*** April 2018 Mummies ***

It'll be a tough week Melly make sure you look after yourself.
Hope your scan went OK Mrs Cookie.

Today is mine and my OH's 10 year anniversary, its crazy i still feel 18 in my head. A lot of comments on proposal/marriage. Really p****s me off we're happy we have our perfect family I don't need a ring or a bit of paper to prove that to anyone.
We were supposed to be going to a spa hotel but will postpone until I can have cocktails and a massage. So we reenacted our first date of bowling and going a nice drive with A today. And I got some beautiful flowers.

Got my booking and scan appointments in - both on a Thurs! I only work 2 days per week and thats 1 of them so I've asked to reschedule as I dont want to tell my work about this baby until I know what is happening with my contract.

How's your Monday been?

Aww happy anniversary CD,its a shame people feel the need to stick their nose where is doesnt belong isn't it. I remember feeling the same with the "when will you have a baby" comments once we got married,errr none of your damn business lol.

Melly I've heard your extra fertile after a loss so wishing you lots of luck and baby dust for your rainbow. We had a loss beginning of June and fell with this pregnancy within 2 cycles so there may be something to it!

Scab went well in the end,at first baby was measuring really small and they were worried but then they did an internal and it was just scrunched up and in a funny position. Saw it move and then when they could measure it properly was within a couple of days of our dates so fine and heartbeat was there too. Phew! She said pain is probably just normal growing pains or a pulled muscle from all the throwing up so will just ignore it now tho its hurting more tonight! So relived! Only got a blurry picture but here is our little beany 9+4 :)


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Thats wonderful news mrs cookie! And reassuring too. Hadnt realised youd had mc in june.sorry to hear that but glad youre now pg again and your scan went well xx
Congrats on your anniversary CD! Me and my OH have been together 10 years in November and no engagement on the horizon for us either. We are happy and that's what counts :)

I'm so pleased to hear about your scan mrs cookie! :D

I'm a tad worried this evening ladies. I'm sure it's nothing more than just a trapped nerve but I have a sharp pain the back of my left shoulder that's shooting down to my elbow. It's not a consistent pain. It comes and goes. But when it comes its painful enough sometimes to make me take a sharp intake of breath. Like I said I'm sure it's just a trapped nerve but I do worry a little bit! My mum agrees that's it's probs just a nerve thing so I'm not calling anyone just yet. I've said to OH that if it's still bad in the morning I'll pop up to the drop in centre and see what they say

Congrats on your anniversary CD! Me and my OH have been together 10 years in November and no engagement on the horizon for us either. We are happy and that's what counts :)

I'm so pleased to hear about your scan mrs cookie! :D

I'm a tad worried this evening ladies. I'm sure it's nothing more than just a trapped nerve but I have a sharp pain the back of my left shoulder that's shooting down to my elbow. It's not a consistent pain. It comes and goes. But when it comes its painful enough sometimes to make me take a sharp intake of breath. Like I said I'm sure it's just a trapped nerve but I do worry a little bit! My mum agrees that's it's probs just a nerve thing so I'm not calling anyone just yet. I've said to OH that if it's still bad in the morning I'll pop up to the drop in centre and see what they say

I'd say it's where your uterus is growing and irritating a nerve but be wary of constant shoulder tip pain. It's often an indicator of ectopic pregnancy. Have you had a scan at all yet?

I've had 2 scans lander and all was ok during those. My 12 week scan on Tuesday next week so I'll know for sure then if everything is ok. Would you call the midwives if the pain continues through today? I've woken up and the pain seems to have subsided but I'm not convinced it's gone completely

Aww happy anniversary CD,its a shame people feel the need to stick their nose where is doesnt belong isn't it. I remember feeling the same with the "when will you have a baby" comments once we got married,errr none of your damn business lol.

Melly I've heard your extra fertile after a loss so wishing you lots of luck and baby dust for your rainbow. We had a loss beginning of June and fell with this pregnancy within 2 cycles so there may be something to it!

Scab went well in the end,at first baby was measuring really small and they were worried but then they did an internal and it was just scrunched up and in a funny position. Saw it move and then when they could measure it properly was within a couple of days of our dates so fine and heartbeat was there too. Phew! She said pain is probably just normal growing pains or a pulled muscle from all the throwing up so will just ignore it now tho its hurting more tonight! So relived! Only got a blurry picture but here is our little beany 9+4 :)

Am so glad your scan went well, so pleased for you <3
I've had 2 scans lander and all was ok during those. My 12 week scan on Tuesday next week so I'll know for sure then if everything is ok. Would you call the midwives if the pain continues through today? I've woken up and the pain seems to have subsided but I'm not convinced it's gone completely

I'd mention it to the midwife just incase they want you to be checked but the fact you've had scans and it's not eptopic I'd say that would have been the biggest concern as that's what I had along with the sharp abdominal pains, however they have said if I get any more shoulder tip or abdominal pains worse that what I'm still getting to call the gynaecology Ward again and they will book me in for a scan, so I'd deffo say it's at least worth a mention to your midwife, but also be warned that they could tell you to go straight to a&e as shoulder tip pain can be an early indicator of heart attack to so they may be more concerned about that x
Morning everyone, just a quick hello before dropping my son of to preschool and heading to work.

Hope your all well and not having too many symptoms x also when are all your scan dates? Cannot wait to start seeing all the gorgeous little babies &#55357;&#56397;&#55356;&#57340;&#9786;&#65039; My scans not until ocotober 19th feel like it's for ever away :sad:

Also when are you all telling work? Last time I was pregnant I was in a different job and as a result told my manager and the girls I worked with immediately around 6-8 weeks. This time however I am in a different job and before I was taken on my friend who's manager said if you ever fall pregnant don't mention it else you'll be taken out of this area straight away (it's not dangerous, I work with children just as I did in my last job) but the company isn't insured to have pregnant people in the area I work (even though it's the easiest job there, go figure) can i legally hold off until the 5 month mark (I'm fat so probably won't even begin to show until 6 months) or would I need to let them know before then, like is there a point where you legally have to let a company know? So holding I can hold out as long as possible without a mention of baby
I've had 2 scans lander and all was ok during those. My 12 week scan on Tuesday next week so I'll know for sure then if everything is ok. Would you call the midwives if the pain continues through today? I've woken up and the pain seems to have subsided but I'm not convinced it's gone completely

I'd mention it to the midwife just incase they want you to be checked but the fact you've had scans and it's not eptopic I'd say that would have been the biggest concern as that's what I had along with the sharp abdominal pains, however they have said if I get any more shoulder tip or abdominal pains worse that what I'm still getting to call the gynaecology Ward again and they will book me in for a scan, so I'd deffo say it's at least worth a mention to your midwife, but also be warned that they could tell you to go straight to a&e as shoulder tip pain can be an early indicator of heart attack to so they may be more concerned about that x

Exactly this xx
Morning everyone, just a quick hello before dropping my son of to preschool and heading to work.

Hope your all well and not having too many symptoms x also when are all your scan dates? Cannot wait to start seeing all the gorgeous little babies &#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#9786;&#65039; My scans not until ocotober 19th feel like it's for ever away :sad:

Also when are you all telling work? Last time I was pregnant I was in a different job and as a result told my manager and the girls I worked with immediately around 6-8 weeks. This time however I am in a different job and before I was taken on my friend who's manager said if you ever fall pregnant don't mention it else you'll be taken out of this area straight away (it's not dangerous, I work with children just as I did in my last job) but the company isn't insured to have pregnant people in the area I work (even though it's the easiest job there, go figure) can i legally hold off until the 5 month mark (I'm fat so probably won't even begin to show until 6 months) or would I need to let them know before then, like is there a point where you legally have to let a company know? So holding I can hold out as long as possible without a mention of baby

In not sure legally but your employers do have a duty of care to you and should be carrying out monthly risk assessments. This is more important if heavy lifting or use of chemicals is frequent etc.

Obviously they can't do this if you don't tell them.
I had my early scan yesterday all thankfully went well and measuring exactly bang on my edd of 28th March. So relieved and now just to wait another four weeks for 12 week scan.
I told my work at 6 weeks due to previous miscarriages and the type of work I may b asked to do. My boss was great and said he would make sure I don't do sure work. He obviously once public at 12 weeks everyone will understand then. I think tell us work depending on the job you r doing.
Morning ladies.
My scan is next Thursday cannot bloody wait. The last few weeks have dragged by and I need to know my baby is ok. How ever it's getting more
difficult to hide and I'm bored of wearing leggings and big baggy jumper.
I didn't want to tell work but I've had to on the wards I've worked on because they wanted me to do deal with heavy patients and patients with Infections.
My 12 week scan is 11th Oct,cantwait to get past the first trimester!

I think legally with work its 15 weeks before your due date you have to let them know so you've got some time. With my first pregnancy I told work straight away as I worked in a laboratory with some Dangerous chemicals so needed to be able to explain why I wasn't doing certain things anymore but I've since left that job to look after DD. Iiterallt just started a little evening job in a wine bar the week I found out I was preg so haven't told them yet as its a bit awkward. Making sure everything is fine at 12 weeks scan before I say anything x
Thanks ladies.

Yeah I I think its 15 weeks before your due date you have to tell them, I told my boss straight away last time too as I did a lot of lone working and traveling between courses. Just now I'm in a temp job thats due to end start of Nov, my boss wants to make me a permanent member of staff - part of me feels guilty not telling her but we'd be better off as a family if I had a job to go back to, and I've been there log enough to meet their mat policy. So I just need to wait and see. I know legally they can't not make me permanent because im pregnant but part of me feels like I'm being dishonest and not giving them the full picture. OH says I just worry about too much x
Cdx I'm in the same boat as u, I have been temping and just got a job offer this morning for something that I applied for in June before I was pregnant. I felt like I was being dishonest at my second interview last week as I knew I was pregnant but really worked hard to get the job. When I told them this morning they just went silent :( but I won't apologise for being pregnant x
I'm so so torn on what to do, I feel like as time goes on I'll struggle to hide, I even wonder if I'll show earlier this time as it's a 2nd pregnancy, just got to wait and see I guess. I just really don't want to do any other job than the one I'm doing so I'm having to keep it quiet so I'm not booted out to do a different job within the building x
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