*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Still no word from my local maternity unit re booking appointment. I've called twice this morning and no answer. I might call again this afternoon and see if they answer then.

I've been extremely nauseous today. I'm definitely going to have to tell work. I've also been watching OBEM (I really shouldn't have) and I've spent the entire time bawling my eyes out! Emotions are definitely running high at the mo!

Right ladies! I got bored of calling the booking number so called the midwife led unit instead (I know both departments are in the same building). I called with a query about my acid reflux as I have previously been told by gp that any pregnancy queries need to go via my midwife (impossible as I don't have a midwife yet!). So while I was on the phone I decided to ask about a booking appointment and was told the woman who usually deals with those is on leave!!! Would have been nice to have had this on an answerphone message! She said some of the other midwives are taking over her role while she's away and will pass my details on to them to get an appointment booked :) hooray!

That's so bad. It should be manned all the time but great that you got somewhere

So I completely pooped myself earlier. Had a bath and popped on a pad as I normally do and about 10 mins later there is bright red spots.
I cut myself shaving dammit.
I know. But like you say, at least I've got somewhere now! Hopefully will have an appointment date in the next few days.

Oh no! :lol:

I reckon it will feel more real after we have met midwife then hopefully even more real after scan.hope you are all enjoying the sunshine......finally! x
Haha what sunshine. Torrential rain down south.
2 weeks Saturday until I meet mine x
No sunshine here either! How are we all symptom wise today? Nausea just keeps getting worse and I can't seem to eat anything without heaving :(

Still no clue when I get to meet mine but at least I've spoken to someone now!

I've had a fair few cramps today and weeing loads with back ache and discharge x
Hope it gets easier soon for you Loula!

So, we told my parents this evening! They're super happy and can't wait to have another tiny baby to cuddle! We're off to tell the in laws shortly!

Ive had bit of CM but nothing else really. Boobs still feel full. Im glad im not having symptoms but part of me wishes i had a few more so it feels like its progressing!
Hope it gets easier soon for you Loula!

So, we told my parents this evening! They're super happy and can't wait to have another tiny baby to cuddle! We're off to tell the in laws shortly!

Lovely! Hope it goes well with in laws x
So just been to the loo and I've wiped and it's pinky. Do i panic x
From what ive read it sounds very normal. I can understand why youre anxious tho. As long as youre not having cramps or having bright red blood you are probably fine hun. Mind you some women have cramps and red blood and are still ok! So try to stay relaxed. Just keep an eye on it. Sending you a hug x
I'm having like period cramps and some back pain. I'm panicking so much
Is there maybe GP out of hours you could ring? Im sure youre going to be ok and just worrying. But maybe get some reassurance. Let us know how you are xx
I'm going to monitor til tomorrow.
I'm working on the gynae/epu tomorrow so I shall ask their advice or I shall leave work and go through a&e if needs be
Thats good as they might be able to check you over. I hope it doesnt get any worse. Will be thinking about you tom.let us know how you get on xx
Oh no Loula! I'm sure everything is just fine. As Melly said, as long as the pain isn't excruciating and the blood is bright red you should be ok. If anything changes, maybe give your midwife unit a call tonight/in the morning? I'm sure all is just fine lovely, keep us updated yeah? :hugs:

My parents and in laws are excited so that make sme very happy. I was so nervous and have no idea why! :lol:
The sleepies hit me at 2pm... We stayed in all day due to the rain being non-stop and all that time not doing much just made me drowzy, came to with DS stood next to me at the side of the couch looking at me like 'Mummy why you sleeping?' lol - He's only 11 months.

Mum knows, telling MiL tomorrow.

We're going away Sunday and Not back until the Thursday night, swimming and opticians Friday Morning, so not sure likely to have to wait until the following Monday to see GP etc. Might send off my online self referral to midwife on Saturday before we go away.

If they won't give me an early scan due to history (one healthy pregnancy out of four etc) then I'll pay £40 to hve a private one locally, same people who did my 4D with DS, I can walk there from home.


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