So exhausted this pregnancy! I remember being tired with A too but just now I feel like I'm just putting him to bed and then going to bed myself, feel the house is a tip!
I still don't fully believe I'm pregnant either, getting frustrated at waiting on a letter for my booking appointment and scan. Maybe if i had dates to look forward to it would make it more real!
I've told A I've got a sore back to stop him jumping on me when we are playing (which isn't really a lie) bit he keeps rubbing it saying you OK mummy - he totally melts my heart such a caring wee guy.
Also finding I'm getting a bit breathless really easily.
Melly that will be so exciting. I didn't realise a harmony test was only a blood test from the mum - amazing how they can tell so much without risk to the baby.
I still don't fully believe I'm pregnant either, getting frustrated at waiting on a letter for my booking appointment and scan. Maybe if i had dates to look forward to it would make it more real!
I've told A I've got a sore back to stop him jumping on me when we are playing (which isn't really a lie) bit he keeps rubbing it saying you OK mummy - he totally melts my heart such a caring wee guy.
Also finding I'm getting a bit breathless really easily.
Melly that will be so exciting. I didn't realise a harmony test was only a blood test from the mum - amazing how they can tell so much without risk to the baby.