*** April 2018 Mummies ***

All of you seem so organised! I haven't even managed to book my first visit yet. It's all a bit complicated for me as we are moving to a new area and I need to register with a new doctor! Bad timing!

What symptoms is everyone having at the moment? I've been having some lower back pain and i googled it and now am worried something might be wrong?

Ive had lower back pain too nemi. Ive read its very normal and very common early on. Hope it subsides. I lay on the floor for 5 mins and that helped.kids thought id gone mad! Haha! X
Ooo exciting we have appointment the same day melly! What's everyone doing with their kids for the appoitments? We don't live near any family so I'll have to take DD with me to booking appointment. I remember it being quite a while lasttime and shell probs be climbing all over the place,hope the midwife doesn't Mind!! X

Mrscookie.....as my eldest is 12 and have a 10 yr old both of whom are sensible, we are going to leave that at home on xbox whilst we nip to "shops" for half hour.weve done it b4 recently when we did actually go to shops and they loved it.plus my DS has a mobile so he knows he can ring if needs to. Thankfully booking appt and 12 wk scan theyll be at school!
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Congratulations stephlo! I hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months! I've added you to the front page! :)

My LO is 2 and will be likely leaving him at home for the booking appointment (providing I can find someone to have him) but I might see if he can come along to the 12 weeks scan. I think it'll be nice for him to actually see a baby in mummy's tummy!

I've been sleeping lots, boobs are sore and heavy, lower back pain. More heaving and constant dead leg x
How's Greece?? Dead legs are horrible. I got restless legs with my other two which were horrid! Ive since heard eating a banana really helps! I'll try anything if that happens again!
Lovely thanks. Nice and warm. Lazy day and beach day today. My Dd loves the sea
I shall try the banana thing as it's constant in both legs and it makes me grumpy
Sounds lovely. Its rained all afternoon here! I wish i was back in Italy! Seems like a lifetime ago now. How long you in greece for?
We fly back next Wednesday which makes it less then 2 weeks then til my scan.
As much as I'm trying to relax everything is still niggling in the back of my mind x
It will do hun. There is nothing you can do for now. At least only 2 weeks till scan when you get back. Enjoy your hols...and bring some sun back please x
You wait til September the sun will be shining haha x
Looked back at my diary from having DS. Exact same symptom on 4+6 which is today.... 'sore all over like after a massage ' just running my hands over my arms kills. Remember having it before as it was so odd!!

Five weeks tomorrow. Plan to do my next digi in the morning.

Self referred to midwives over the weekend so hoping to hear back next week.
DS stirred at 5.15am so after soothing him I went down and did my digi. Got 2-3 weeks :)

Then DH woke me at 7am with a cup of tea. :)

I've got my first midwife appointment on Monday and it's right in the middle of the day, I wanted to check how important it is that my husband is there? He would love to be but I told him not to worry about it but starting to panic about it now thinking they'll think he's a rubbish Dad or something for not being there but the way I saw it was it's going to just be questions about my health isn't it, which I'm quite happy to go through on my own x
I wouldn't worry about other half being there. It's literally all about you and any relevant past medical history on both sides meaning you and OH.
I wouldn't worry about other half being there. It's literally all about you and any relevant past medical history on both sides meaning you and OH.

Ahh thank you. How long do you think I'll be there for? X
My DH wont be there for booking appts but will be for scans. By memory booking appt lasts about an hour but i can imagine this varies hugely x
OH was there for our booking appointment when I was pregnant with DS and tbh it was purely for moral support than anything else. He won't be coming to this one as it's just easier. It's all about family history and taking your bloods. That's basically it. I seem to remember being there a good hour and a half though! Oh and you get your pregnancy folder :) that to me is really exciting! Makes it feel so real!

Agree with the other wouldn't worry about oh being there, hubby isn't coming to mine and didn't last time either. Its just a load of paperwork,family history,how you're feeling about things,talk about healthy eating no drink smoking etc etc,mine was half an hour last time. They do bloods,blood pressure and urine sample too. He's not missing anything, the only appointment other than scans which I thought I was worth dh coming to was the 16 week one when you get to hear heartbeat xx
DS stirred at 5.15am so after soothing him I went down and did my digi. Got 2-3 weeks :)

Then DH woke me at 7am with a cup of tea. :)


Aww yay about the digi! I need a 3+ now but leaving it a few more days x
I wouldn't worry about other half being there. It's literally all about you and any relevant past medical history on both sides meaning you and OH.

Ahh thank you. How long do you think I'll be there for? X

As Loula says, just make sure you know OH's family medical history as well as your own.


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