**** April 2019 mummies ****

Oh bless don’t feel guilty! Labour is just barbaric. Saying that I hope I don’t worry anyone unnecessarily 🙈 my SIL has the quickest and easiest labour and she’s not in any hurry to do it again, despite all we went through I knew I would do it again soon!
Yep beige seems to be my only good right now. Tonight im being super lazy and having a cheese and leek pasta sachet. I feel awful so eating all this beige stuff. But i could be eating worse things i guess

Snap!lol although mine was chicken and mushroom. Lol with some ryvita

I’m defo in the beige club too.

Mummymorton I tried to start slimming world when I first found out I was pregnant and have lost 6lb but with the sickness this week I’ve not been able to think about it and have found bread and pasta is my best friend.

My nausea pills got here today yay so I am not taking avomine and hoping it’s a miracle drug lol
LauraB I have found today so hard :(
I have never done slimming world but thought I would give it a try for pasta/rice/potatoes. I have stuck to it bit found I have been hungry and when I have been hungry I have been nauseous! So I have used loads of syns.
Well done on losing 6lb that's brilliant! I really need to give it a good try I have put half a stone one in 4 weeks!
But not sure how successful I will be I want all the beige like everyone else :(
Morning girls, how is everyone today? :)
I’ve got my scan today!! :D Agh! So excited but a tiny bit nervous incase they tell me something I don’t want to hear... but I haven’t had any symptoms to indicate something’s gone wrong so fx all is good. It’s at 2.40pm though..... today at work is going to drag!! Xx
Good luck today jomo, it will be so exciting seeing how much he/she has grown from last time!

Got a scan on Sunday which I’m glad about as I think I need the reassurance, does anyone find variations in their sickness levels? All day Sunday and Monday I had the worst nausea and retching, last few days haven’t had much nausea just a bit of retching so now I’m worrying :-( arghh this first 12 weeks is horrible I can’t believe how slow it’s going wish I could just fast forward time x
Good luck JoMo how exciting! Let us know how you get on!

Yes night owl! One day I am fine you wouldn't think I was pregnant then the next day I feel nauseous! I have been borking brushing my teeth today and generally feel iffy! Hoping it's all good signs! But I am with you this 12 weeks is dragging! so glad I booked a scan for Wednesday but even that feels a life time away?! It still doesn't feel real to be honest xxx
Good luck Jomo <3

4 weeks yesterday until our scan :( that feels like a lifetime!

Lasts nights dinner was definitely the most beige type of food you could have, kfc - oooops! I never eat stuff like that but it was all I fancied, so the oh did a pitt stop on the way home from work last night. Not sure how long the &#8216;but baby wants it&#8217; excuse will last :lol:

Nausea front for me is just a feeling every now and then. Actually feel ok on our 5 drive up north, but after an hour we had to stop so I could wee :wall2: we would usually stop half way - this baby isn&#8217;t having that today!x
Good luck to everyone with their scans, can&#8217;t beat seeing them for real can you?

My sickness meds are starting to work I think, I feel like on the brink of feeling nauseous then it goes away again. Hopefully once they are in my system more I will feel &#8220;normal&#8221; again or am I expecting too much lol
Well slimming world went out the window today!
Felt nauseous and dizzy in next! I ate one of the kids sausage roll from greggs then a subway sandwich! Feel awful today... but trying to embrace it xxx
I feel great today! Had a 3 hour nap when I got in from work yesterday and then slept from 10pm-6am!! Feel like a new woman this morning!!! Have to wait until 7pm for my scan!!!! Work is dragging!!! Had some brownish stuff come out today, which panicked me. But at my last scan she did say she could see some old blood which might make its way out within the next week or so... So I'm hoping it was just that! Will let u all know how it goes later... I'm praying for good news!!!
Well slimming world went out the window today!
Felt nauseous and dizzy in next! I ate one of the kids sausage roll from greggs then a subway sandwich! Feel awful today... but trying to embrace it xxx

Glad you’re feeling awful MM :) ha ha, surely it’s a good thing,
Funnily enough ive had a subway for lunch the last 3 days, all I feel like is bread products, been retching all day again today x
Don&#8217;t feel bad MM I think we all crave carbs when we feel rubbish.
Tri 1 is probably the wrong time to start x
Haha yes it really is a good thing I am pleased! Looking forward to the kids going back to school next week to give me a bit of rest. They have been awful today! I sat down to do an online shop to pick up tomorrow and I just can't decide what I want to eat! Feel like chicken and pitta bread and rice but then it changed 5 mins later! I am with you on the bread products crumpets and toast I am craving xxx
I’m so hungry still but can’t face ribs for tea. So I’ve got soup, chicken dippers and potato smilies &#129315;
MW has put me on a higher dose of folic acid because my bmi is high (which has made me feel sooo great &#128580;) and think I’m getting aspirin too because my mom had pre eclampsia with me. Didn’t have either first time round &#129335;&#127996;*&#9792;&#65039;
Thanks girls! So I had my scan and it went really well! :D Little bean has grown so much since my scan 2 weeks ago, saw it’s little heart beat again and he/ she was jumping around! Could see proper movement!! :D They dated me at 9+2 (and little bean has more than doubled in size since last time) :D so I’m deffo further ahead than I thought, but will still wait til the 12 week scan to change my due date. They were also able to get a clear image of baby just by doing the scan on my tummy, didn’t have to have an internal scan this time which I’m glad of as it was a tad uncomfortable last time!
Just got back from my booking in appt as well and that went really well. They take so much blood!!!
Hope you’re all well xxx

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