*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Fantastic news Loula! :D

Kerryjo, how are you feeling now? Did you call the ward?

I’ve taken the plunge ladies and we now have a thread in tri 2 *eeek!* I copied the list of names and dates from this thread and will update as necessary:) I’m getting more and more excited as each day passes now!
Hi ladies been a hectic week. Glad to hear some good news about 12 week scans - I've finally got a date for mine! 18th of Oct so still a wee while to go. Got my booking appointment on Monday at the hospital which I'm kinda nervous about for some reason.
Nausea is coming and going but the tiredness is a killer. Got a family weekend away and so looking forward to having grandparents who want to do everything with A so I can actually chill out and maybe, just maybe get a long lie!

Took the sides off A's cot this week, the last part of his baby-ness gone and its been emotional! Although I could burst with pride because he's just dealt with it and hasn't even attempted to come out his room until the sun is out on his bro clock.

Do any 2nd/3rd feel massive? I swear I've got a proper bump about the size I was at 4/5 months last time and its getting harder to hide. So paranoid its twins at this size.

Hi CDx,

It's my first, I'm only 10 weeks and my bump is pronounced!! It's totally obvious! I know from scans that it's not twins. I hate to think how big I'll be by the end.
Me too CD! I’ve got a full on bump from under my bust right down! Obviously most of that is just bloat at the moment but because of how it is I look about 5-6 months pregnant! I have to admit though, I’m really excited for my proper bump to ‘pop’! :D
Yep my 2nd and I feel massive but totally embracing it. The bump I have now I had at 16 weeks last time haha x
I loved my bump last time and can't wait to have a proper bump again but hiding it until 12 weeks definitely wasn't as hard the last time, especially as we went on holiday early on so if people noticed they must just have assumed it was a food/cocktail baby from enjoying myself to much x
I had a letter through with an appointment for the consultant. Any idea what this will entail? I assume it’s because I had an EMCS with DS and am therefore high risk. But now I’m anxious that I’ll be forced into having an elective cesearean but I’d really like to try for a VBAC if I can! OH is coming with me so I’m going to tell him that if they say I need a c section this time to fight it for me (he has more back bone than I do!)
You are entitled to the birth you want. If you don't want a section tell them unless there is a major medical reason why they advise. Plenty of women have a vbac after one caesarean. Go in with an open mind and I'm sure all will be fine x
Thanks Loula. That's what I thought but the midwife at my booking appointment said there might be a reason that I might have to have an elective c section. I'll be definitely pushing for a VBAC as I'd really like to give a natural delivery a try :)
How has everyone been today?

I called babyvision and booked in for a gender scan on 23rd October! :D I’m so excited already!
Finally got my 12 week scan date through also on 18th October, seems so long away still. This is my second and now can't fit into any of my trousers and have a definite bump. Will struggle to hide it for another few weeks I think.
13 weeks today
I am so tired. I fell asleep at 830 last night. Still up 3 times a night and struggle to get back to sleep from about 4am not sure if that's me or OH snoring though. I refuse to go to the sofa haha.
I'd love a gender scan but we won't be going for one. If we have a private scan it'll be later on I get the feeling November will fly round that's when our 20 week scan is. We have the fate already also an induction date aswel x
Wow! You already have an induction date Loula? That just sounds crazy!

Glad you have your scan date Aimee! Has anyone else had any scans this week? I’m really looking forward to seeing all the pics and seeing any updated dates! :D

We’ll all be starting to move across to tri 2 from tomorrow! That’s exciting! :D
I know I'm sure it will change and hopefully I won't need an induction date.
I thought tri 2 started at 14 weeks on here looking at the 2nd trimester heading.
I just need to sort out booking my 16 week appointment now x
Hi everyone. I'm new here.
I'm 9w 4d and my due day was last set for 30th of April. It's my first pregnancy and I still can't believe it's happened! We tried for 4 1/2 years.
When I was about 6 weeks in I started to get horrible pregnancy symptoms. So much nausea and debilitating exhaustion. I was unable to leave the house for 3 weeks and I developed motion sickness which was triggered by using my phone and computer and couldn't watch TV. Luckily this is a lot better now. I still have to watch it and some days are better than others but I'm still not able to work. I really struggle with my circulation, like the blood constantly struggle to get to my head so I feel quite faint all the time. My stomach is a bit of a mess although fortunately I'm not actually being sick. But finding food I can eat is difficult and I can't cook atm. Anyone struggle this much? I feel like suck a weakling!

And just to top it all off, I constantly worry about the foetus not surviving. I've had a 6 and 8 week scan and both looked perfect. I've still however just booked myself in for a 10 week scan which I'll have next saturday. I feel like I need to be reassured all the time. I wish I was well enough to work so I could get my mind off all this worry.

Thanks so much for reading my rant! and so glad to see so many lovely scan photos in here! Hope everyone is doing well.
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Well jward is due on the 1st April and so if I’m right she should be in tri 2 from tomorrow or Monday! :) (I’ve probably totally miscalculated!)

Welcome BellaLuna! And congratulations :D Wishing you a very happy and healthy 9 months!
Ahh I see I didn't look at the front page. I'm 4th eeek.
And then I'm after you Loula! :D I'm really excited as all appointments now are during tri 2 and I only have a week left in tri 1!
Same here. I need to sort out my 16 week appointment this week just to be organised as it falls on half term. This is where it speeds up . Once Xmas is out the way it's full steam ahead x
We told my nan this afternoon and her response was “oh dear” :lol: most people would be annoyed but I know what she’s like so I’m not overly offended :)

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