*** April 2018 Mummies ***

It's very annoying Melly. I didn't take it. I'm being optimistic that I will have spoken to someone by then! I'm sort of planning to keep trying Loula - how often would you be calling them?

YES LANDER!!! A huge congratulations lovely!!! Welcome to the April mummies! Have you worked out our potential due date so I can pop it on the first post?

That's a very good point actually, thank you Lander. When are you planning on telling work? I can't see my managers using it against me as we work with kids and we all get really excited talking about new babies! My manager even had a half hour conversation with me about how to conceive a girl!! Most embarrassing conversation I've ever had to have!!! :lol:


I'd try a couple times a day.
Congrats Lander. Must be a week behind us so middle of April due maybe x
It's been a running joke with us that we'd end up with twins so I'm now slightly bricking it that I've had a digi positive on a Tuesday when I'm not due on until Friday... so like only 3+4wk :shock:

From LMP 14th July, ADD is 19th April.

And I quit work back in May due to insane cost of childcare. Yet another reason to get started on having #2 sooner rather than later. If you give birth within 60 weeks of stopping work you're eligible for Maternity Allowance.
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LOL! Im a little anxious, as being slighly older increases my chance of having twins. My hubby has older twin brothers too! Cool about mat pay though! Agree....childcare is ridiculous cost!
I've added you to the list Lander! :) oooo twins would be really exciting!!

How are we doing this morning ladies? Nausea is just not going away :sick:

I have had a hell of a morning already and it's not even 9am! When I left work on Monday I was under the impression that I wasn't in until Thursday. Then OH asked if I was working Wednesday as he'd got it down that I was. I looked at the picture I had taken of the diary with all of our hours on and there it is in black and white that I am working Wednesday morning. So my alarm goes off this morning and up I get, wash my hair, do my make up and off I go. I arrive at work to find that I was actually right and I'm not in today! :wall2: I would be angry or frustrated but I have an unexpected day off so I'm actually rather happy! :lol:

I've done a fair amount of heaving when I got up this morning. Fine now I've eaten it's because I'm empty and need to eat.
My legs feels so dead today.
Hope the nausea passes for you. X
Thanks Loula, me too.

I find eating makes it worse. It as the same in my last pregnancy too!
At least you know that when you have symptoms that all is progressing well.
I'm finding that I'm quite light headed if I don't eat regularly but I'm not eating a lot.x
Morning girls. Sorry to hear you are both feeling nauseous. Really hope it subsides.....on the bright side....cossie you have a day off.....yayy! Its lovely here today so hopefully youll have good weather too. At the mo i seem to be getting away with sickness but it could very well be around the corner! Had weird dream last night, a night sweat (woke up drenched....promise hadnt peed myself!) and got up twice to loo. Bladder feels full but the pee is really slow coming out....in a trickle for about 5 minutes....well prob 2 mins but feels like 5! Anyone else had that when going for a pee?
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I'm having major wobbles today convinced something isn't right and I have no idea where it's come from. I think it's where I've found out so early.
Oh hun! I think we all have those. I have certainly and its so hard as we have found out very early. Im convinced everytime i go to loo i will see blood or that every twinge is start of something. Its cruel as this is the time we are over the initial shock or disbelief and starting to really think it could happen! I read stories of people having MC at 10 or 11 weeks and think how much harder it would be then. We need to stay positive. Its is unfortunately out of our control. I hope these feelings pass for you soon.stay positive hunx
I'm so glad it isn't just me. I don't remember being like this last time at all
This is a very wanted baby so trying to be positive. Now we've told people I don't want to snatched from them too.
On a plus side I have just received my scan date. Just under 5 weeks to go the middle of September
Thats great mines not till 2/10 and i will be 13 wks then. Was hoping to have it around 11-12 wks! Whens your booking appt?
My booking apt is 26th at home. The midwife is trying to rearrange my before 10 week bloods as we are away the date I was given.
My scan is the 18th September so I'll be between 11 and 13 weeks
I was feeling fine up till today I don't know why but I just don't really have many symptoms I was feeling sick the past 2 days but now it's passed.. I just don't have a good feeling. I have the doctors next Thursday, 8 weeks scan 26th suavity and my 12 week scan came through for 25th September. I feel stupid for worrying because I know there is nothing I can do but I've wanted this for so long I feel like someone will tell me actually no your not having a baby.
My booking apt is 26th at home. The midwife is trying to rearrange my before 10 week bloods as we are away the date I was given.
My scan is the 18th September so I'll be between 11 and 13 weeks

26th aug? Thsts not far away at all...exciting! X
I was feeling fine up till today I don't know why but I just don't really have many symptoms I was feeling sick the past 2 days but now it's passed.. I just don't have a good feeling. I have the doctors next Thursday, 8 weeks scan 26th suavity and my 12 week scan came through for 25th September. I feel stupid for worrying because I know there is nothing I can do but I've wanted this for so long I feel like someone will tell me actually no your not having a baby.

Jward....i think symptoms do fluctuate hugely. My are different hour to hour. I have no symptoms at all today...not even tired. Im trying not to worry but it is hard. 26th isnt too long to wait. They might be able to detect heart beat, which might help to reassure you. Stay positive if you can x
I'm so envious your getting an 8 week scan.
Today i gave severe back ache
I know i wish i was having 8 week scan too! Its crap that nhs services vary hugely from one are to next!

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