**** April 2019 mummies ****

Im always tired too. If i have 12 hours or 8hours sleep im still exhausted. Feel like i need a morning nap and an afternoon nap haha but its impossible with a nearly 3 year old who doesnt want to nap or have quiet time. I find myself going to bed when he does just cos i feel so exhausted
Im always tired too. If i have 12 hours or 8hours sleep im still exhausted. Feel like i need a morning nap and an afternoon nap haha but its impossible with a nearly 3 year old who doesnt want to nap or have quiet time. I find myself going to bed when he does just cos i feel so exhausted

I feel like you. I go to bed around 8pm and sleep till 7am and I feel extremely tired still in the day :(
Yep, i am in the tired club also :wall2: Im generally quite a tired person anyway, but wow, feeling tired all day and wanting to shut my eyes at every opportunity is not nice.

Went to sainsburys this morning and got a pack of ginger nuts and some dry crackers - i would usually spend my money on clothes, it seems that has now stopped and its now food :roll:

Thankfully i dont feel as sicky as i did yesterday!

Been looking at private scans also - there is a deal on for £49 and we could go on Saturday, but this is a day after a geordie wedding so i dont think thats the best time - not sure who would be feeling more sick, me or the oh :lol:
I almost couldn’t find this thread then cos of the strange spam threads which have been posted, looks like Chinese or something, anyone know what that’s about? :lol:

Surprisingly I’m not as tired as I thought I would be but I’m vomiting of a morning and retching throughout the day, I’m worried about the lack of variation in my diet too, all I feel like eating is plain beige things, been living off cheese spread on toast!

Do you think you’ll end up going for a private scan IVW? Xx
I almost couldn’t find this thread then cos of the strange spam threads which have been posted, looks like Chinese or something, anyone know what that’s about? :lol:

Night owl how annoying is that? Basically spammed the whole of the forum on the different threads. On the unread posts its not until page 3 where you can see everyone's post! :mad:
I almost couldn’t find this thread then cos of the strange spam threads which have been posted, looks like Chinese or something, anyone know what that’s about? :lol:

Night owl how annoying is that? Basically spammed the whole of the forum on the different threads. On the unread posts its not until page 3 where you can see everyone's post! :mad:

Very annoying! God knows what the point of it is!! I think I’ve just commented on this on the sept testing thread aswell xx
I almost couldn’t find this thread then cos of the strange spam threads which have been posted, looks like Chinese or something, anyone know what that’s about? :lol:

Surprisingly I’m not as tired as I thought I would be but I’m vomiting of a morning and retching throughout the day, I’m worried about the lack of variation in my diet too, all I feel like eating is plain beige things, been living off cheese spread on toast!

Do you think you’ll end up going for a private scan IVW? Xx

Stupid spammers :wall2:

Oh god i am the same as well, today i have had weetabix, three water crackers and two ginger biscuits, all just beigey brown foods, not good at all. When i had my hungry weeks i bought loads of humous pots and carrot and cucumber sticks, which i havent touched since last week, just dont fancy that type of food, but know my body needs it :wall2:

Just spent an hour looking all over the internet and called a few places to see what availability they have, but nothing for tomorrow, either down here or up north - just too shorter notice i suppose. The groupon deal is for Saturdays only and specific clinics not really near us. Other places are charging £80 which i am not wanting to pay, so after all that i think i am going to hang tight.

My sister did say if you are having all the sicky and tired symptoms then all is good, but i dont know how really true that is? She mentioned getting a doppler, to which i said, hell no :shock:
I almost couldn’t find this thread then cos of the strange spam threads which have been posted, looks like Chinese or something, anyone know what that’s about? :lol:

Surprisingly I’m not as tired as I thought I would be but I’m vomiting of a morning and retching throughout the day, I’m worried about the lack of variation in my diet too, all I feel like eating is plain beige things, been living off cheese spread on toast!

Do you think you’ll end up going for a private scan IVW? Xx

Stupid spammers :wall2:

Oh god i am the same as well, today i have had weetabix, three water crackers and two ginger biscuits, all just beigey brown foods, not good at all. When i had my hungry weeks i bought loads of humous pots and carrot and cucumber sticks, which i havent touched since last week, just dont fancy that type of food, but know my body needs it :wall2:

Just spent an hour looking all over the internet and called a few places to see what availability they have, but nothing for tomorrow, either down here or up north - just too shorter notice i suppose. The groupon deal is for Saturdays only and specific clinics not really near us. Other places are charging £80 which i am not wanting to pay, so after all that i think i am going to hang tight.

My sister did say if you are having all the sicky and tired symptoms then all is good, but i dont know how really true that is? She mentioned getting a doppler, to which i said, hell no :shock:

Yeah your sister is right, the tiredness and sickness are really good signs that everything is fine, even if you didn’t have that either it wouldn’t mean anything was wrong, it’s such a looong wait from getting the bfp until the scan isn’t it, and we thought the 2ww was bad ha ha, yeah I wouldn’t waste your money if you don’t feel like you need the extra reassurance xx

Off to make a decaf tea and my 80th piece of cheese spread on toast of the week :)
I almost couldn’t find this thread then cos of the strange spam threads which have been posted, looks like Chinese or something, anyone know what that’s about? :lol:

Surprisingly I’m not as tired as I thought I would be but I’m vomiting of a morning and retching throughout the day, I’m worried about the lack of variation in my diet too, all I feel like eating is plain beige things, been living off cheese spread on toast!

Do you think you’ll end up going for a private scan IVW? Xx

Stupid spammers :wall2:

Oh god i am the same as well, today i have had weetabix, three water crackers and two ginger biscuits, all just beigey brown foods, not good at all. When i had my hungry weeks i bought loads of humous pots and carrot and cucumber sticks, which i havent touched since last week, just dont fancy that type of food, but know my body needs it :wall2:

Just spent an hour looking all over the internet and called a few places to see what availability they have, but nothing for tomorrow, either down here or up north - just too shorter notice i suppose. The groupon deal is for Saturdays only and specific clinics not really near us. Other places are charging £80 which i am not wanting to pay, so after all that i think i am going to hang tight.

My sister did say if you are having all the sicky and tired symptoms then all is good, but i dont know how really true that is? She mentioned getting a doppler, to which i said, hell no :shock:

Yeah your sister is right, the tiredness and sickness are really good signs that everything is fine, even if you didn’t have that either it wouldn’t mean anything was wrong, it’s such a looong wait from getting the bfp until the scan isn’t it, and we thought the 2ww was bad ha ha, yeah I wouldn’t waste your money if you don’t feel like you need the extra reassurance xx

Off to make a decaf tea and my 80th piece of cheese spread on toast of the week :)

Dojt worry about the plain food situation.. or the fact there isnt as much goodness inside you as you would like to have. I think as long as your taking pregnacare etc. Im the same with the cheese spread on toast. Anything savoury and plain is a winner for me right now. The thought of anything else makes my stomach churn
I am really tired too.. I spend all morning feeling sick or actually being sick, then I spend the afternoon feeling so tired I want to cry!! I went into the work bathroom yesterday and just sat on the floor of the cubicle, leaned against the wall and closed my eyes for a few minutes. It's so hard when work colleagues don't know!

I had also forgotten the joys of morning sickness and the fact that everything you eat is dictated by how easily it'll come back up!!!:sick:
I started slimming world last night :( feel like I have put so much weight on since I have found out. I need some control in my life!!! I have a wedding the start of October and my hubby is best man so I can't afford to bang a load of weight on. It's been hard today o haven't got bad nausea but when I am hungry if I don't eat it kicks in xx
Todays food consumption has basically been beige :roll: and it would have continued that way if i didnt force myself to eat the strawberry's and grapes i had boxed up! I just dont fancy or want anything sweet :-(

Showed my work drawer to my sister and she said 'that screams pregnancy :lol:' - thankfully i work with a lot of men, so most of them would be absolutely clueless!

Totally gone off chewing gum which has ALWAYS been my go to when i am hungry, so i just need to realize i am going to pile on a few more pounds that i wasnt probably expecting :roll:

As of 5pm i am officially on holiday and i cannot wait to just have some away time from work and our flat. We will be sharing the news with another set of close friends and the oh's family <3 his mum is GOING TO GO MENTAL :lol: in the nicest way possible. she has three sons and we are definitely the fave couple and he is definitely her fave son hehe.

Hope everyone manages to stomach some other type of food that isnt beige or of a dry consistency :lol: xx
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Never mind your beige snacks - I think I&#8217;m about to admit defeat and cook an entire beige dinner. I&#8217;m having a minor tantrum about how tired I am and how much of a pain cooking healthy meals is and I&#8217;ve just put something I need to cook with in the dishwasher. Ugh.

Pregnancy is definitely a good excuse for eating all things beige though, right?!
Yep beige seems to be my only good right now. Tonight im being super lazy and having a cheese and leek pasta sachet. I feel awful so eating all this beige stuff. But i could be eating worse things i guess
I’m eating such junk recently too, anything leafy or lentil-ey is a no go, so I’m having a big fat pizza for tea. Bfp! Hahah
But because I’m veggie I think it’s even worse that I’m eating junk, I just can’t face anything colourful and healthy!! Dont think I’ve eaten anything with protein in for about 5 days. Really struggling xxx
Hey all, hope everyone is well! Wish I was off food, yesterday I just couldn’t eat enough!!! I was absolutely starving and just ate a loaf of crap as I had nothing else in my drawers at work. I’m struggling to think of quick easy but healthy ish snacks.
Other news, I had my MW appointment today, she’s lovely and has confirmed I’m pretty much guaranteed a c-sec after last time which has really put my mind at ease!
Hey all, hope everyone is well! Wish I was off food, yesterday I just couldn’t eat enough!!! I was absolutely starving and just ate a loaf of crap as I had nothing else in my drawers at work. I’m struggling to think of quick easy but healthy ish snacks.
Other news, I had my MW appointment today, she’s lovely and has confirmed I’m pretty much guaranteed a c-sec after last time which has really put my mind at ease!

Ruby hope you dont mind me asking but what happened with your first delivery?
Im hoping to have a planned c section too but havent met my midwife yet to discuss options. I had gestational diabetes, was induced, had 3rd degree tear and ended up with a 10lb baby. I just know i wont be able to cope with that horrendous labour again. X
Of course I don’t. She swallowed meconium, we both had an infection and she had suspected sepsis so went straight to intensive care and was sedated for a week. I got to 8 Cm before she became distressed so had an emergency c-sec. she was 9lb 2oz so once my waters broke and we’re brown there was only one thing that was really going to happen!

Tearing sounds awful, i hope you get a supportive MW!
Of course I don’t. She swallowed meconium, we both had an infection and she had suspected sepsis so went straight to intensive care and was sedated for a week. I got to 8 Cm before she became distressed so had an emergency c-sec. she was 9lb 2oz so once my waters broke and we’re brown there was only one thing that was really going to happen!

Tearing sounds awful, i hope you get a supportive MW!

Feel guilty now. My labour sounds pathetic to yours! Sounds like you had a horrendous time! Glad theyve agreed to give you a c section. At least you will feel more relaxed and in control x
I'm so exhausted again. I haven't had sickness yet, just one or two spots of nausea, but there's still time for that joy to kick in &#55357;&#56834;
I needed cheering up last night due to my house nearly burning down (thankfully it didn't!!!) so I booked an early scan. Now have to only wait till a week on Monday to meet bellybean.
Hope everyone is getting plenty of naps!

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