*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Your uterus is the size of a golf ball roughly when not pregnant. Just think how much stretching and getting bigger there is to do. Give them a ring if your worried better the n being a wreck at home
Thank you for welcoming me girls.
And melly41 I think you are so incredible a great positive attitude hope you get your rainbow soon.
I have been getting crampy on and off through the weeks and midwife said it's quite normal with all the stretching going on. If you are worried tho definitely get checked out. Looking forward to seeing all the 12 week scan pictures �� x
Always call. You’re never jumping the gun. If you are worried in the slightest always call :hugs:

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
Pains are still there and worse on movement but I'm feeling more relaxed, wondering weather its possibly
More constipation pain or maybe a urine infection I'll go Drs Monday if it continues.

Pregnancy hormones though...... don't watch the new pete's dragon god I'm an emotional wreck watching it lol
Welcome Nilka.

I hope you're doing OK Melly.

Nausea is still here along with a lot of lower back pain, I have been less tired the past few days and have managed to stay awake u ng I me at least 10 - rock & roll!!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Really tired. DS unsettled from his 1yr jabs on Thursday. Took an hour to go to sleep. Not like him. Still waiting on DH to finish in the toilet. Just want to shower, get my hair dried and get to bed.

At least I kinda managed 11.30pm -5am last night between toilet trips.
Morning ladies. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Thinking of u melly and hope to see u in the mummies thread again very soon

Hope u r feeling better today Kerryjo.

Can't believe the 12 week scans start tomoro! I no they r likely to push my date back a week at mine tomoro as I never actually had a period just a withdrawal bleed from my pill but I don't overly mind so long as everything is ok :)

It will be nice to be able to make it public knowledge after tomoro and not try and keep it a secret!
4 days and counting. This week cannot be done quick enough right now.
My original scan date was the 18th but got pushed back because of measurements 4 weeks ago.
I can't wait to go out and buy some clothes that fit me so I can show my bump and not hide it and make out I've just been eating alot haha x
Haha loula I no the feeling! I went on Friday afternoon to get some stuff and found it quite limited when I was trying to get casual clothes. My scan is really early at 8:45 in the morning so dd is staying at my mums tonight as the traffic will be bad for us in the morning. Haven't been feeling as many symptoms the past few days except heavy boobs but hoping that is normal x
I know some of you have 12 week scans this week and youre probably feeling a bit anxious. I hope they go well and help to reassure you all. Look forward to seeing some scan pics. X
My boobs are just full now barely any hurting. I'm a little crampy at times and very tired. The nausea is slowly fading. I've read it's all normal for hitting 11 12 weeks as the placenta takes over and hcg levels out. What will be will be x
Hi ladies and hoping everyone is OK! Thought I'd share my experience with you.
I have been having nausea for several weeks now with days when I vomited many times. Last week I had 2 days when I threw up every time I had smth to eat/drink. I called the epac. They asked me to go to A&E. At the A&E they found ketones in my wee and put me on liquids for 2days. It has helped so far and I can eat /drink without throwing it all up.

I would just like to say to anyone who is shy to call the doctors or go to A&E - please do not be shy! If you cannot keep food/drinks in for a day or so - you need to call the doctors and go STRAIGHT to A&E. They are very caring there and will sort you out and you will feel better. It's important to stay hydrated!

Hope everyone is good and is looking forwards to their scans/appointments next week! Xx
Awww happy so.sorry to hear you've had it rough, thats what happened to me last pregnancy, felt so much better after being on fluids for two days. Hope the sickness eases soon. I'm still massively sick but getting through. Turn the big 30 next week on Thursday so looking forward to that and hoping we can enjoy a day at the zoo without me hurling all day lol.

Can't wait to see scan pics,wish mine was sooner! Xx
Have any of you experienced recurring cramps in your lower left side? Its most uncomfortable and comes and goes but today I've actually considered taking painkillers because of it.

Have any of you experienced recurring cramps in your lower left side? Its most uncomfortable and comes and goes but today I've actually considered taking painkillers because of it.


This is where my pains started a few weeks ago when the checked me for eptopic, am still getting the pains now although this weekend they've been more central, the pains so bad I've been put on co-codamol, nothing show on scans as to what's causing the pain so guessing it must just be my body's way of reacting to pregnancy x but any concerns I'd say get checked out x
I have experienced pain but nothing that warrants any kind of pain relief.
I used to get really bad period pains that had me doubles over but since my first baby they've not been as bad or maybe because labour pains were alot worse. I would get checked incase there is something underlying or it could just be pregnancy pains.
Morning ladies, hope everyone is ok. I’m absolutely shattered. DS has croup again and no one in our house is getting any sleep. I’ve made an appointment at drs this morning and I may have over exaggerated on the phone just how long he’s had it for because he’s just not coping and they point blank refuse to do anything if they’ve not had it for long. But being even more tired is the last thing I need at the minute and OH is so tired he slept right through his alarm this morning and me shaking him so he’s now late for work. Really hope there is something they can do for my poorly boy :(
Croup can be awful. Have u tried steaming? Has he an inhaler? Hopefully you get some answers
We’ve tried everything. Steam, vaporub (snufflebabe one), inhaler, propping his mattress up, snot sucker, calpol and nurofen and nothing is working. He just coughs and cries :( he gets croup at least once per year but I don’t think he’s ever had it this bad. Not even sure if they can give anything for croup
Yes they can give you steroids or it maybe a hospital admission to settle him x

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