*****April 2016 mummies*****

i got my follow up scan to my scare on friday today... turns out i'm 6w+3 ( 2 days ahead of expected) and i saw a little heartbeat so baby is doing ok.

Hopefully little jedi baby will be ok....
No words Emily :( take care hun xXx

That's brilliant news hun. I bet you feel better now? xXx

Ladies with children already, how do you cope?? My son is 4 and just about to start school and my daughter is 6 months. I feel terrible, constantly shattered and nauseous and have zero energy all the time. I am exhausted.
No words Emily :( take care hun xXx

That's brilliant news hun. I bet you feel better now? xXx

Ladies with children already, how do you cope?? My son is 4 and just about to start school and my daughter is 6 months. I feel terrible, constantly shattered and nauseous and have zero energy all the time. I am exhausted.

I feel the same! My daughter has just turned two! She's quiet a calm child so she's quiet happy sitting playing by herself which is a bonus, plus my oh has been a godsend making teas putting lo to bed etc. I'm hoping after 12weeks we will start to get our energy back I feel really guilty for being so tired! I was to be a fun mum again! X
I have a 9 month old who is not the best at sleeping at night and still wakes up 3-4 times and in the day I feel shattered. I am starting to get a bit anxious about the thought of looking after her plus a newborn. I still feel she's at the age where she needs my attention 24/7 and I can't just leave her to play but I am going to need to learn to balance my attention between the two... I know people do it with 4,5,6+ children and cope just fine so feel silly worrying about having 2! Xx
JaiandLeigh i come from a large family, we're 5 siblings and it is easier when there's some pretty big age gaps (from me to the youngest after me there's 8 years diference) I ended up helping my mum as much as i could with my siblings. But even with such a small age gap you'll see that when the baby comes she'll get that "protective" feeling older siblings get and let you take care of new baby :) Just let her be around you and new baby when you're taking care of him and let her help (by handing you a nappy or a wet wipe). She'll accept it better than you're expecting :)
7 weeks on saturday eeeek!! :)

It's lovely hitting that week milestone!! I'm at 8w 3d today and I'm getting so excited! Feels more real every week that goes by! When is everyone's 12w scan? Mines 1st October! X
Aww that's so exciting! :). My booking appt isn't till the 13th October at 12+4 and then we arrange scan then. Having a scan at 8 and 10 weeks though.
Woke up this morn and my stomachs defo rounder on bottom!hope that means babies are growing okay xxx
Aww that's so exciting! :). My booking appt isn't till the 13th October at 12+4 and then we arrange scan then. Having a scan at 8 and 10 weeks though.
Woke up this morn and my stomachs defo rounder on bottom!hope that means babies are growing okay xxx

Lovely that your getting scans at 8 and 10 weeks! I do think it's a long time to wait til the 12w scan! We had a scan at 7w and baby was all good with heartbeat so I feel like I can chill a little bit more these next few weeks!

I'll look forward to hearing about your 8w scan! My SIL has just had twins - it really is such a special bond! X
I'll be 7w on Sunday :) I don't know if anyone else get this but i get some really strange mild pains on the right side of my lower abdomen... they come and go and i usually notice it more if i get up too fast... And i am now getting some nausea... no vomiting just constant nausea... I'll be stocking up on ginger root
I've had these weird pains on my right side too!
Thinks everything is moving around!
I have a scan on Monday eeeek... i think I will be 9 weeks. It's going so much quicker this time round. Last time round I remember wanting it to go so quick but it feeling so slow, but this time round it's the opposite.... because I feel like I am still looking after 1 baby (9 month old) I am hoping it goes slow so I get to spend more 121 time with her first and watch her grow up before I am running around chasing after 2 little munchkins hehe :) xx
Hello. You can remove me from this list. I miscarried last week. I am gutted but I knew something was wrong and I guess that is nature for you xxx

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