*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Aaaw Melly :( I know what you mean lovely. I think that's why I got addicted to POAS with DS and I'm getting that way with this one too. I did another digi tonight! (Shhhh don't tell OH - at £11 a pop he'll ban me from going to the shops to stop me buying more!) on the plus side I got a 3+ result! So definitely progressing as I believe it goes based on rising HCG levels?

Thanks cossie. Thats great news! Resisted getting digi as i wasnt sure how may weeks it detects up to....thought it might stop at 3! Might get one over wkd and test monday as will be 6 wks like you. We just need to stay positive. My non alcoholic spritzer has helped!! Haha! :lol:
Argh I so want to use my digi but am not until early next week as I got 1-2 last Tuesday so if only get 2 -3. Feels like I've known for more then a week.
2 got £13 in supermarkets.
Aww hugs melly,its so scary how quickly things can go wrong but you just have to think about how many people have pregnancies without any complications,the odds are in our favor so think positive! I just hope these next 8 weeks fly by so we all get our scans and can relax a little.

Great news on the digi cossie!! I have one in the cupboard to do in a fortnight and hopefully get a 3+ then xx
Yeah I've got two more digi tests in the cupboard for the next couple of weeks xx
So ladies I've been looking more into early scans and I found one that costs a little more but if they cannot detect heartbeat from the scan they can do a transvaginal scan which is able to get closer to cervix and improves chances of hearing heartbeat. It's £50 and they can do it from 6 weeks. Going to ring up at 9am as they have appointments free for next weekend and I will be 6+5 then. I read that women aged 42 have a 40% risk of mc but this reduces to 10% after 7 weeks and on hearing heartbeat so reckon it's worth it.

Had a dreadful night sleep, weird dreams and a ridiculous thirst....drinking water all night and then peeing loads too! Anyone else been thirsty? Read on google that this has happened to women that have gone onto mc.....just wondering whether anyone remembers this from the previous pregnancies....I don't!

How is everyone else this morning? Yayyyy it's the weekend!
Hope you can get your appointment,eek next weekend thats so soon!!

Yeah I had IMMENSE thirst with DD,I used to say to dh it was deffo his kid as he drinks buckets of juice and I was just constantly thirsty! Could of been cos of how sick and dehydrated I was but then even after sickness stopped at 20 weeks I was still always a big drinker til the end. Looks to be the same this time woke at 4 dying of thirst and needing to pee. Never heard of it linked to mc,I just took it as one of those annoying pregnancy symptoms lol im sure its fine xx
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Weeing loads is normal in pregnancy so do not worry.
I do agree that a vaginal scan before 12 weeks is best it does detect a lot more but I expect because a lot of these places are private they have a lot more money to get better equipment to do a normal scan.
Also I had a scan at 6 weeks and didn't see much last time. My 8 week one was much better x
Weeing loads is normal in pregnancy so do not worry.
I do agree that a vaginal scan before 12 weeks is best it does detect a lot more but I expect because a lot of these places are private they have a lot more money to get better equipment to do a normal scan.
Also I had a scan at 6 weeks and didn't see much last time. My 8 week one was much better x

I don't really expect to hear anything but it will be good to hear the heartbeat as this improves my chances. Not worried about peeing as know that's normal but the thirst did panic me a little.....just need to take a pint glass of water to bed for the next few weeks! x
Hope you can get your appointment,eek next weekend thats so soon!!

Yeah I had IMMENSE thirst with DD,I used to say to dh it was deffo his kid as he drinks buckets of juice and I was just constantly thirsty! Could of been cos of how sick and dehydrated I was but then even after sickness stopped at 20 weeks I was still always a big drinker til the end. Looks to be the same this time woke at 4 dying of thirst and needing to pee. Never heard of it linked to mc,I just took it as one of those annoying pregnancy symptoms lol im sure its fine xx

That's reassuring the hear misscookie. I could hardly close my mouth, it was horrible. The only thing that helped was drinking half pint of water a couple of times over night! I haven't had any sickness....didn't have any with previous two so don't think I'm dehydrated.....I've been making sure I drink more during the day since finding out. I thought it might have been as our temperature is raised during early pregnancy.....but who knows....like you say it's probably very normal. X
Eeekkk! Just booked it for Next Saturday at 10.45 so just over a week to go....
Ahh thats so exciting melly!! I've just found a scan half price near me for 49.50,gunna have to speak to hubby tonight...
And I still haven't heard back from midwife re booking appointment! :lol: I'm sure it was much easier first time round...

Ooo loula the start of many haha! I haven't even rang the gp yet,might go on Monday or might leave it a few days. Wana make sure bean is nice and snug in there before I make it official! I can't decide what to do either,to just ring and make a gp appointment or just tell them on the phone I'm pregnant and ask for the midwives number? Weve moved to a teeny village since dd so no idea how it works here x
And I still haven't heard back from midwife re booking appointment! :lol: I'm sure it was much easier first time round...

Honestly it's probably just because it's mid August. People are on holiday and the newly qualified staff are all starting and don't know where anything is.
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When I found out about DS I made an apppointment with GP and they gave me advice on foods, things I shouldn't be doing and what happens after that appointment. When I rang this time, I actually asked whether I needed to see a GP as I really didn't need the advice this time around. I was told that all new pregnancies need to be reported direct to the midwives and she gave me a number to sort my booking appointment. Maybe call GP and ask whether you need an appointment or whether you need to report straight to midwives?
Just had to go buy a couple of new bras a cup size bigger already. This happened before even getting my bfp with DS :shock:
And I still haven't heard back from midwife re booking appointment! :lol: I'm sure it was much easier first time round...

Honestly it's probably just because it's mid August. People are on holiday and the newly qualified staff are all starting and don't know where anything is.

Thanks Lander. Yeah, I know the woman who usually deals with booking appointments is on holiday but there was no answerphone message stating this and it took a call direct to community midwives to find out. They've now taken my details and passed them onto someone who is dealing with her stuff while she's away. I actually feel more relieved now I've spoken to someone though. I'm just impatient that's all!

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