**** April 2019 mummies ****

Fab news! All these scans I’m getting jealous I need proof this is a baby making me soooo ill lol
Mine is Tuesday x
I do understand why some women don't want to tell people until they are 12 weeks or whatever, but we got to 6 days of knowing this time and although we both said we weren't going to tell anyone until we knew 100% that everything was okay, I just felt so alone thinking that if something happened no one would know! So we have just told close family and friends, pretty much everyone who knows about the previous miscarriages. And the relief I felt was unbelievable. Having so many people messaging me everyday to check im okay is so reassuring! So I would honestly recommend telling people to everyone!
I've just had a thought... What am I going to wear on Sunday!!! Will have to try and find something that's a bit baggy or go and raised someone's wardrobe!!!
We went to our wedding venue to a menu tasting thing last night, all the couple's were trying all the wine and I couldn't!! It was killing me! But it will all be worth it in the end!!!

Yea i couldnt agree me, you dont feel like so pressured to lie all the time to the people that are closest to you.

Who is it you are seeing?

Ooooo when are you getting married?

No1 special, just a local band. It's my friends birthday so we thought we would do something different.
Getting married a year this weekend! It's already been booked for 18months so feels like it's taken forever!!
Hi girls!!!
That's great news night owl so pleased for You!!!!
I too got good news my little bean had a little heartbeat I am so relieved! I make I am 6 +2/3 today but they have dated somewhere between 5/6 they said they can't give accurate weeks. But definite beat and they even were able to trace it and the doctor on call prescribed my blood thinners xxx

Yay :love:
I do understand why some women don't want to tell people until they are 12 weeks or whatever, but we got to 6 days of knowing this time and although we both said we weren't going to tell anyone until we knew 100% that everything was okay, I just felt so alone thinking that if something happened no one would know! So we have just told close family and friends, pretty much everyone who knows about the previous miscarriages. And the relief I felt was unbelievable. Having so many people messaging me everyday to check im okay is so reassuring! So I would honestly recommend telling people to everyone!
I've just had a thought... What am I going to wear on Sunday!!! Will have to try and find something that's a bit baggy or go and raised someone's wardrobe!!!
We went to our wedding venue to a menu tasting thing last night, all the couple's were trying all the wine and I couldn't!! It was killing me! But it will all be worth it in the end!!!

Yea i couldnt agree me, you dont feel like so pressured to lie all the time to the people that are closest to you.

Who is it you are seeing?

Ooooo when are you getting married?

No1 special, just a local band. It's my friends birthday so we thought we would do something different.
Getting married a year this weekend! It's already been booked for 18months so feels like it's taken forever!!

I do love a local band, its what we call 'proper music' - sound like a right old bat saying that :lol:

Oh dont you worry it will come round before you know it. The space in between my hen do and wedding felt like the quickest time ever. I am always jealous of everyone getting married, it truly is the best day ever and of course giving birth <3
Brilliant mummymoreton! Fx for plain sailing here on.

My mother in law is staying over tonight so she can look after ds while I go for scan tomorrow. I know she&#8217;ll be all doom and gloom and it&#8217;s really not what I need tonight. I&#8217;m feeling pessimistic enough as it is!
Thanks girls so over the moon! Nausea making me not want to eat anything except stodge! Don't know what I fancy from one minute to the next but taking it as all good signs xxx
Fabulous news! Glad the scan went well.

I’m hungry but don’t know what I want either. I smell Chinese and fancy that then someone mentions Indian and I want that. Then I saw an advert for McDonald’s and wanted that!!
But when it comes to it I know I don’t fancy anything.
Hi there &#10084;&#65039; I’ve never use any of forums and I don’t really even know how to post something :)but I found this forum about April’s mums do something for me too. April 22 &#128149; looking forward &#128149; and I hope we can share together our experiences &#128521;
Hello and welcome Marta :)

Been feeling sick tonight and retched a few times with nothing coming up, lovely! I never know what I feel like eating at the moment either, one minute I want stodgy stuff the next I only want fruit, I haven’t been healthy last few days because of all the stress, definitely need to do better tomorrow x
My oh doesnt get in from work until 7:30pm and there was no way i was waiting until then to eat. I got in at 6 and said i will be eating without him as i was starving, so had a bowl of soup and 2 slices of bread - i rarely eat bread, especially two slices, but my body needed it. The for dessert a bowl of coco pops and cheerios :lol: yum.
Morning ladies!
How is everyone?

So envious of all you ladies having scans! Not seeing baby until 12 weeks scan :( 3 weeks and 6 days time.. not that im counting :lol: will be 12 weeks and 2 days at scan.
Still have constant nauseous which is seriously draining, ive been getting into bed most nights about 8pm where im so tired.
Is anyone else suffering from metally taste in their mouth? Any idea on how to shift it or at least make it less intense? Its horrid! Makes me feel even more sick!
Same as me Laura, although i have 4 weeks and 2 days :wall2: sounds so long when i say it like that!

It will be here before we know it, i hope :shock:

Cant help on the mental taste, as i havent got that, although i am with you on the sleep thing. I literally finish work and have no energy, so the gym has been a no go this week. Cannot wait for a lay in tomorrow :-)
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My nausea is still ruining my life (so dramatic) to the point this morning I dropped off my boys at school/preschool and been in bed since. Nothing is helping and I&#8217;m getting so fed up :(
Not good news I&#8217;m afraid ladies. Only measured 5-6 weeks and should be 8. No fetal pole or heart beat.
They did see a yolk sac so haven&#8217;t ruled out that my dates are wrong but I don&#8217;t see how they could be that wrong.
They are scanning me next week again but I&#8217;m not expecting any change.

I really wish you ladies happy and healthy pregnancies but I&#8217;ll be staying off the forum for a week or two while I get my head round this. X
Sorry to hear this Niknaknoo :-( wishing you the best <3

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