*****April 2016 mummies*****

I tested the opk theory this morning...

Never seen one so dark!!

I'll stick up a pic later.

I've escaped morning sickness again so far, I did with my first pregnancy so I'm hoping it keeps up the same way. I have however felt a bit woozy and light headed at times but managing to survive by sleeping lots lol
Heartburn started on Friday but luckily only last two nights. Little buggar best stay away this time, I was crippled my last few weeks of pregnancy last time :(

Boobs are also getting huge. I had a boob job in April (after 4 years TTC and totally giving up hope that we'd ever had baby number 2). I ride a motorbike, and went out for a few miles yesterday and struggled to zip up my leather jacket. I was pushed and squeezed in as tight as I could. I doubt I'm gonna be able to get into given another 1/2 weeks and there was me thinking it would be my belly that stopped me riding lol

PP xXx
Here is the opk I did this morning...


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Hi everyone!
Congratulations to all of us!!

I have recently found out I am pregnant and I think I am due around 23rd April!! I am so excited!
I have been pregnant twice before, and I have a beautiful 2 year old daughter (who will be 3 in October)
Both pregnancies before I had nausea and sickness throughout the first trimester and with Libby I was hardly hungry throughout the whole pregnancy, but so far in this pregnancy I've had a few nausea spells and haven't stopped eating! Good Luck to me if this carries on! haha

I am excited for us to go on this exciting journey together!! :D
Welcome to all the new girls joining - especially kk and millie! I've quietly followed both your journeys in my 18 months in ttc so lovely to see you both here. April due dates filling up nicely now :-)

Gave into temptation today and booked an early private scan for 29th August. I'll be just over 9 weeks. In my area, don't even see midwife til 12-14 weeks and I need something in middle to get me through tri 1. Got Groupon deal for 39 quid so not bad, OH thinks I'm mad!

Hope everyone is doing well xx
Aww thank you Jenny :D
That's so exciting about your early scan :)
Mine is on 14th september at 8+2 I think it is :).xxx
Thats a really nice thing to say Jenny.. how great that we're all in the same month as well! My first scan will be at the ivf clinic around 8wks and its on Monday! I just need to know now cos surely only sleeping and eating lots cant be all I should be feeling whilst pregnant! X
Can u put me down for April 25th please

Thank you xxx

Congrats everyone

We have been ttc #3 for over a year what a roller coaster had lots of tears tantrums and even a chemical so pray this is a sticky and s/he stays where they need to be for a long time!
We have two girls ages 10&6
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Eeeek good luck for your scan kk :). You must be super nervous, but will all be worth it when you see your bean :). Lots of people don't get symptoms so think all sounds okay :). I have lots of symptoms but one thing I don't have at all is sore boobs.. anyone else the same?

Yayy Lisa :D :D xxxx
There seem to be a lot of us who have been ttc a while in April mummies :). Hopefully that means everyone else ttc will join us toooo :D xxx
I had my early bird app yesterday! Went well and they want to do my dating scan as early as possible so got my booking in app next Tuesday and will get an appointment for scan a couple of weeks later, so will be more like 10weeks. This is just because my period before was very light and only 2 days and I got a 3+ when I was only technically 1/2 days late - there being overly cautious!

I'm not complaining - means I have less time to wait to see beany!

6w2d today and time is draaaaaaaaging
I've got my second scan on Friday when I'll be exactly 8 weeks. I'd been having pain down one side, had everything checked out at 6 weeks and could only see sac and they dated me at 4+2 which I think is well out. Back again on Friday to see how things have progressed and I'm hoping I get to see a little flutter of a heartbeat.

TTC for 4 years and this is the first pregnancy so I'm praying I get to see something on Friday.

Welcome to all the new April Mummies joining us.

PP xXx
Got everything crossed for you for friday :D

That's exciting about your scan Holli :) maybe you have twinnies with high hcg :)

My doctor and clinic have both mentioned twins as my hcg quadrupled and test yesterday was veryy positive and been sick so badly at 4 weeks. The clinic asked if I'd taken clomid this cycle without coming for monitoring. I havem't though and I didn't even respond to clomid and don't even usually ov often on my own. I've lost a stone since June though and that has helped me sooo much ithink. I would love twins and did feel myself like I'm having them but don't know how it would be possible since I dont usually ov one egg never mind two haha xxx
Yesterday, my partner finally booked my booking in appointment (I have an awful phone phobia...) but they can't fit me in until I'm 11 weeks!

In my last pregnancy, my scatty midwife didn't arrange my scan. By almost 12 weeks, I still didn't hear about a scan date. We hounded the hospital again and again, was getting this appointment and that appointment (was high risk pregnancy so under a consultant) but no scan date.
my midwife ignored calls, messages and texts until 12 weeks when she decided to blame the hospital and tell us there was no available scan dates before I was 13 weeks at my chosen hospital.
As you can imagine, we were so anxious and angry.

We got in touch with our community midwife centre and a lovely midwife was so helpful. She said she'd try her best to get it sorted, even if it meant at another hospital. Within 5 minutes, she rang back and had got us a scan at our chosen hospital for 5 days later at 12+5.
(Yet somehow our original midwife dismissed all possibility of that happening?!)

So, anywayyyyy...
what I'm now worried about is that if my booking in app isn't until 11 weeks, isn't that going to lessen our chances of a scan app before 13 weeks at our hospital?

How would I go about this if so? Would I be able to contact community midwives and explain the situation? Would I be able to be booked in for a scan (around 12 weeks) before they've even got details of my current pregnancy that they get from the booking in app??

(Does that make sense?)
Yeah that makes sense. I would ring them up and explain and say you don't want your scan late and it will be if your booking appt is so late so please can they arrange it now xxxx
Yeah that makes sense. I would ring them up and explain and say you don't want your scan late and it will be if your booking appt is so late so please can they arrange it now xxxx

Thanks sweetie :)
Just praying I'm not having to deal with the same midwife again (think she was the one assigned to my GP) we actually gave up with her last time, otherwise will be requesting a change as was unneeded stress before xx
Definitely ring up and explain, especially if you were a high risk pregnancy last time, explain your need too get checked on time to ensure you're ok. I'm sure they'd be fine about it.

PP xXx
Definitely ring up and explain, especially if you were a high risk pregnancy last time, explain your need too get checked on time to ensure you're ok. I'm sure they'd be fine about it.

PP xXx

Thank you PP :)
I'll have to get OH to pester them, pain in the bum hours to ring though. As only take calls between 8:30-9:30 weekdays, which are awkward hours at work xx

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