Hey everyone,
Im very new/late to this, I havent used a forum for years but would love to join the April list and share experiences/hear how everyone else is navigating this! My estimated due date is April 11

My wee tracker app tells me Im 7+4, although I think that in reality it might be less than that. I have my first midwife apt on the Sep 4, and scan on Sep 25.
I found out I was expecting on Aug 21, Id had all the symptoms except sickness/spotting, but three negative tests up until then. I have odd cycles so genuinely thought I was just really late until then. It doesnt quite feel real, my partner and I had decided that once this months period had been and gone wed TTC, so it was frustrating when it didnt arrive initially.
Were feeling really really fortunate its happened so quickly, but also apprehensive that something might go wrong. Im having super vivid dreams about horrid things that arent helping! I dont think Ive been so exhausted and emotional in my life, can and will cry on demand right now haha!

Anyway, my quick hello has become a ramble, a bad habit. Hope everything is going grand for you all!