DS stirred at 5.15am so after soothing him I went down and did my digi. Got 2-3 weeks
Then DH woke me at 7am with a cup of tea.
Thats great lander! Its so reassuring. Not long till you get your 3+ x
DS stirred at 5.15am so after soothing him I went down and did my digi. Got 2-3 weeks
Then DH woke me at 7am with a cup of tea.
Great news Nemi. It means your hcg is increasing so pregnancy should be progressing. Its so reassuring to get that. Roll on 12 weeks! X
I keep getting the odd bit of brown discharge, usually when I wipe. It appears to be like really old blood. I have miscarried before so I know the signs to look out for and what the blood is like and cramps etc but can't help worry a little. When I have spoken to the early pregnancy unit they don't seem to worry so much about this sort of thing but always say come in if worried. Think I'm going to mention to the midwife on Monday at my appointment, see what she suggests. Has anybody experienced anything like this?
P.s. Does anybody else feel like weeks normally fly but they drag during these first 12 weeks?
Queen bleeder here at the moment. Went to a & e last weekend and had a scan Monday gone. Was measuring 5 weeks very early no explanation for bleeding. Again like last weekend I've woken up today with it again it's pinky brown and is on off. My boobs aren't as sore today either but no cramps x