - the gym is a no go atm, more so after work as i just cant face it with this sick feeling, so i am hoping this weekend i can get a good work out in on saturday and sunday. The oh and me will start doing yoga as well soon. We stretch before bed when we can be bothered, so will properly get into the habit of this alongside my pelvic floor exercises.
Are you ladies all doing your pelvic floor now? or will you do it later on in the pregnancy?
Im really struggling with fruit at the moment, vegetables are a complete no-no even the thought of them has me retching, ate some fruit yesterday which made me vomit! I do worry about my lack of nutrition at the moment,
Im going to start pregnancy yoga at 12 weeks I think, i havent been going running or doing any other exercise since bfp so it would be nice to get out there and do something, ooh Ive never exercised my pelvic floor before I wonder if they go through that with you in pregnancy yoga?
Does anyone know if theres still things like birthing classes and stuff? X
Im ok with veg, its just the real sweetness of fruit, which is annoying as i love fruit - typical
Are you taking any extra vitamins? Im taking fold acid, calcium and i think its vitamin d, but i might get some more as well. Its more worrying when, like yourself you arent keeping food down.
I was chatting to my sister in law and her sister and they both suffered really bad with sickness and lost alot of weight because of it, they just couldnt keep anything down, it must be awful
I think since i got my bfp i have been maybe 3 times to the gym, i usually go that many times a week
spinning is a no go. Hopefully we get our energy back soon enough.
When you had your first midwife appointment, did she not mention pelvic floor exercises? Mine fed the seed early, so i thought i will start straight away to avoid any kind of tear!
The oh and me you tubed loads of videos as i just wasnt getting it at first, then found a movement that worked for me, in that i can actually feel something happening, as it isnt very obvious. I can imagine yoga does help, in maybe an indirect way.