**** April 2019 mummies ****

All is fine girl's! They don't know where spotting coming from they can't see a reason. Sometimes it happens she said, and I was measuring 8 weeks which is ahead of my dates. So she said sometimes around the date of your period you can have some???
Anyway little bean had grown loads and could see little heartbeat. Feel relieved but I actually have some discomfort so trying to take it easy. My eldest has autism and he has been hard work so my parents have got him overnight to give me a break! Thank you for messages xxx

Thats amazing MM. So chuffed for you. I have been spotting on and off for about a week. My anxiety level is off the charts. Booked in for a private scan but not until a week on Thurs when I think i will be 7+3. Never has any of this with DS. Fingers crossed for the same outcome as you x
Hi Coles and thank you for the message. If it's any comfort for you I have been spotting on and off since the day I missed my period. I completely understand the anxiety mine has been off the scale too. Hence the frantic ringing round for an appt today. They were fully booked but were kind enough to squeeze me in at the end of their list. I am sure you will be fine too I am just a worry bug! Xxx
Aww lovely news MM, so glad everything is fine, take a well earned rest tonight xxx
Great news MM :D
Really not feeling myself today, feel like my brain isn’t working properly and I’m getting stupider! Perhaps pregnancy brain is happening? Just feel like I can’t concentrate. Anyone else feeling this? Xx
Thanks girls! Feel so much better and taking it easy indeed! I have spoke to the clinic that I had booked for Wednesday and they have let me change my appt to the following week for 12th. I had to pay for half of it up front and they couldn't squeeze me in today and change it. So still have another scan to look forward to.
Haha JoMo I am always like that anyway!!! But I have been very forgetful and doing silly things like I smashed a glass today I was like a zombie. I out it down to stress with the spotting xxx
Morning girls!
How is everyone? I feel so much better today. Hubby is off and got up and made us scrambelled egg. Sickness doesn't seem as bad as it has been. Just trying to take it easy whilst hubby is off.
Mrs Garner how did your scan go yesterday?
Hope everyone is ok xxx

Spent this morning retching over and over again and bringing nothing up, this happens every morning now!

Just been for a scan which went great, baby measuring a day ahead at 7+6, sonographer said heartbeat looks good, it was great to see him/her on the screen as there was a bit of movement this time and it was nice to see how much bigger they are from my last scan at 6+2

Soooo tempted to buy some baby bits, this will be the first time ever in my life I’ve bought something for my own baby! :) but my head is telling me to be sensible and wait for 12 week
scan, which is 4 weeks tomorrow

Anyone bought anything for the baby yet? Xx
Morning ladies :) Glad your scan went well! :D
I’m feeling good today, have tidied the house and am now watching call the midwife... what a bad idea that was! Bawling my eyes out!
I haven’t bought anything for baby yet, I’m 9+4 today but think I’ll wait for my 12 weeks scan before I buy anything :)
Going to visit my auntie and cousin tonight, will be my last time seeing my cousin for a while as she’s moving down south - I’m thinking I’m going to tell them the news? I know it’s still early but I’ve had 2 really good scans both showing a heartbeat so I’m really hopeful. I’m quite close to them so it would be nice to share the news with them. Plus I’m desperate to tell someone! I nearly blurted it out at work yesterday! What do you girls think? Xx
Morning ladies :) Glad your scan went well! :D
I’m feeling good today, have tidied the house and am now watching call the midwife... what a bad idea that was! Bawling my eyes out!
I haven’t bought anything for baby yet, I’m 9+4 today but think I’ll wait for my 12 weeks scan before I buy anything :)
Going to visit my auntie and cousin tonight, will be my last time seeing my cousin for a while as she’s moving down south - I’m thinking I’m going to tell them the news? I know it’s still early but I’ve had 2 really good scans both showing a heartbeat so I’m really hopeful. I’m quite close to them so it would be nice to share the news with them. Plus I’m desperate to tell someone! I nearly blurted it out at work yesterday! What do you girls think? Xx

It’s totally up to you jomo if you are close to them and have had 2 great scans I personally would go for it! And the risk is getting lower every day now, you are in the final stretch to the 12 week scan :)
I think I will go for it, thanks night owl :) I know they’ll be really supportive no matter what :)
Havent been online for a couple of days so just catching up with everything. Does anyone want their due dates moved or shall we just wait for 12 week scan?

Im so shattered lately. Im 9 wks and 5 days and never rememeber being so tired before! To the point where im skipping dinner and just going to bed. Nausea has calmed down a bit now but now just bery exhausted ans getting headaches a lot.

We went to a wedding yesterday, hubby had a few too many drinks and decided to tell half the guests we are expecting. Although we are close to the 12 week mark i was so annoyed he just blurted it out. Even though he is super excited i just wanted to slap him! How could he be so stupid when we havent had any scans yet!
Havent been online for a couple of days so just catching up with everything. Does anyone want their due dates moved or shall we just wait for 12 week scan?

Im so shattered lately. Im 9 wks and 5 days and never rememeber being so tired before! To the point where im skipping dinner and just going to bed. Nausea has calmed down a bit now but now just bery exhausted ans getting headaches a lot.

We went to a wedding yesterday, hubby had a few too many drinks and decided to tell half the guests we are expecting. Although we are close to the 12 week mark i was so annoyed he just blurted it out. Even though he is super excited i just wanted to slap him! How could he be so stupid when we havent had any scans yet!

My date is close enough to what I originally said I think I will just stick with it, glad the nausea has calmed down a bit Laura, I seem to be suffering now, it’s not so much the nausea which bothers me it’s the fact that I just can’t face most foods I normally eat, I’m literally living off junk food, the idea of things like chicken and veg which I normally eat just makes me want to heave, the only thing I can seem to face is bread products, I had visions of myself nourishing the baby with all kinds of superfood salads and kale and clean eating LOL how silly was I! I did manage some crispy seaweed from the chinese takeaway, hopefully that had some vitamins in it ha, should I be trying a bit harder to eat better stuff? I just don’t get why I’m so repulsed by good food

Oh Laura men just haven’t got a clue have they!! Aww he must be so excited and happy though which is nice, I wouldn’t worry about the fact that you haven’t had a scan yet sounds like things are going just fine for you, when is your 12 week scan?
Havent been online for a couple of days so just catching up with everything. Does anyone want their due dates moved or shall we just wait for 12 week scan?

Im so shattered lately. Im 9 wks and 5 days and never rememeber being so tired before! To the point where im skipping dinner and just going to bed. Nausea has calmed down a bit now but now just bery exhausted ans getting headaches a lot.

We went to a wedding yesterday, hubby had a few too many drinks and decided to tell half the guests we are expecting. Although we are close to the 12 week mark i was so annoyed he just blurted it out. Even though he is super excited i just wanted to slap him! How could he be so stupid when we havent had any scans yet!

My date is close enough to what I originally said I think I will just stick with it, glad the nausea has calmed down a bit Laura, I seem to be suffering now, it’s not so much the nausea which bothers me it’s the fact that I just can’t face most foods I normally eat, I’m literally living off junk food, the idea of things like chicken and veg which I normally eat just makes me want to heave, the only thing I can seem to face is bread products, I had visions of myself nourishing the baby with all kinds of superfood salads and kale and clean eating LOL how silly was I! I did manage some crispy seaweed from the chinese takeaway, hopefully that had some vitamins in it ha, should I be trying a bit harder to eat better stuff? I just don’t get why I’m so repulsed by good food

Oh Laura men just haven’t got a clue have they!! Aww he must be so excited and happy though which is nice, I wouldn’t worry about the fact that you haven’t had a scan yet sounds like things are going just fine for you, when is your 12 week scan?

Im the same when it comes to food. Carbs are my best friends. Pasta, bread and potatoes are all i fancy. The though of meat, salads and veg literally make me.heave too!

Although im lucky enough to not have any concerns with this pregnancy *touches wood* i just panic about people knowing until the 12 week scan. Ive got 18days until scan x
Morning girls!
How is everyone? I feel so much better today. Hubby is off and got up and made us scrambelled egg. Sickness doesn't seem as bad as it has been. Just trying to take it easy whilst hubby is off.
Mrs Garner how did your scan go yesterday?
Hope everyone is ok xxx

Mummymoreton sorry to hear about your spotting.. that must’ve been so stressful! But at least you’ve had it checked and now know that everything is fine!!
The scan went great.. I was measuring 7+4 which is exactly what I thought, so due date of 16th April was spot on! It was so lovely to see the heartbeat and little bean was even wriggling around a little bit, which the lady said she doesn’t usually see until 8 weeks, so I guess this one is going to be an acrobat - I’ll look forward to that when he/she is absolutely massive!!! Haha
I have also been on a beige diet.. cheese spread and ham bagels are one of the only things I can stomach lately, although I have developed a taste for lemonade ice lollies.. they literally take all of my nausea away!! Xx
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Hi girls just catching up again had a busy day and haven't had a chance to sit and reply.
That's brilliant news night owl and Mrs Garner about your scans. It's such a relief when you are your little bean on the screen. I am hoping we are all moving out of the difficult stage now.
Not had any more spotting since lunch time yesterday so fingers crossed. However not felt nauseous at all today!!! I know it's a good thing but now thinking why's that?! I think this little bean is well and truly going to keep me on my toes.
My hubby is going on a stag doo to Benidorm on Thursday for 4 days so I am on my own with all 4 kids. Dreading him being away whilst I have felt so naff I haven't had the energy for anything!
But I am with the rest of you still a beige unhealthy diet here!!!
Laura I will leave my date till I get my 12 week just incase it changes again. She told me 13th yesterday.
I think I will have to ring up the appts tomorrow my 12 week scan isn't until 10th October I will be over 13 weeks then xxx
Hi Girlies, had a little catch up yesterday, glad to read there&#8217;s a lot of wriggly beans <3

Back from Newcastle and feel like the whole of Newcastle now knows I&#8217;m pregnant :roll: the oh step sister (the bride) guessed straight away - pretty obvious when I was drinking water all day at a Geordie wedding :lol: felt pretty good when I was up there but that&#8217;s because my diet was pretty beige. Back home now and getting up is still such a struggle - is anyone else really having to force themselves to get up? Sicky feeling is back :(

Is anyone really showing now or got a little bump? In the morning I barely show but if I eat or drink anything my whole middle area pops right out.x
Hi Girlies, had a little catch up yesterday, glad to read there’s a lot of wriggly beans <3

Back from Newcastle and feel like the whole of Newcastle now knows I’m pregnant :roll: the oh step sister (the bride) guessed straight away - pretty obvious when I was drinking water all day at a Geordie wedding :lol: felt pretty good when I was up there but that’s because my diet was pretty beige. Back home now and getting up is still such a struggle - is anyone else really having to force themselves to get up? Sicky feeling is back :(

Is anyone really showing now or got a little bump? In the morning I barely show but if I eat or drink anything my whole middle area pops right out.x

It’s really hard to stop people from guessing isn’t it IVW, if I’ve had to go anywhere social I’ve been drinking lime and soda and saying it’s vodka lime and soda! Think I’ve got away with it so far :lol:

I’m finding I’m more tired of an afternoon and early evening, sickness has been bad tho, I’m retching all day as if I need to be sick but not bringing anything up and I’ve just gone off so much food, last few days I’ve been living off those little dairylea lunchable things with the ham cheese and crackers. Not showing at all yet I don’t think but I am getting bloated a lot,

How was it telling the grandparents were they really excited? :)
Hi Girlies, had a little catch up yesterday, glad to read there’s a lot of wriggly beans <3

Back from Newcastle and feel like the whole of Newcastle now knows I’m pregnant :roll: the oh step sister (the bride) guessed straight away - pretty obvious when I was drinking water all day at a Geordie wedding :lol: felt pretty good when I was up there but that’s because my diet was pretty beige. Back home now and getting up is still such a struggle - is anyone else really having to force themselves to get up? Sicky feeling is back :(

Is anyone really showing now or got a little bump? In the morning I barely show but if I eat or drink anything my whole middle area pops right out.x

It’s really hard to stop people from guessing isn’t it IVW, if I’ve had to go anywhere social I’ve been drinking lime and soda and saying it’s vodka lime and soda! Think I’ve got away with it so far :lol:

I’m finding I’m more tired of an afternoon and early evening, sickness has been bad tho, I’m retching all day as if I need to be sick but not bringing anything up and I’ve just gone off so much food, last few days I’ve been living off those little dairylea lunchable things with the ham cheese and crackers. Not showing at all yet I don’t think but I am getting bloated a lot,

How was it telling the grandparents were they really excited? :)

I really don’t like drinking fizzy drinks, unless they are laced with vodka :lol: so I stick with water, so I’m not helping myself really :roll:

The grandparents were excited, esp his mum - there was a lot going on with other families so it probably didn’t sink in straight away.

So we couldn’t wait and have booked a scan for this evening - nervous is an understatement! She said it would be an internal scan - is that right? I obviously don’t mind, but just thought it would be a normal scan?x
Hi Girlies, had a little catch up yesterday, glad to read there’s a lot of wriggly beans <3

Back from Newcastle and feel like the whole of Newcastle now knows I’m pregnant :roll: the oh step sister (the bride) guessed straight away - pretty obvious when I was drinking water all day at a Geordie wedding :lol: felt pretty good when I was up there but that’s because my diet was pretty beige. Back home now and getting up is still such a struggle - is anyone else really having to force themselves to get up? Sicky feeling is back :(

Is anyone really showing now or got a little bump? In the morning I barely show but if I eat or drink anything my whole middle area pops right out.x

It’s really hard to stop people from guessing isn’t it IVW, if I’ve had to go anywhere social I’ve been drinking lime and soda and saying it’s vodka lime and soda! Think I’ve got away with it so far :lol:

I’m finding I’m more tired of an afternoon and early evening, sickness has been bad tho, I’m retching all day as if I need to be sick but not bringing anything up and I’ve just gone off so much food, last few days I’ve been living off those little dairylea lunchable things with the ham cheese and crackers. Not showing at all yet I don’t think but I am getting bloated a lot,

How was it telling the grandparents were they really excited? :)

I really don’t like drinking fizzy drinks, unless they are laced with vodka :lol: so I stick with water, so I’m not helping myself really :roll:

The grandparents were excited, esp his mum - there was a lot going on with other families so it probably didn’t sink in straight away.

So we couldn’t wait and have booked a scan for this evening - nervous is an understatement! She said it would be an internal scan - is that right? I obviously don’t mind, but just thought it would be a normal scan?x

Aah oh my god how exciting! Yes many places will do an internal scan if it’s still less then 10 weeks or so, it’s not too bad you get a blanket to cover yourself up you don’t have to have a full bladder and they get a clearer image I think, I’m so excited for you! How far along are you at the moment? X

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