**** April 2019 mummies ****

Ugh I’m back in the spotting club today! Well, not so much spotting but a slight brown discharge. I’m staying positive though because when I had the scan last week the ultrasound technition said the discharge I was having looked normal and it just looks the same as that. So fx everything is still fine! 6 days to go til I can see little bean again. I should be 8/9 weeks... can’t wait!
Hope you’re all well ladies xx
Also, is anyone else thinking of getting a home Doppler?
Urgh it’s so worrying getting any kind of spotting isn’t it jomo Your scan went well though so don’t worry about it, as you say you had it before your scan and nothing was wrong, at least you’ve got another scan coming up soon :)

I’m not going to get a home Doppler, I seen on the nhs website they advise people not to rely on them and they would rather people got in touch with their midwife if they thought something was wrong, I would have it permanently attached to me aswell like the nervous basket case that I am lol!

6+3 today think my morning sickness has truely kicked in today been feeling like throwing up all day, only 9 more days until my private scan :dance:
Yea i am the same as you nightowl - its enough now worrying, so i wouldn't want to add to that if the doppler didnt pick up anything.

My sisters friend had one, so my sister used it and got the babys heart beat and that was that - but i know i would be using it everyday which just wouldnt be good for my sanity.
To be honest I just wanted a Doppler coz I thought it would be cute if me and my OH could listen to the heartbeat whenever we wanted, but I know it would drive me nuts if I couldn’t find the heart beat and I would totally get obsessed! Just wanted to hear your opinions, I probably won’t get one :P xx
I borrowed my cousins one last time but didn’t use it much, it’s quite hard to pick up and then causes worry if you can’t. I’ve got 4 weeks and 3 days until my scan 😭 hope it flies!
I didn’t plan on getting one but DH thinks it would be nice to get one so the boys can hear baby. Probably won’t bother until after 20 weeks though. I remember in my first pregnancy we used it way too early and it’s hard to find the HB and made me more anxious
Had my booking in appointment this morning, 12 week scan is booked for 25th!
Hi ladies just catching up as it was my little girls 6th birthday yesterday.
Sorry to hear that niknaknoo got everything crossed it's your dates when when you go back next week there's changes xxx

All fine here with me I am still about 4/5 days spotting free. My tiredness has really ramped up and I have had a little bit of nausea on and off. But nothing major, I seem to have it more when I am hungry and need to eat but then i don't know what I fancy because I feel nauseous. It's only happened a few times.
I have never bought a Doppler with any of my other pregnancies I didn't feel the need to. But with my last pregnancy I did pay for 4 private scans...i was super anxious that time too. My last pregnancy was 7 months after my ectopic.
I hope your all ok xxx
Niknaknoo I have everything crossed for you.
I know I am one of the latest due in the month (29) so only 4 weeks 5 days but I have no symptoms whatsoever. My boobs have got a bit bigger but thats it. Now dont get me wrong Im not hoping to be floored wigh morning sickness but something would be reassuring x
Niknaknoo I have everything crossed for you.
I know I am one of the latest due in the month (29) so only 4 weeks 5 days but I have no symptoms whatsoever. My boobs have got a bit bigger but thats it. Now dont get me wrong Im not hoping to be floored wigh morning sickness but something would be reassuring x

I am only 6 +3 I don't have many symptoms the symptoms I have had a few times have only been mild. I feel the same as you if they were worse it would be reasurring. I keep telling myself it's still only early though so hang in there xxx
6+4 today, no more scary brown discharge or pain and sickness has well and truly kicked in, I hope I don’t have any more scares now my nerves can’t take anymore!

Coles I didn’t really have any symptoms at that point either they say for most people they don’t really start until 6+ weeks, sometimes later and sometimes not at all xx
I’m in the same boat as you mummymoreton, feel nauseous, but if I eat something dry and savoury it usually subsides.
My nauseous feeling started on the way home from work on Thursday and again yesterday, so I think that’s going to be my pattern :wall2: I’m all stocked up on rice cakes so that usually sees it off.

In the gym currently and having to really hold back with my workout - I will be waving goodbye to my abs and just doing cardio and a few weights. Mid wife recommended the ab work out stopped, so that’s that.

Nice quiet Saturday and Sunday for me, then Monday we’re out with all our friends who will ALL be wacking back the booze, so that will be lovely to be around :roll:

Hope everyone has a good weekend xx
Thank you both for the reassurance. I know I am really early and to be honeat I didnt have huge amount of symptoms when pregnant with my son but I am so much more nervous this time around and dont know why x
im 9 weeks now and still have very few symptoms, I often forget I’m Pregnant!
I’m 8 weeks and I don’t have many symptoms ether (at least not strong ones)! It’s so weird how people differ :D xx
Thank you both for the reassurance. I know I am really early and to be honeat I didnt have huge amount of symptoms when pregnant with my son but I am so much more nervous this time around and dont know why x

I’m far more anxious this time round too!
So jealous of those without symptoms. I have never been as nauseous as I am this time. The last two pregnancies I might feel a bit sick if I didn’t have breakfast but this time it’s all day long. Really hope it’s going to get better as were moving house in 6/8 weeks and I have loads to do.

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