*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Is anyone else getting nervous for their 12 weeks scans as they approach?

It’s still exciting though! But I’m getting more and more convinced every day that something has gone wrong and I’m going to be given the worst news on Tuesday :(
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Yes this is totally me. I feel like my symptoms have gone too. My boobs aren't sore but they feel really full and my nausea isn't half as bad now which from what I have read is normal but I just can't help but feel something isn't right x
I'm the same I have my scan on Monday.. but I had another private one on Saturday as I wanted to know everything was okay before I came on my hols and all was perfect but still feel like something could have happened. I don't think I will ever be relaxed x
Yes I constantly think something will go wrong but obviously know everything is fine from the other day. Think this whole trimester is a worry,I dont think I'll fully relax til the 20 week scan is done. Eek 3 scans next week tho exciting!! Muffin what time is yours on the 11th? Mine is 2pm,bet the day will drag!

Loula tmi but I'm the other way have had the runs past couple days! I've read pregnancy causes both xx
I'm really nervous about my 12 week scan, am in a lot of pain again today :sad: if it carries on I'll be calling the gynaecology ward to see if they can do another scan, if not I'm planning to put some money aside for a private scan next weekend x
Loula, yes about constipation. (( I think it's probably because I don't eat much. How about you?
Yeah nervous about the scan just wish I had a date.
I'm the opposite with the symptoms the nausea the past 2 days jas been horrendous! Trying to psych myself up for soft play with A, but just want to have a lie down or actually be sick to stop this feeling.

Hope you all have a great day.

Hi ladies, it is worrying to wait for a scan and wonder isn't it? Especially when symptoms come and go! How exciting though that you have your scans so soon! I will have to wait until probably middle Oct as this is when I will be at 12w mark.
Thankfully it isn't just me I had the runs at the beginning of this pregnancy. I'm eating fine as I feel sick when I don't eat. Evening meal and breakfast isn't a great time but inbetween is great.
Good to hear you feel good most of the time Loula, it gives me hope)) would you say your sickness has eased off a bit or has it been like that to begin with? I am only coming to the 9w mark now.
I've never actually been sick. My mum and Nan never did either.
I have felt nauseous and some days really want that back. I remember the early days I felt nauseous all the time. I'm just so tired now.
Sickness is still bad here,threw everything up yesterday but today have managed to keep lunch down so far. The intensity of the nausua seems to have gone down a bit which is nice but I'm extra tired today too!

Had to put cbeebies on in my bedroom earlier while I dozed for half an hour was just shattered.DD has been so good dealing with me being ill I'm so proud of her lol. I can't wait til this bit passes so I can get back to playing more outside with her but she's been such a star. Before getting pregnant she was very high needs and rarely played on a her own at all and never sat still. She seems to just understand mammy's not well cos if I need a lie down shell just snuggle next to me and watch something or sit quietly and play with her books or blocks. Suppose its all good practice for when baby is here and shell have to amuse herself at times x
Yes I constantly think something will go wrong but obviously know everything is fine from the other day. Think this whole trimester is a worry,I dont think I'll fully relax til the 20 week scan is done. Eek 3 scans next week tho exciting!! Muffin what time is yours on the 11th? Mine is 2pm,bet the day will drag!

Loula tmi but I'm the other way have had the runs past couple days! I've read pregnancy causes both xx

Hi Mrs Cookie,

Mine is in the morning sometime. I think 9:40 or something like that.

I will also have one next week on Wed, when I'm 10 weeks. For the last 2 days I've been completely paranoid that something has gone wrong and that I'll get bad news next week. Can't shake the feeling, it's awful.
Sickness is still bad here,threw everything up yesterday but today have managed to keep lunch down so far. The intensity of the nausua seems to have gone down a bit which is nice but I'm extra tired today too!

Had to put cbeebies on in my bedroom earlier while I dozed for half an hour was just shattered.DD has been so good dealing with me being ill I'm so proud of her lol. I can't wait til this bit passes so I can get back to playing more outside with her but she's been such a star. Before getting pregnant she was very high needs and rarely played on a her own at all and never sat still. She seems to just understand mammy's not well cos if I need a lie down shell just snuggle next to me and watch something or sit quietly and play with her books or blocks. Suppose its all good practice for when baby is here and shell have to amuse herself at times x

This is lovely that she's so accepting of it, my son Toby is 3 and full of beans and I've felt sicker than ever today (he has also been a good boy and let me lay down he just brought his toy cars into the bedroom and played around the bed frame) kind of wish I could be sick but I have such a fear that I'm sure I'm stopping myself from being sick, and my intracranial hypertension has hit me hard today so I know that hasn't helped. It's weird as I never even had nausea with Toby but this time round I feel sick 24/7 but 10x worse from around 2pm onwards!

Hope your feeling even a little better after a doze x
Anyone got any cravings yet? I literally cannot get enough of tea, I usually never drink hot drinks lol I'm hoping the girls I work with don't start questioning it lol
I had to have a halloumi baguette yesterday. I was dreaming about it. Bit of a one off though lol.
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