Welcome newbies. Cant believe how many babies are expected for april! Hope everyone is well. Sickness has seemed to have subsided slighty over the last couplw of days. I mean its still there but no where near as bad! 12 weeks scan seems like a life time away! 12wk scan is the 20th september. Is anyones 12 scan before then? X
Congratulations and welcome to the 2 newbies, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months
My 12 week scan is on 1st Octoberand got a reassurance scan next Sunday, my sickness has definitely kicked in the last few days but I just cant seem to switch off this anxiety even though everything was absolutely fine at my scan on thurs, its actually getting me down now, not sure if its just hormones affecting my mood, has anyone else randomly been feeling a bit down? Xx
Congratulations and welcome to the 2 newbies, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months
My 12 week scan is on 1st Octoberand got a reassurance scan next Sunday, my sickness has definitely kicked in the last few days but I just cant seem to switch off this anxiety even though everything was absolutely fine at my scan on thurs, its actually getting me down now, not sure if its just hormones affecting my mood, has anyone else randomly been feeling a bit down? Xx
Ive been feeling really down just lately too, also i will worry about every little thing for no reason.
I had my reasurance scan at 7W (im currently 10W+3D).
I have got my 12W scan at 13W on the 13 September - but really worrid about it for some reason (i keep thinking the tell me the worst - there no heartbeat)![]()
I hope so, NightOwl. Well everthing must be good because i am just 10W+3D and my belly is rolling,fluttering and making noises and i red were that can be the baby moving but i cant feel baby move properly yet till it gets to 16W/20WCongratulations and welcome to the 2 newbies, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months
My 12 week scan is on 1st Octoberand got a reassurance scan next Sunday, my sickness has definitely kicked in the last few days but I just cant seem to switch off this anxiety even though everything was absolutely fine at my scan on thurs, its actually getting me down now, not sure if its just hormones affecting my mood, has anyone else randomly been feeling a bit down? Xx
Ive been feeling really down just lately too, also i will worry about every little thing for no reason.
I had my reasurance scan at 7W (im currently 10W+3D).
I have got my 12W scan at 13W on the 13 September - but really worrid about it for some reason (i keep thinking the tell me the worst - there no heartbeat)![]()
Yes this is exactly how I feel Charlotte, just constantly thinking about everything which could go wrong, I feel like I should just be happy to be pregnant, I think maybe Ive just read too many horror stories - as much as I love this forum I think the downside sometimes is that you become more aware of what can go wrong, I think I just need to switch my mind off from all things pregnancy related for a few days!! at least you dont have too much longer to wait now for your scan charlotte and I bet everything is just fine xx
Nightowl i am 100% in the same boat as you. As much as this forum has been great, it has also made me ALOT more aware of what can potentially happen![]()
I get on day to day like normal, but really I am sh*t scared of whats happening and with every twinge and cramp I feel, I panick wondering if he or she is ok in there. Its bloody awful, but we have to have faith and just think positive, or we will do our mental states no good - easier said than done I know.
Roll on our 12 week scansI already know I wont get through the working day and my heart will be beating 100mph!
You guys are all lucky... At least you have a date for your 12 week scan. I don't get mine until my booking in appointment with midwife which isn't until 5th sept. Makes sense I suppose though, waiting to give the scan appointment incase something does go wrong early on. I'm still currently in the 'danger zone' as the sonographer nicely called it!! I've had 3 miscarriages before 8 weeks and I'm currently 6-7 so still not completely safe yet! Got another scan on Thursday so hopefully will see that baby has grown and everything is progressing nicely! A long 4 days to get through before then though!!!
You guys are all lucky... At least you have a date for your 12 week scan. I don't get mine until my booking in appointment with midwife which isn't until 5th sept. Makes sense I suppose though, waiting to give the scan appointment incase something does go wrong early on. I'm still currently in the 'danger zone' as the sonographer nicely called it!! I've had 3 miscarriages before 8 weeks and I'm currently 6-7 so still not completely safe yet! Got another scan on Thursday so hopefully will see that baby has grown and everything is progressing nicely! A long 4 days to get through before then though!!!