*** April 2018 Mummies ***

So exhausted this pregnancy! I remember being tired with A too but just now I feel like I'm just putting him to bed and then going to bed myself, feel the house is a tip!

I still don't fully believe I'm pregnant either, getting frustrated at waiting on a letter for my booking appointment and scan. Maybe if i had dates to look forward to it would make it more real!

I've told A I've got a sore back to stop him jumping on me when we are playing (which isn't really a lie) bit he keeps rubbing it saying you OK mummy - he totally melts my heart such a caring wee guy.

Also finding I'm getting a bit breathless really easily.

Melly that will be so exciting. I didn't realise a harmony test was only a blood test from the mum - amazing how they can tell so much without risk to the baby.

I've been sent three appointments for Nov and Dec. One with midwife and two with consultant/vbac clinic. And monthly growth scans for Jan, Feb and March lol (DS was 9lb 10oz) but nothing for 20wk yet :roll:

Have my early re scan at 6.15pm tonight. Hope all is fine.
Heartbeat seen and heard, all normal and measuring spot on for my dates 8+4.

Breathing a big sigh of relief and hoping all stays well!
Thats fantastic lander. Did you get any photos? If so try and post one.

Ladies....ive just registered online with emmas diary....loads of freebies in a mum to be pack. Can also download voucher for bump to baby pack with loads of freebies too. If you havent registered yet, its worth it x
Hi, how is everyone doing today? I'm 8 weeks now and aside from tiredness my symptoms have all gone away. No more sore boobs or nausea. Feel a bit silly calling the mw to tell her I feel fine... should I be worried?

Muffinski, is your 8 week scan today? Good luck if it is! I cant wait for my 12 week scan, I need to phone for an appointment next week. I hope your scan goes well!


Hi Meg! Yes, my scan was this morning. It was fantastic!! The doctor was so lovely, really helpful and didn't rush us at all. Baby is over 2cm now and is measuring perfectly for 8 weeks and 1 day. She did lots of measurements. And I get another scan with the same lovely lady in 2 weeks!
Watch out for cold callers from Emma's diary. Some for a book club thing and then others for life insurance. Just what you need as a vulnerable new mum - 'you need to update your life insurance in case something happens to you' :oooo:
Does anyone get sharp pains when sneezing

Yes i do too. The only thing that helps is bringing my knees up to my tummy....that helps prevent the sharp pain.....its usually in my left side.
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Glad it's not just me. Really hurt last night. 2 weeks today x
I sometimes get the pains if I move too fast or awkwardly in the night in bed as well.
I've got the Emma's diary packs too,love a freebie haha. Got my first bounty pack off the midwife and if you download the app you get a free gift box but they're out of stock at the min.

Got my scan appointment letter today! Was down for 5/10 but hubs is away that week so I've shifted it to 11th,only 3 1/2 weeks to go so not too bad!

I get the sharp pains too if I move quick xx
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Havent had bounty pack yet....maybe its different in scotland? Have harmony test tom so feeling a bit anxious....its going to be a long 5-10 days waiting for results!
I'm so tired today and OH is working away, typical I hope A is very tired when I get home from work.
Had a funeral today of a close ex work colleague and the hormones really didn't help, it was so upsetting.

Cossie hasn't posted in a while, I hope everything is OK.


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