*****April 2016 mummies*****

FINALLY got my booking in appointment tomorrow!! At 10+6!!

Slightly worried we won't get a scan date until 14weeks now, so even though I'm pretty sure of my LMP I think I may mention that I had been bleeding every 2 weeks over the last few cycles that I had. They may then try getting me a scan that bit earlier if there's a possibility I could be 2 weeks ahead on dates. Can only have an NT test done within a certain time and if I'm out by any amount of days on my current dates, then it could screw up having that done (if I wanted it done...)

There's always that tiny percentage that it may be the case that my cycle started 2 weeks earlier if there was quite heavy bleeding (very very much doubt it though).

I just wanna get this ball rolling now :) xx
My booking appt isn't till almost 13 weeks and we organise the scan at the appointment lol crazy! Xxx
My booking appt isn't till almost 13 weeks and we organise the scan at the appointment lol crazy! Xxx

Wow, that's bonkers millielaura!
My last baby, it was given at 8 weeks. If they gave everyone an app at say 10 weeks, then surely people wouldn't be getting left to last minute.

What if you want an NT test done on the babies at they can't fit a scan in in time? I'm being told 14 weeks is the latest, but was told last pregnancy that it was 13 weeks. I didn't bother with it last time, probably won't this time either but would atleast like the option xx
I know it's crazy isn't it lol! I was debating ringing up and asking to be changed. I've had a loss at 14 weeks before and always been told once I got to around 12 weeks in a preg then I would have cervix checked etc in case that was the prob as baby was fine. Making me nervous that it's so late! But they know everything as asked about previous pregs on the phone when they were getting my details so must be okay? I don't know though lol.
I think it would def be too late for the scan, luckily I don't want the testing but also debating ringing up and asking can I not have my scan before appt!
My last preg they gave me it at 7 weeks then I ended up having m/c so was a bit of a waste really. I agree think they should have everyone seeing someone at 10 weeks xxx
I had my booking appt on tues at 9+5 and MW said I can ring from today for my appt- I know it's different in every area tho but she said they will get me a scan within 2 weeks as according to their dates I am 11 weeks now xx
10w 4d today and still waiting for midwife booking in app to come in post :( think its looking like I'll get a late scan.. just want to see my baby bun's heart beat again! X
I have my booking appointment next Tuesday when I'll be exactly 12 weeks. Not leaving much time for a scan.
When I rang up to make my appointment I was asked nothing but my LMP and if it was my first pregnancy - That was it. Good job I don't have any health issues/ previous MC's etc. or I'd being going out of my mind waiting so long.

PP xXx
Wow, what is it with everyone having to wait so long? Is there a baby boom going on? We booked ours at around 6 and half weeks and had a 4 week wait to be seen.

After my last exp where we still didn't have a scan date by 12 weeks (despite being booked in at 8w!) Our midwife then told us it was the hospital fault (when in fact she didn't even send anything off regarding a scan request, just sent off asking for a high risk consultant app). She then told us she was unable to get a scan that late on and left us out to dry! We had to contact another midwife who got us an appointment 5 days later, within 5 mins!

That's the only thing that panics me with these late booking in apps xx
I self referred for my care at the hospital and I received my booking (local hosp) in and 12wk scan appt (at kings college hospital) 2 days later via post!

It seems to vary a lot in different areas how they manage us. I hope those waiting still for appts get them through soon xx
I'm desperate for my scan date, so I have something close to count down to and get excited for.
I'm struggling to find heartbeat on the Doppler I have so I'm getting really anxious. (Silly I know but baby brain make me panic over nothing).

I'm literally counting down the hours until Tuesday when I feel like I can really get the ball rolling. Had I not had a few pains at 5 weeks, I would still be waiting to see anyone about my pregnancy :(

PP xXx
I got an appointment for next week but i'm not happy... The midwife sent me to a hospital 45 min away from where i live when there's one 20 minutes away. i'll have to ask if they can transfer me to the one closer to my house.

Also for the past week i've been constantly nauseous... Non stop... i've been trying to calm it down with ginger tea but i think i'm becoming immune to it
I only contacted the midwives yesterday so I expect I've got a long wait ahead!
This pregnancy is so different to my first! Nausea, dizziness and mega tiredness. With B I didn't have a single symptom!
Off on hen do tomorrow - haven't told anyone so let's hope I can wing it and get away without drinking!
Oh yes MrsT2011 let us know how you get on and if you think you got away with it lol ��

I am 9+3 today. Referred to midwife over a week ago but had no contact. Left her a voicemail on Tuesday and had no reply (as I'd been bleeding). Who knows when I'll get contact. I also tried my hospital but I can't self refer and no-one wants to talk to me!!!
I'm paying for a private scan this saturday £40 but will put my mind at ease.

Not impressed so far!!

I'm actually concerned i'll have to pay for all my care while pregnant... I am portuguese and when i went in because of the bleeding they told me i'l have to prove i've been here for a year... i honestly have no idea how to do this...
I've rung today and got my scan next Thursday �� hope everyone else waiting gets their dates soon through !! Hang in there were nearly at the end of tri 1!!!
Waaah, went to go to my booking in app at half 4, get there and get told it was at 9:30 that morning!! What the actual?! It definitely wasnt!! Someone has made the mistake and it wasn't us :( my partner wouldn't have booked a morning app as he would be working and I'd want him with me. So either the receptionist booked us in wrong or the midwife had changed our times and not made us aware (which doesn't surprise us if it's the same woman as last time!!!!)

So now I'm fuming, seeing as she is completely booked up hence why we had to wait until 11 weeks anyways. So now we are waiting on her ringing us and she will have to come out to us (according to the lovely receptionist we spoke to). To make it seem urgent I said I was unaware of dates so we need that app asap to get our scan date, the receptionist completely understood and said she'd pass on the message and to expect a phone call and possibly a visit tonight- but nope, not even a call from the midwife.

So I'll be getting my other half to ring up the midwife community centre asap and tell them we are getting giving the run around this time round like last time.

Fed up with bloody muck ups at that place!! :( xx
Futerjedionbo really sorry you've had that experience!!! It's meant to be such a lovely special exciting time. It's a shame it gets spoiled :-(

Yay for all the scan dates!!! Gives me hope someone will contact me soon lol xx
MummyandPJ that is not good!!!! Feels like some areas are really on it and then others (like mine and yours) leave a lot to be desired!
Would be nice to feel cared about xx
Oh no! It kind of feels like you're on your own esp so early when it's the reassurance we need!!
Hope you get it sorted soon!
I have to say I was quite impressed with my mw- learned more from her than my last 2 xx
I've rung today and got my scan next Thursday �� hope everyone else waiting gets their dates soon through !! Hang in there were nearly at the end of tri 1!!!

Mines next Thursday too - I should be 11+6. Just hoping everything is ok in there. Looking forward to being able to share our news! Xx

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