*** April 2018 Mummies ***

I mentioned yesterday that she's not posted in a while. Ita a little unnerving x
Thanks ladies.will post a pic.

Cossie i think is away in Paris....sure she mentioned it a couple of weeks back. This might be why we havent heard from her. Hopefully shes had a lovely time.

Oh.....and i couldnt resist buying a handheld doppler. Going to try it out later on when kids in bed!
I'm so tired today and OH is working away, typical I hope A is very tired when I get home from work.
Had a funeral today of a close ex work colleague and the hormones really didn't help, it was so upsetting.

Cossie hasn't posted in a while, I hope everything is OK.


Hope you feel ok after your difficult day x
Thanks Melly cuddles from my wee guy when I got home def helped. We're now dancing about to Sid the Science Kid lol.

Hope everything goes well tomorrow x
Brilliant Muffinski! Is it starting to look like a tiny baby yet? That's so lovely that you get to watch it grow! I really am excited for my 12 week scan :)

Melly, good luck with your tests, it'll be weird you knowing so much sooner if your having a boy or a girl!

I hope Cossie is ok, hopefully she is having a lovely week away or something.

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Good luck for tomorrow Melly! Not long until we know if you're having a boy or a girl! Do you have a gut feeling?

Hi Meg, it's definitely starting to look like a tiny baby. Really exciting!!
Aww so sorry you've had a horrid day,glad your Little one has managed to cheer you up a bit.

Good luck for tomorrow melly,I can't wait to hear what gender! I'm gunna guess its a girl haha. I wish we could find out early I'm desperate to know!! Was asking DD if she wanted mammy to have a girl baby or a boy baby earlier and she said boy! I said well have to wait and see what we get and she said "go shop get boy now?" Lol,she cracks me up! If only it was that easy!! Xd
Thanks ladies....will know in about a week...have no incline at all. But we also find out if any chromosonal difficulties so still anxious. Be glad when results are finally in!

Not long to everyones scans. Hope they all go ok x
Aww melly im sure all will be fine xx

I wish my scan would hurry up. I just have a bad feeling in my gut,I think its cos I keep throwing up my vitamins but the midwife said not to worry about it. Like my mam said they never took folic acid in the 80s and most babies were fine, it still niggles at me tho. Every morning I take them and half an hour later they return! I think I'm worrying cos I've been sick loads but really if I'm being sick thats surely a good thing but you can't help but worry can you. Hurry up October!! Xx
I felt a lot more queasy today planning food etc. Feel a bit urgh now as well.
Could you take your vitamins later in the day maybe...not sure if it would help?
I've tried all times of the day,if I take them with a meal I lose the meal,if I take them before bed I'm up all night feeling sick and usuallyend up throwing them up then too. They just dont seem to agree with me,had the same problem last time Round but all was well. I just have a bad feeling this time for some reason x
I hope you feel better mrs cookie, that sounds so horrible for you. My nausea is back, but not even close to the same scale as yours :(

I just wanted to let you all know we're off camping & cycling for 3 weeks, so I probably won't be on here. Am slightly nervous, we booked it before I got my bfp and had to start dealing with constant tiredness & frequent bathroom trips! Hopefully we will still have a lovely time & the weather will be kind to us!

Hope you all have a great 3 weeks and I'm excited to start seeing lots of scan photos when we get home!

Big hugs
Hi ladies...sadly scan didnt go well. There was no hearbeat...measured 8w 3 days so looks like it stopped growing 2 weeks ago. Confirmed a missed miscarriage. Have appt at EPAU tomorrow at 3pm. Not sure what will happen. Had no cramps or bleeding so came as a big shock. Up and down at the moment and trying to think positive about already having 2 wonderful kids which some women never get chance to have. Will have a glass of wine later. I hope everyone elses scans are more positive. X
Oh Melly, I'm so sorry. Rest up and look after yourself lovely xxx
Oh no I am so sorry. Your appointment tomorrow will most probably be about you wish to proceed. Thinking of you x
Melly, I'm so very sorry to hear this. There's nothing I can say really, apart from were all thinking of you and sending you lots of love. Xxx

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