Yes I constantly think something will go wrong but obviously know everything is fine from the other day. Think this whole trimester is a worry,I dont think I'll fully relax til the 20 week scan is done. Eek 3 scans next week tho exciting!! Muffin what time is yours on the 11th? Mine is 2pm,bet the day will drag!
Loula tmi but I'm the other way have had the runs past couple days! I've read pregnancy causes both xx
Sickness is still bad here,threw everything up yesterday but today have managed to keep lunch down so far. The intensity of the nausua seems to have gone down a bit which is nice but I'm extra tired today too!
Had to put cbeebies on in my bedroom earlier while I dozed for half an hour was just shattered.DD has been so good dealing with me being ill I'm so proud of her lol. I can't wait til this bit passes so I can get back to playing more outside with her but she's been such a star. Before getting pregnant she was very high needs and rarely played on a her own at all and never sat still. She seems to just understand mammy's not well cos if I need a lie down shell just snuggle next to me and watch something or sit quietly and play with her books or blocks. Suppose its all good practice for when baby is here and shell have to amuse herself at times x