*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Its totally understandable you feel anxious. I think any of us would. Will be thinking of you tom. Let us know how it goes x
Don't apologise Loula we totally understand. The limbo is the worst. It's kinda like they should always have someone on hand to scan in case of emergency! I'm in work tomorrow morning til 1pm so will be checking as soon as I finish to see how you got on :hugs:

Scan isn't til mid morning so I'll uodatè in the afternoon x
Im off tomorrow so will be checking throughout day. Try to stay positive x
Lucky you Melly! It's always good having a Monday off! :) although I have got 3 days off this week so I can't complain!

Eeek just popped over to the TTC thread and it looks like we could have an additional 2 mummies joining us!! :D

I know i was stalking that thread too! Cool! A bumper month fingers crossed x
Couldn't resist poas! Had one cheapie one left so I thought why not, this was done at 5.30pm so really happy with the lines.

YEEESSS MELLY! Look at those lines!!! :dance:

I noticed another new post in the BFP section!! Another mummy joining us here! This is awesome! :D I am loving our group of mummies :)

Eeek just popped over to the TTC thread and it looks like we could have an additional 2 mummies joining us!! :D

Hello!! I found the thread!

Nice to meet you all. I should be due approx 23rd April (it's my first). Am v nervous and won't really believe it's happening until we get to about November I think! (I had a MC at 10 weeks back in April).

Anyhow lovely to meet you all, I look forward to chatting more very soon!
:wave: hi muffinski! Congratulations lovely!!! I'll add you to our list on the first page! :D :dance:

Welcome muffinski. Lovely to have another mummy to be join us. I can understand why your anxious....believe me, over last couple of weeks we have all had the wobbles. The support has been great though. Look forward to hearing more from you x
I cannot wait for this scan tomorrow. I hate the limbo part. If have been fine if it wasn't for this discharge/blood.
Feeling so anxious I just want to keep checking myself. Work really isn't taking my mind off it at all. Sorry for the negativity x
Just wanted to say good luck for your scan loula. I had spotting with Harry James and Alfie, but remember just how scary it is xx

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so as i got my bfp yesterday (confirmed today), i thought i'd take the plunge and start a thread for mummies due in april 2018! This will be baby #2 and i am genuinely more scared about this one than i was with ds! How is everyone else feeling?

Let me know your guesstimated due date and i can add you in and update the list as people have their scans and get given their edd :)

5/4 - jenbob
6/8 - jward
8/4 - loula
9/4 - cossie13, melly41
19/4 - lander, mrs_cookie
23/4 - muffinski

edd - 12/04/18
Congratulations L1991! And welcome to the April mummies!! :D :dance: I'll add you now!

Congratulations and welcome L1991. Its great april seems to have had a good number of :bfp:
Welcome muffinski. Lovely to have another mummy to be join us. I can understand why your anxious....believe me, over last couple of weeks we have all had the wobbles. The support has been great though. Look forward to hearing more from you x

Thanks Melly!

I know this is early days to be asking this, but: are you ladies planning on finding out the gender of your babies, or having a surprise?
I havent decided yet. I didnt with my DS and DD but im 10 years older now so think it might be nice. What about you muffinski? (and everyone else?)
I haven't decided yet either. I'm really torn: on one hand, we would know which names to focus on and decide on, and it may feel easier to bond with the baby knowing what it's going to be. But on the other hand I think it would be a lovely surprise!
We're finding out, because a) I'm impatient and b) because it'll be easier to get DS excited about a brother or sister!


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