**** April 2019 mummies ****

Hello all, could I be added to the list please?

I'm a FTM to be and I calculate I'm due on the 22nd April.

Anyone else feeling like time is moving SO SLOWLY?
Welcome!! Yes it’s going by so slow! But I think the 2nd and 3rd trimester will fly by! Xx
Hi and welcome Ash. Yes very slow I feel like I should be 6 months by now haha! Xx
I'm dreaming of a time machine!
I might end up getting an early scan just to give a little reassurance, don't think I can wait till 12 weeks! ��
Hi. First post here in a long time....surprise pregnancy with my second.....a w9nderful surprise I might add. We think I'm due around 14th April! X
Welcome CLF88! Hope your well? This is a surprise with my 5th haha!!
Yes your not alone ash some if us have had spotting so have had early scan up at EPU and some have private reasurrance scans too. I had one in EPU on Thursday and there was a heartbeat but I want a private one in a couple of weeks too. It's an agonising wait isn't it?! Xxx
Welcome newbies. Cant believe how many babies are expected for april! Hope everyone is well. Sickness has seemed to have subsided slighty over the last couplw of days. I mean its still there but no where near as bad! 12 weeks scan seems like a life time away! 12wk scan is the 20th september. Is anyones 12 scan before then? X
Welcome newbies. Cant believe how many babies are expected for april! Hope everyone is well. Sickness has seemed to have subsided slighty over the last couplw of days. I mean its still there but no where near as bad! 12 weeks scan seems like a life time away! 12wk scan is the 20th september. Is anyones 12 scan before then? X

I will be 12WKS on 6TH September, but i wont get my scan till im 13WKS on the 13TH September because im going on my holidays soon. So had to push my scan back by a week (UGH). :(
Still waiting for my 12wk scan appointment to come through the post Laura! But reckon will be around the 25th/26th ish of sept. The scan is at a hospital I’ve never been to before so no wonder they’re taking an age to get the letter out. If it’s not here by the end of next week I’ll give them a ring! Xx
Congratulations and welcome to the 2 newbies, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months

My 12 week scan is on 1st October :) and got a reassurance scan next Sunday, my sickness has definitely kicked in the last few days but I just can’t seem to switch off this anxiety even though everything was absolutely fine at my scan on thurs, it’s actually getting me down now, not sure if it’s just hormones affecting my mood, has anyone else randomly been feeling a bit down? Xx
Congratulations and welcome to the 2 newbies, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months

My 12 week scan is on 1st October :) and got a reassurance scan next Sunday, my sickness has definitely kicked in the last few days but I just can’t seem to switch off this anxiety even though everything was absolutely fine at my scan on thurs, it’s actually getting me down now, not sure if it’s just hormones affecting my mood, has anyone else randomly been feeling a bit down? Xx

Ive been feeling really down just lately too, also i will worry about every little thing for no reason.
I had my reasurance scan at 7W (im currently 10W+3D).
I have got my 12W scan at 13W on the 13 September - but really worrid about it for some reason (i keep thinking the tell me the worst - there no heartbeat) :(
Congratulations and welcome to the 2 newbies, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months

My 12 week scan is on 1st October :) and got a reassurance scan next Sunday, my sickness has definitely kicked in the last few days but I just can’t seem to switch off this anxiety even though everything was absolutely fine at my scan on thurs, it’s actually getting me down now, not sure if it’s just hormones affecting my mood, has anyone else randomly been feeling a bit down? Xx

Ive been feeling really down just lately too, also i will worry about every little thing for no reason.
I had my reasurance scan at 7W (im currently 10W+3D).
I have got my 12W scan at 13W on the 13 September - but really worrid about it for some reason (i keep thinking the tell me the worst - there no heartbeat) :(

Yes this is exactly how I feel Charlotte, just constantly thinking about everything which could go wrong, I feel like I should just be happy to be pregnant, I think maybe I’ve just read too many horror stories - as much as I love this forum I think the downside sometimes is that you become more aware of what can go wrong, I think I just need to switch my mind off from all things pregnancy related for a few days!! at least you don’t have too much longer to wait now for your scan charlotte and I bet everything is just fine xx
Congratulations and welcome to the 2 newbies, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months

My 12 week scan is on 1st October :) and got a reassurance scan next Sunday, my sickness has definitely kicked in the last few days but I just can’t seem to switch off this anxiety even though everything was absolutely fine at my scan on thurs, it’s actually getting me down now, not sure if it’s just hormones affecting my mood, has anyone else randomly been feeling a bit down? Xx

Ive been feeling really down just lately too, also i will worry about every little thing for no reason.
I had my reasurance scan at 7W (im currently 10W+3D).
I have got my 12W scan at 13W on the 13 September - but really worrid about it for some reason (i keep thinking the tell me the worst - there no heartbeat) :(

Yes this is exactly how I feel Charlotte, just constantly thinking about everything which could go wrong, I feel like I should just be happy to be pregnant, I think maybe I’ve just read too many horror stories - as much as I love this forum I think the downside sometimes is that you become more aware of what can go wrong, I think I just need to switch my mind off from all things pregnancy related for a few days!! at least you don’t have too much longer to wait now for your scan charlotte and I bet everything is just fine xx
I hope so, NightOwl. Well everthing must be good because i am just 10W+3D and my belly is rolling,fluttering and making noises and i red were that can be the baby moving but i cant feel baby move properly yet till it gets to 16W/20W :)
Nightowl i am 100% in the same boat as you. As much as this forum has been great, it has also made me ALOT more aware of what can potentially happen :(

I get on day to day like normal, but really I am sh*t scared of what’s happening and with every twinge and cramp I feel, I panick wondering if he or she is ok in there. It’s bloody awful, but we have to have faith and just think positive, or we will do our mental states no good - easier said than done I know.

Roll on our 12 week scans <3 I already know I won&#8217;t get through the working day and my heart will be beating 100mph!
Nightowl i am 100% in the same boat as you. As much as this forum has been great, it has also made me ALOT more aware of what can potentially happen :(

I get on day to day like normal, but really I am sh*t scared of what’s happening and with every twinge and cramp I feel, I panick wondering if he or she is ok in there. It’s bloody awful, but we have to have faith and just think positive, or we will do our mental states no good - easier said than done I know.

Roll on our 12 week scans <3 I already know I won’t get through the working day and my heart will be beating 100mph!

Thanks IVW, you are right, we need to think positive and just have faith that everything is going well :) well by some stroke of luck my scan is at 9am, which means I can just get out of bed and go! What time is yours IVW? X
You guys are all lucky... At least you have a date for your 12 week scan. I don't get mine until my booking in appointment with midwife which isn't until 5th sept. Makes sense I suppose though, waiting to give the scan appointment incase something does go wrong early on. I'm still currently in the 'danger zone' as the sonographer nicely called it!! I've had 3 miscarriages before 8 weeks and I'm currently 6-7 so still not completely safe yet! Got another scan on Thursday so hopefully will see that baby has grown and everything is progressing nicely! A long 4 days to get through before then though!!!
You guys are all lucky... At least you have a date for your 12 week scan. I don't get mine until my booking in appointment with midwife which isn't until 5th sept. Makes sense I suppose though, waiting to give the scan appointment incase something does go wrong early on. I'm still currently in the 'danger zone' as the sonographer nicely called it!! I've had 3 miscarriages before 8 weeks and I'm currently 6-7 so still not completely safe yet! Got another scan on Thursday so hopefully will see that baby has grown and everything is progressing nicely! A long 4 days to get through before then though!!!

Good luck on all your scans xx
You guys are all lucky... At least you have a date for your 12 week scan. I don't get mine until my booking in appointment with midwife which isn't until 5th sept. Makes sense I suppose though, waiting to give the scan appointment incase something does go wrong early on. I'm still currently in the 'danger zone' as the sonographer nicely called it!! I've had 3 miscarriages before 8 weeks and I'm currently 6-7 so still not completely safe yet! Got another scan on Thursday so hopefully will see that baby has grown and everything is progressing nicely! A long 4 days to get through before then though!!!

Keeping everything crossed for you. Xx
Hey everyone,

I’m very new/late to this, I haven’t used a forum for years but would love to join the April list and share experiences/hear how everyone else is navigating this! My estimated due date is April 11 :) My wee tracker app tells me I’m 7+4, although I think that in reality it might be less than that. I have my first midwife apt on the Sep 4, and scan on Sep 25.

I found out I was expecting on Aug 21, I’d had all the symptoms except sickness/spotting, but three negative tests up until then. I have odd cycles so genuinely thought I was just really late until then. It doesn’t quite feel real, my partner and I had decided that once this month’s period had been and gone we’d TTC, so it was frustrating when it didn’t arrive initially.

We’re feeling really really fortunate it’s happened so quickly, but also apprehensive that something might go wrong. I’m having super vivid dreams about horrid things that aren’t helping! I don’t think I’ve been so exhausted and emotional in my life, can and will cry on demand right now haha!&#8232;&#8232;

Anyway, my quick hello has become a ramble, a bad habit. Hope everything is going grand for you all!

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