*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Aww Lander what a cutie! We tried getting our 2 year old to tell grandparents by getting him to say "Alex is going to be a big brother!" but it just came out as "sdlfk jdfihtiercoas wf iowadfjh brother" :lol: My dad thought he was asking for a chocolate brother.... just wow! :lol:

I'm just hoping I can get my booking appointment before we go away and then have our scan when we come back so we have lots to look forward to in a short space of time!
Trouble is tonight I'm in a different county to where I'm registered to.
It seems to have stopped so hopefully a one off. We have a Facebook messenger service that you can speak to a midwife and they said to monitor with a pad. I should be speaking to my midwife in the next few days and I'll speak to a nurse at work tomorrow see what they say x
Oh I get sleepy around 3 or 4 o clock too and need to nap for 20 to 30 mins x
Trouble is tonight I'm in a different county to where I'm registered to.
It seems to have stopped so hopefully a one off. We have a Facebook messenger service that you can speak to a midwife and they said to monitor with a pad. I should be speaking to my midwife in the next few days and I'll speak to a nurse at work tomorrow see what they say x

It's good that it seems to have stopped!

Wow! That's ace! I'd love a messenger service! How much easier would life be??
Yeah I bet they get asked all sorts.
It's a good service and they were pretty quick in replying. I keep weeing tonight x
Hi everyone!! Finally coming over after getting my positive on the digi. Was quite hesitant to join til I got a good strong bfp after joining the Feb thread early when it wasn't meant to be but looks like things are going well this time so fingers crossed this little bean sticks! Looking forward to getting to know you all and sharing this wonderful crazy experience with you!

Need to go back to the start now and read what I've missed lol xx


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Welcome mrs cookie! Congratulations! :) what's your due date and I can add you to our list! :D x

Welcome misscookie! Congrats again x

Loula. So pleased its stopped at the moment.

Really cute hearing your stories of you other wee ones xx
Yeah I bet they get asked all sorts.
It's a good service and they were pretty quick in replying. I keep weeing tonight x

I bet! It would be so handy having something like that when you have a quick query that will inevitably require a quick answer!

The sleepies hit me at 2pm... We stayed in all day due to the rain being non-stop and all that time not doing much just made me drowzy, came to with DS stood next to me at the side of the couch looking at me like 'Mummy why you sleeping?' lol - He's only 11 months.

Mum knows, telling MiL tomorrow.

We're going away Sunday and Not back until the Thursday night, swimming and opticians Friday Morning, so not sure likely to have to wait until the following Monday to see GP etc. Might send off my online self referral to midwife on Saturday before we go away.

If they won't give me an early scan due to history (one healthy pregnancy out of four etc) then I'll pay £40 to hve a private one locally, same people who did my 4D with DS, I can walk there from home.


£40 thats worth it i reckon. They should give you early scan though surely? Are you off anywhere nice? Be good to have a distraction in these early days/weeks x
Congratulations nice to see you over here.
Will you do another digi to see how your progressing or are you done testing?

Yea it's a great service a friend of mine has actually started the same kind of thing up x
Just read the last couple pages, exciting some of you are getting booking in appointments sorted!! I think im guna give it a week then phone my doctors,I think I have to see the gp to get referred here but jot 100% lol.

Sorry you were having a worrying time loula,glad its stopped now. I've read loads of people saying spotting is normal so Im sure its nothing but I know how much we all worry.

I've got one more digi in the cupboard so will do that in a fortnight to hopefully get a 3+ then I'll feel really happy but got some more cheapys coming tomorrow just to monitor the line for peace of mind. I'm feeling so much more positive this time tho last time I just had a feeling in my gut something wasn't right and at the moment I'm feeling really good.

Estimated due date 19th April,ahhhh can't still can't believe it!!! Xx
I also have a digi but like u last week got 1 to 2 so may do it before we go away next week.
I'm borrowing a test tomorrow for piece of mind.
I sorted appointments early as we go away next week so didn't want to miss anything x
Ooo where are you off to? Wish we had a holiday booked this year but couldn't afford it with me off work. Gunna have a week in my hometown with my parent end of august tho so that will be nice. Will be fun trying to hide the pregnancy if I'm as sick as I was with Izzy lol.

When is everyone telling people? I think we'll wait a couple weeks for telling parents/brothers and sisters and then will tell everyone after the scan. Such exciting times ahead!!
We're off to Greece we went in June and we booked this way before we thought a baby would be on board.
We've already told our parents and that's it. X
Greece......lovely! Bring some sunshine back!

Were going wait till after scan and screening before telling people. X
Ooo where are you off to? Wish we had a holiday booked this year but couldn't afford it with me off work. Gunna have a week in my hometown with my parent end of august tho so that will be nice. Will be fun trying to hide the pregnancy if I'm as sick as I was with Izzy lol.

When is everyone telling people? I think we'll wait a couple weeks for telling parents/brothers and sisters and then will tell everyone after the scan. Such exciting times ahead!!

My mums been here for last 2 weeks helping out with childcare and i found out day after she arrived. Been drinking non alcoholic wine to throw her off the scent! Luckily she doesnt suspect anything. Will miss her when she goes home sunday, but i will be relieved as less sneaking around! (Still have to hide it from my 12 and 10 year old@) :lol:
Morning girls. How is everyone? We have decided this morning to have a private early scan....£39. It can detect heart beat and check pregnancy progressing. Weve decided this as i will be over 13 wks before i get my first scan and it would be nice to get some reassurance. Small price to pay i reckon? Can have one from 8 weeks so only just over couple of weeks to go. might ring and book later today......bet i get through 1st time!!! X
Ooo Greece sounds lovely,bet the weather will be glorious!

Haha melly good thinking with the alcohol free wine!! Just need these next few weeks to pass quick so we can tell. Were seeing Hubby's brother and their kids at the weekend,they've just had a newborn,might be difficult to hide our beaming smiles when we see them but we shall see!! I've literally just started a little evening job in a wine bar last weekend so will have to try my best to hide it. At least I know they won't have to pay me mat pay so dont need to feel guilty about that but still think they might be a bit miffed. Oh well!

An early scan sounds fab melly,we had one with our first and was so reassuring to see the little heartbeat. £39 is a steal too think ours was 99!! Xx
If I could find one for 39 I would defo have one in a few weeks so I might keep looking.
Greece are having a heat wave so it very hot out there at the moment.
I had 2 on the nhs last time die to a bleed so I was very reassured early on x

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