*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Ooo enjoy your meal melly! We've got to do the weekly shop tonight,rock n roll Friday night here lol. Planning on soft play tomorrow and then we've booked to go to the zoo with Hubby's brother and his two kids on Sunday so that will be fun x
ooh I love eating out.
we've got FILS birthday bbq tomorrow and I'm working Sunday.
Sounds like you girls have a few things on to keep you busy. Enjoy! My boobs look bigger again today!
I'm getting to the point now I need distraction to get me through the days x
I hear you Loula! This week has really dragged! Glad its the wkd! Have a busy week at work next week so should go quickly and then have scan on the Saturday.
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Yeah see because I work flexi I only do 1 to 2 shifts a week so I have a lot of time at home to mull over it all.
Holiday next week then a few days after we get back I have my booking In and a wedding reception then the kids go back to school so should fly by until the 18th September x
Thats good. Is 18th your scan? It will ho really quick. Youll have a great holiday too!
Can't wait for summer holidays to finish. Like no activities to take DS to at all (he's 11 months). The children's centre stuff will start up again in September.

Right now he's only got 30min rhyme time at the library on Tuesday mornings and 25min swim lesson Friday mornings.

Bored if we've not got friends to visit etc
I'll call them on Wednesday next week if I haven't heard anything by then.

On the plus side we have got DS 2 year health visitor check in 2 weeks so I'll be mentioning to her that he's going to be getting a sibling and I also have one of my last few CBT appointments coming up for my PPD and anxiety so will be getting something in place there to help me overcome PPD if it hits me after I've had this one so I'm looking forward to that as I don't want to be in the same position as I was after having DS

Hope everyone has had a good Friday - now it's the weekend!!!

Don't know if anyone else feels the same but I'm really looking forward to being pregnant over the winter this time. Last time my second and third trimesters were April - September so it just got warmer and warmer.
Don't know if anyone else feels the same but I'm really looking forward to being pregnant over the winter this time. Last time my second and third trimesters were April - September so it just got warmer and warmer.

This one has the same due date as DS due date! Being pregnant over winter is the best! It's like have a personal internal radiator!! :lol:

so I've had another bleed tonight. small but enough to worry me.
called 111 and got to go out of hours st 1020
That's great you're getting support in place cossie,will put your mind at rest. Hope the 2year check goes well.

I'm the same lander DD was born in November so was pregnant all over summer. Can't wait to be pregnant at Christmas,liscence to eat :D
Oh no loula! I'm sure its nothing bleeding is really common in early Pregnancy but I know how much we all worry. Try and relax,maybe go to bed if you can then tomorrow will be here sooner? Sending hugs xx
1020 tonight. am hoping they don't send me to A&E as that will take ages on a Friday night
so I've had another bleed tonight. small but enough to worry me.
called 111 and got to go out of hours st 1020

Fingers crossed for you loula. I think its pretty common but will be good to get yourself checked. Let us know how you get on hun x
1020 tonight. am hoping they don't send me to A&E as that will take ages on a Friday night

Oh I'm so glad they're seeing you tonight,the waiting is horrid so at least hopefully you'll have some reassurance soon. Hang in there lovely,it could be so many normal things xx
Don't know if anyone else feels the same but I'm really looking forward to being pregnant over the winter this time. Last time my second and third trimesters were April - September so it just got warmer and warmer.

Me too. I was pregnant over summer with my 1st and it was way too hot! Plus at xmad i can put on a red onesie and pretend to be santa (no stuffing needed!)
Cossie....its really good support will hopefully be in place. You might be fine this time around too fingers crossed X

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