**** April 2019 mummies ****

Hi ladies. I should've been turning 13 weeks today and moving on to tri 2. Sadly when I went for my ultrasound on Tuesday there was no heartbeat. I'd lost the baby the day before. I've had losses before (6 in fact) but never this late. We're going to try again as soon as we're ready. I wish you all the best.

Oh TM I’m so so sorry to hear this, life is so unfair sometimes:-(
I hope you are getting the necessary medical investigations to help you figure out what is causing your losses, and I hope you get a gorgeous rainbow baby very soon, sending you hugs xxx
So sorry to hear this TM, how awful :( Wishing you all the best and sending hugs xxx
Hi ladies just catching up over the last few days what I have missed.
So sorry to hear this TM sending hugs to you and good luck with your rainbow xxx
Wedding was lovely we got home yesterday lunchtime. I am shattered!!!
Feeling so anxious about Tuesday really worrying and praying that everything is ok with our little bean. No spotting for 2 days now but I just don't feel pregnant anymore :(
Hope your all doing well xxx
Wedding was lovely we got home yesterday lunchtime. I am shattered!!!
Feeling so anxious about Tuesday really worrying and praying that everything is ok with our little bean. No spotting for 2 days now but I just don't feel pregnant anymore :(
Hope your all doing well xxx

Glad you enjoyed the wedding and the spotting has stayed away, I bet Tuesday can’t come quick enough for you, it’s totally normal for the symptoms to be gone at this point MM, this is meant to be when the enjoyable part of pregnancy begins, my symptoms are definitely dying down now the sickness is nowhere near as intense I’m having hours at a time where I feel ok, it’s such a relief, I bet everything is fine on tues I will be keeping everything crossed for you xx
Thanks night owl! I really want to start enjoying the pregnancy now I am just finding it really hard to relax and panicking over every little detail. Baby was fine last Friday when it all started again and things have only improved over the week so I am hoping all is fine and I am worrying over nothing.
Did you go and see the giants? Xxx
Thanks night owl! I really want to start enjoying the pregnancy now I am just finding it really hard to relax and panicking over every little detail. Baby was fine last Friday when it all started again and things have only improved over the week so I am hoping all is fine and I am worrying over nothing.
Did you go and see the giants? Xxx

Oh I know what you mean I’m finding even after 12 week scan I’m still worrying, I’ve been on countdown to it for the last 8 weeks so I don’t really know what to do with myself now, I get weird sharp pains and discomfort all over my belly and don’t feel like my bump is as big as I’ve seen other people’s at 13 weeks! Then I’ve been reading horrible stories about things going wrong in tri 2, scaring myself, need to stay away from the internet!

Yeah I did go and see them yesterday, didn’t get to see them the other times they’ve been here, and we don’t live far from the city centre, it was so crowded it was unbelievable but we got to see the dog, I was blown away by how life like it was! This is the last time they are coming to Liverpool and I think the pregnancy hormones got to me yesterday as I was an emotional mess as soon as I seen the dog ha ha I have such a soft spot for dogs 💓
Oh good God don't tell me I can't cope with anymore horror stories haha I have had to stop googling myself to be honest it was getting silly. I have never really had a bump till 18/19 weeks but I am not exactly slim to be honest. I do have a little bump but I think it's more the belly I already had that I can't suck in any longer!!!
We were going to pop over today but I seen yesterday's crowds and my eldest has autism it would have been too much for him. They closed schools over here and let them out early on Friday but we were at the wedding otherwise would have seen them in New Brighton. Aww well sounds like your really feeling all these extra hormones. The wedding was very emotional too I was all over the place haha xxx
Hi ladies. I should've been turning 13 weeks today and moving on to tri 2. Sadly when I went for my ultrasound on Tuesday there was no heartbeat. I'd lost the baby the day before. I've had losses before (6 in fact) but never this late. We're going to try again as soon as we're ready. I wish you all the best.

So sorry teacher mummy, it's heartbreaking, maybe I will see you over in ttc, fingers crossed and lots of baby dust for us both for next time xx
MM I know exactly how you feel, this past week (aside from a bit of sickness in the morning) I’ve felt really engergised and back to my old self again! I’m eating pretty much normally, not repulsed by so many foods and just generally feeling good. Which is lovely, however, it makes me question whether everything is okay or not! But I just keep trying to think that my 12 week scan went really well and symptoms are dying down around now so fx everything is fine! Also, wishing you all the best for Tuesday, I’m sure your little bean is doing just great <3
Pink im so sorry to learn of your heart ache. There are no words to make anything better or take your pain away. Stay strong <3
All is fine girl's...phew!
She could see where the bleed was coming from but said looks like it's resolving! I am 13 weeks and 3 days today so kept consistent with my private scans. I am due 13th April! So happy I just want to enjoy the pregnancy now. Hope everyone is ok? Thanks for listening to all my moaning haha xxx
All is fine girl's...phew!
She could see where the bleed was coming from but said looks like it's resolving! I am 13 weeks and 3 days today so kept consistent with my private scans. I am due 13th April! So happy I just want to enjoy the pregnancy now. Hope everyone is ok? Thanks for listening to all my moaning haha xxx

Oh MM that’s amazing news, I really do hope it’s all smooth sailing now you deserve a break from the worrying! And you are due date buddies with me and IVW :) xxx
Hi ladies. I should've been turning 13 weeks today and moving on to tri 2. Sadly when I went for my ultrasound on Tuesday there was no heartbeat. I'd lost the baby the day before. I've had losses before (6 in fact) but never this late. We're going to try again as soon as we're ready. I wish you all the best.

So sorry teacher mummy, it's heartbreaking, maybe I will see you over in ttc, fingers crossed and lots of baby dust for us both for next time xx

<3 :clover:
Catching up as haven&#8217;t been keeping up of late. TM and Pink - I am so terribly sorry to hear of both your losses. I wish you both nothing but luck and support in your journeys xx
How is everyone doing? I am 14+2 now feeling ok, still tired but think that's my permanent state these days anyway haha!
Has anyone got scans this week? Xxx

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