**** April 2019 mummies ****

I’m off to the drs this morning. Over a week of morning until night nausea and i can’t cope anymore. Tried every wives tale going and nothing stops it. I’m spending half a day in bed each day because of it and I can’t keep going like this so the MW told me to get a drs appointment and I’m in at 11. (It’s not bank holiday in Scotland) hers hoping he can fix me :(
Hey everyone,

I’m very new/late to this, I haven’t used a forum for years but would love to join the April list and share experiences/hear how everyone else is navigating this! My estimated due date is April 11 :) My wee tracker app tells me I’m 7+4, although I think that in reality it might be less than that. I have my first midwife apt on the Sep 4, and scan on Sep 25.

I found out I was expecting on Aug 21, I’d had all the symptoms except sickness/spotting, but three negative tests up until then. I have odd cycles so genuinely thought I was just really late until then. It doesn’t quite feel real, my partner and I had decided that once this month’s period had been and gone we’d TTC, so it was frustrating when it didn’t arrive initially.

We’re feeling really really fortunate it’s happened so quickly, but also apprehensive that something might go wrong. I’m having super vivid dreams about horrid things that aren’t helping! I don’t think I’ve been so exhausted and emotional in my life, can and will cry on demand right now haha!

Anyway, my quick hello has become a ramble, a bad habit. Hope everything is going grand for you all!

I know the feeling about the dreams, I have started having horrible dreams that something ‘might’ go wrong! We just need to stay POSITIVE and enjoy our pregnancies:)
Nightowl i am 100% in the same boat as you. As much as this forum has been great, it has also made me ALOT more aware of what can potentially happen :(

I get on day to day like normal, but really I am sh*t scared of what’s happening and with every twinge and cramp I feel, I panick wondering if he or she is ok in there. It’s bloody awful, but we have to have faith and just think positive, or we will do our mental states no good - easier said than done I know.

Roll on our 12 week scans <3 I already know I won’t get through the working day and my heart will be beating 100mph!

Thanks IVW, you are right, we need to think positive and just have faith that everything is going well :) well by some stroke of luck my scan is at 9am, which means I can just get out of bed and go! What time is yours IVW? X

Mine is at 4pm :wall2: - talk about worse timing :roll:

The OH said if I organise it, he will pay for an early scan - god I really want to, but the other part of me is saying ‘calm down woman, just be patient’ :wall2:
Nightowl i am 100% in the same boat as you. As much as this forum has been great, it has also made me ALOT more aware of what can potentially happen :(

I get on day to day like normal, but really I am sh*t scared of what’s happening and with every twinge and cramp I feel, I panick wondering if he or she is ok in there. It’s bloody awful, but we have to have faith and just think positive, or we will do our mental states no good - easier said than done I know.

Roll on our 12 week scans <3 I already know I won’t get through the working day and my heart will be beating 100mph!

Thanks IVW, you are right, we need to think positive and just have faith that everything is going well :) well by some stroke of luck my scan is at 9am, which means I can just get out of bed and go! What time is yours IVW? X

Mine is at 4pm :wall2: - talk about worse timing :roll:

The OH said if I organise it, he will pay for an early scan - god I really want to, but the other part of me is saying ‘calm down woman, just be patient’ :wall2:

Oooh but that is so tempting though! But as you’ve said you’ve no reason to need one really, everything is going fine for you, I think it depends on whether you need the reassurance or not and whether you can find one for a good price, if you are not feeling anxious or worried there’s no need to get one, do you think your OH has a burning desire to get an early scan done or is he happy to wait?
Hey everyone,

I’m very new/late to this, I haven’t used a forum for years but would love to join the April list and share experiences/hear how everyone else is navigating this! My estimated due date is April 11 :) My wee tracker app tells me I’m 7+4, although I think that in reality it might be less than that. I have my first midwife apt on the Sep 4, and scan on Sep 25.

I found out I was expecting on Aug 21, I’d had all the symptoms except sickness/spotting, but three negative tests up until then. I have odd cycles so genuinely thought I was just really late until then. It doesn’t quite feel real, my partner and I had decided that once this month’s period had been and gone we’d TTC, so it was frustrating when it didn’t arrive initially.

We’re feeling really really fortunate it’s happened so quickly, but also apprehensive that something might go wrong. I’m having super vivid dreams about horrid things that aren’t helping! I don’t think I’ve been so exhausted and emotional in my life, can and will cry on demand right now haha!&#8232;&#8232;

Anyway, my quick hello has become a ramble, a bad habit. Hope everything is going grand for you all!

Congratulations and welcome :) xx
I’m off to the drs this morning. Over a week of morning until night nausea and i can’t cope anymore. Tried every wives tale going and nothing stops it. I’m spending half a day in bed each day because of it and I can’t keep going like this so the MW told me to get a drs appointment and I’m in at 11. (It’s not bank holiday in Scotland) hers hoping he can fix me :(

Oh no Laura I hope they can do something, I fear Im heading the same way, I’m 6+6 today, last two days ive been dry heaving with pretty much constant nausea, it goes away for about an hour when I’ve eaten then comes back worse, I vomited twice this morning too, when would you say the bad nausea really kicked in for you? X
Nightowl i am 100% in the same boat as you. As much as this forum has been great, it has also made me ALOT more aware of what can potentially happen :(

I get on day to day like normal, but really I am sh*t scared of what&#8217;s happening and with every twinge and cramp I feel, I panick wondering if he or she is ok in there. It&#8217;s bloody awful, but we have to have faith and just think positive, or we will do our mental states no good - easier said than done I know.

Roll on our 12 week scans <3 I already know I won&#8217;t get through the working day and my heart will be beating 100mph!

Thanks IVW, you are right, we need to think positive and just have faith that everything is going well :) well by some stroke of luck my scan is at 9am, which means I can just get out of bed and go! What time is yours IVW? X

Mine is at 4pm :wall2: - talk about worse timing :roll:

The OH said if I organise it, he will pay for an early scan - god I really want to, but the other part of me is saying &#8216;calm down woman, just be patient&#8217; :wall2:

Oooh but that is so tempting though! But as you&#8217;ve said you&#8217;ve no reason to need one really, everything is going fine for you, I think it depends on whether you need the reassurance or not and whether you can find one for a good price, if you are not feeling anxious or worried there&#8217;s no need to get one, do you think your OH has a burning desire to get an early scan done or is he happy to wait?

Oh he would 100% be all for it - which I have said to him makes me more anxious, to which I have had a few words....&#8217;I don&#8217;t need you telling me how anxious you are! How do you think i am feeling&#8217; :wall2: men :roll:

God I am feeling so sick today! Usually goes after food, but not today! Typical when we need to head out and be sociable with 101 people :roll:

How are you feeling? Still feeling sick?
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Hey everyone,

I’m very new/late to this, I haven’t used a forum for years but would love to join the April list and share experiences/hear how everyone else is navigating this! My estimated due date is April 11 :) My wee tracker app tells me I’m 7+4, although I think that in reality it might be less than that. I have my first midwife apt on the Sep 4, and scan on Sep 25.

I found out I was expecting on Aug 21, I’d had all the symptoms except sickness/spotting, but three negative tests up until then. I have odd cycles so genuinely thought I was just really late until then. It doesn’t quite feel real, my partner and I had decided that once this month’s period had been and gone we’d TTC, so it was frustrating when it didn’t arrive initially.

We’re feeling really really fortunate it’s happened so quickly, but also apprehensive that something might go wrong. I’m having super vivid dreams about horrid things that aren’t helping! I don’t think I’ve been so exhausted and emotional in my life, can and will cry on demand right now haha!&#8232;&#8232;

Anyway, my quick hello has become a ramble, a bad habit. Hope everything is going grand for you all!

Hi and welcome hope your well xxx
Nightowl i am 100% in the same boat as you. As much as this forum has been great, it has also made me ALOT more aware of what can potentially happen :(

I get on day to day like normal, but really I am sh*t scared of what’s happening and with every twinge and cramp I feel, I panick wondering if he or she is ok in there. It’s bloody awful, but we have to have faith and just think positive, or we will do our mental states no good - easier said than done I know.

Roll on our 12 week scans <3 I already know I won’t get through the working day and my heart will be beating 100mph!

Thanks IVW, you are right, we need to think positive and just have faith that everything is going well :) well by some stroke of luck my scan is at 9am, which means I can just get out of bed and go! What time is yours IVW? X

Mine is at 4pm :wall2: - talk about worse timing :roll:

The OH said if I organise it, he will pay for an early scan - god I really want to, but the other part of me is saying ‘calm down woman, just be patient’ :wall2:

Oooh but that is so tempting though! But as you’ve said you’ve no reason to need one really, everything is going fine for you, I think it depends on whether you need the reassurance or not and whether you can find one for a good price, if you are not feeling anxious or worried there’s no need to get one, do you think your OH has a burning desire to get an early scan done or is he happy to wait?

Oh he would 100% be all for it - which I have said to him makes me more anxious, to which I have had a few words....’I don’t need you telling me how anxious you are! How do you think i am feeling’ :wall2: men :roll:

God I am feeling so sick today! Usually goes after food, but not today! Typical when we need to head out and be sociable with 101 people :roll:

How are you feeling? Still feeling sick?

I’d say if you can get an early scan for cheap then go for it :) it just helps the time go faster, I’ve got one on Sunday, don’t really need it now that I’ve seen the little heartbeat and it was measuring correct and all that but I’ve already paid the deposit now it’s only 45 quid anyway,

Oh I’ve been feeling terrible last few days, vomited this morning and been retching all the time, I’ve found food only chases it away for an hour or so now then it comes back worse, oooh I feel for you, there’s no way I could face any social events now, got a work thing to get through next weekend then I’m not making any more social plans ha ha x
Morning ladies!
Oh I am up the wall I have just booked a private scan for next Wednesday 5th. I just don't feel pregnant!!! I have had a little bit of nausea a few days ago but nothing major! I have no symptoms! Maybe I am one of the lucky ones I don't know??? But I defo need some reasurrance! I know I had my scan on Thursday and everything was fine but it still doesn't stop me worrying after. It's only brief reasurrance at the time constantly thinking something might have happened xxx
I think I am about 6 +5/6 today by my dates x

I seen on your other post you have booked a 'private scan'. How did you go about this? Do you have to pay for it? How much is it?
Sorry im only asking because i was thinking about getting a 'private scan' done.
Morning ladies!
Oh I am up the wall I have just booked a private scan for next Wednesday 5th. I just don't feel pregnant!!! I have had a little bit of nausea a few days ago but nothing major! I have no symptoms! Maybe I am one of the lucky ones I don't know??? But I defo need some reasurrance! I know I had my scan on Thursday and everything was fine but it still doesn't stop me worrying after. It's only brief reasurrance at the time constantly thinking something might have happened xxx

Oh mummymoreton honestly I bet everything is absolutely fine, but I know what you mean about needing that extra bit of reassurance though, it’s still early for us anyway mummymoreton for strong symptoms yet, and some people just don’t get many, don’t forget that little bean has so far developed into an embryo and it’s little heart has started beating, so it’s gone through huge development and growth already without you having many symptoms so it just goes to show that some people can be pregnant without even noticing it! Xx
Hi girls hope you’re all well :) I’ve still been having a little bit of brown discharge on and off for the past few days, it’s got to the point now where I’m just used to it!!! I’m so glad my next scan is in 3 days, can’t wait to just have that little bit of reassurance even though my last scan went well. Had my OH’s birthday yesterday - I was trying to do loads of nice things for him and put up banners and blow up balloons yet ended up falling asleep after tea and didn’t even get to give him his cake. :nap: He’s such a sweetheart though so he didn’t mind :lol:
I think I am about 6 +5/6 today by my dates x

I seen on your other post you have booked a 'private scan'. How did you go about this? Do you have to pay for it? How much is it?
Sorry im only asking because i was thinking about getting a 'private scan' done.

Where I live there are several private clinics that offer early reasurrance scans. Why don't you Google in your local area. It is £45 and I paid them £20 up front. It's well worth looking into if you haven't had an early scan or it can be a long wait till your 12 week xxx
Morning ladies!
Oh I am up the wall I have just booked a private scan for next Wednesday 5th. I just don't feel pregnant!!! I have had a little bit of nausea a few days ago but nothing major! I have no symptoms! Maybe I am one of the lucky ones I don't know??? But I defo need some reasurrance! I know I had my scan on Thursday and everything was fine but it still doesn't stop me worrying after. It's only brief reasurrance at the time constantly thinking something might have happened xxx

Oh mummymoreton honestly I bet everything is absolutely fine, but I know what you mean about needing that extra bit of reassurance though, it’s still early for us anyway mummymoreton for strong symptoms yet, and some people just don’t get many, don’t forget that little bean has so far developed into an embryo and it’s little heart has started beating, so it’s gone through huge development and growth already without you having many symptoms so it just goes to show that some people can be pregnant without even noticing it! Xx

Oh I know I am driving myself nuts! It's funny though since I have booked this morning I have been nauseous this afternoon Haha! Started thinking maybe my body is used to hcg as I have been pregnant that many times. I didn't have bad symptoms with number 4 to be honest when I look back. Hoping all is fine and it's just me being a worry bug. How is your spotting now has it settled? I am nearly a week spotting free xxx
Hi girls hope you’re all well :) I’ve still been having a little bit of brown discharge on and off for the past few days, it’s got to the point now where I’m just used to it!!! I’m so glad my next scan is in 3 days, can’t wait to just have that little bit of reassurance even though my last scan went well. Had my OH’s birthday yesterday - I was trying to do loads of nice things for him and put up banners and blow up balloons yet ended up falling asleep after tea and didn’t even get to give him his cake. :nap: He’s such a sweetheart though so he didn’t mind :lol:

Everyone told me the brown spotting is fine mine has settled now and baby was fine. So hopefully you will be fine too. It is a worry though I was knicker checking every 5 minutes! Aww well it will all be worth it glad he is understanding xxx
Dr has prescribed some medication to help with the nausea but I can&#8217;t get it until Friday (the fun of living on an island, I cannot wait to leave :( ) just feel really down that I&#8217;m not going to feel any better until Friday.
He also said it&#8217;s a sign of twiins having bad nausea. Bloomin hope not we have just bought a new car lol
Morning ladies!
Oh I am up the wall I have just booked a private scan for next Wednesday 5th. I just don't feel pregnant!!! I have had a little bit of nausea a few days ago but nothing major! I have no symptoms! Maybe I am one of the lucky ones I don't know??? But I defo need some reasurrance! I know I had my scan on Thursday and everything was fine but it still doesn't stop me worrying after. It's only brief reasurrance at the time constantly thinking something might have happened xxx

Oh mummymoreton honestly I bet everything is absolutely fine, but I know what you mean about needing that extra bit of reassurance though, it’s still early for us anyway mummymoreton for strong symptoms yet, and some people just don’t get many, don’t forget that little bean has so far developed into an embryo and it’s little heart has started beating, so it’s gone through huge development and growth already without you having many symptoms so it just goes to show that some people can be pregnant without even noticing it! Xx

Oh I know I am driving myself nuts! It's funny though since I have booked this morning I have been nauseous this afternoon Haha! Started thinking maybe my body is used to hcg as I have been pregnant that many times. I didn't have bad symptoms with number 4 to be honest when I look back. Hoping all is fine and it's just me being a worry bug. How is your spotting now has it settled? I am nearly a week spotting free xxx

Yay for the nausea ha ha! I bet your body is just really used to hcg now, I’ve had no more spotting thank god and the scary lower back ache which had me at the epau has gone too, I still don’t know what caused it, glad your spotting has stopped too these are all good signs :dance: xx
Hi everyone! Thought I'd join in the fun. I'm 7 weeks today :) and feeling it! Due 15th April according to nhs calculator.
Dreading the thought of going back to work-im a teacher so have been so grateful of the summer holidays particularly as this last week I've been unbelievably tired! I'm not sure I can get away with napping on the job! Hoping I can cope with the imminent system shock and not a friendly drop of caffiene to help me after!

In constant worry mode as I wait for midwife appointment. This first bit feels a bit strange with keeping things a secret and having not had contact with Dr or anyone yet. Feels like a long time.

Huge congratulations to everyone expecting. Excited to be on this journey.

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