**** April 2019 mummies ****

Brilliant news jomo :)

I’m excited but also nervous for my scan on Sunday, I should be 7+5, it’s going to be hard to relax over the weekend! X
Hi girls... Scan went really well. Measuring at 7 weeks and 2 days. Grew loads since last week. She wants to see me again in 2 weeks just to check we r both okay then that will be it till my 12 week scan. Still doesn't feel real! Just need to rest and take it easy for the next month or so xx
Hi all,

New here & also new to this whole pregnancy thing...

Found out a couple of days ago I’m 5 weeks + due on 27th April.

Been trying for a little while so super happy but oh so nervous, haven’t told anyone apart from my partner and finding it so hard without someone to ask alllllll my questions to.

Completed form yesterday at GP to register with the midwife, they said it could be weeks until we hear anything, when do you normally have that first appointment?
Hi girls... Scan went really well. Measuring at 7 weeks and 2 days. Grew loads since last week. She wants to see me again in 2 weeks just to check we r both okay then that will be it till my 12 week scan. Still doesn't feel real! Just need to rest and take it easy for the next month or so xx

Brilliant news xxx
Congratulations and welcome sprinkle!
Most of is have appts to see midwife round 8-10 weeks for booking in appt. Then a few weeks later for 12 week scan. Every area is different though. How are you feeling? Xxx
Amazing news rainingflowers, you must be over the moon

Congratulations and welcome sprinkle, every nhs trust seems to have a different system for the booking in appointment but I think most people are having them around 8 weeks x
Thank you Mummymoreton & night owl.

Oh right, so could be awhile yet, my apps are dating me at 6 weeks tomorrow.

Up until Tuesday when I did the test, the only symptoms I had were random cramps every now and again and constantly needing to wee. But since Wednesday I have been feeling constantly hungry, it goes away when I eat but then an hour later i feel starving again. Yesterday I felt really nauseous all day, today not so much. I have been awake since 3.45am, had so much on my mind but then when I tried to get back to sleep I was so hungry I couldn’t..

Would you say these symptoms are kind of normal?
Well it's gone 12 o'clock and I haven't actually been sick today!! It's a miracle! I have felt nauseous from the minute I got to work though tbf - anyone else only feel really sick when they're at work? I was the same with my first pregnancy.. it makes week days unbearable!

On the plus side, I have my private scan at 9am tomorrow!! I am so excited!! Good luck to anyone else having theirs over the weekend. I'm really nervous, hoping everything will be okay.. I guess that's normal. I'm also very nervous in case there are 2 babies in there!! I don't think there will be, there is no history of twins in my family, but you just never know do you??
Had the weirdest thing today, I’m not really one to be super nauseous (especially to the point of being sick) but I was walking up the road to catch the bus to work, and literally within about 3 seconds I was so nauseous I almost had to (bit gross sorry) throw up into the side of the road! I was so close to throwing up but I managed to keep it in, and then about 10 seconds later it passed as quickly as it had come on. So weird! I had just had my breakfast so it might have been that. But I have my breakfast at the same time every day so I dunno :wall2: x
I am very impressed sprinkle that you tested late. I knew before my period was due haha! But all sounds normal. I was 7 weeks on Wednesday and my nausea only kicked in a few days ago!
I feel so ill now I am good for nothing!!! But glad to be feeling 'pregnant' now.

Good luck for your scan tomorrow MrsGarner haha would be exciting for twins though but super hard work xxx
Jomo I am like this at the minute. The thought of certain things making me bork nearly to the point of vomiting! Keep telling myself it's all good signs xxx
Afternoon girls!
I have popped back in the spotting club today! Had pinky discharge earlier! I am absolutely gutted I have been about 10 days spotting free. I am so anxious now! Tried to rearrange my scan for today with no luck and everywhere else is fully booked. It's going to be a very long wait till Wednesday:(
Aaah MM sorry it’s come back, but honestly I bet everything is fine, when you had it last time and got scanned everything was looking good, same here and for a few others in this group too, and it sounds like you are definitely feeling pregnant with the nausea now! Hopefully weds will come by quickly, wonder if it’s anything to do with your anti clotting injections? I would assume that makes your blood thinner? Could just be something to do with that although I don’t know much about how these things work!

Feeling so crap last few days, just retching in the morning, feel ok in the afternoon then retching again at teatime, still on the all beige diet but I’ve upgraded my cheese spread on toast to Philadelphia on a bagel :)
Aaah MM sorry it’s come back, but honestly I bet everything is fine, when you had it last time and got scanned everything was looking good, same here and for a few others in this group too, and it sounds like you are definitely feeling pregnant with the nausea now! Hopefully weds will come by quickly, wonder if it’s anything to do with your anti clotting injections? I would assume that makes your blood thinner? Could just be something to do with that although I don’t know much about how these things work!

Feeling so crap last few days, just retching in the morning, feel ok in the afternoon then retching again at teatime, still on the all beige diet but I’ve upgraded my cheese spread on toast to Philadelphia on a bagel :)

Thanks night owl I hope everything is ok. But never had a pregnancy like this and didn't have any bleeding or spotting with any of my other children. I have always taken blood thinners with my pregnancies and again never had this.
I have rang and rang round and managed to get a private scan for 4pm. Weds is too long away! I will still have to go to that too because I have paid for it Haha! If all's well that is. This is going to be a very expensive pregnancy! I was looking at the women's I didn't realise they offered private scans, Arrowe park doesnt.
My sickness is still there but not as bad as past few days.
Oooh the Philadelphia bagel sounds amazing I am going to buy some in. It's all reasurring signs though night owl xxx
Oh that’s great news that you have a scan this afternoon MM, good luck for it I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you xxx
All is fine girl's! They don't know where spotting coming from they can't see a reason. Sometimes it happens she said, and I was measuring 8 weeks which is ahead of my dates. So she said sometimes around the date of your period you can have some???
Anyway little bean had grown loads and could see little heartbeat. Feel relieved but I actually have some discomfort so trying to take it easy. My eldest has autism and he has been hard work so my parents have got him overnight to give me a break! Thank you for messages xxx

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