*****April 2016 mummies*****

It was sore when I woke up but I recovered within the week :). Lots of rest at first and then the main thing after that they said to me was try keep moving etc. Hope she has a quick recovery!

Emily I'm so gutted for you :'(
Bad news for me.
Waiting for the inevitable now.


I'm truly gutted for you Emily - can't believe I've read this everything was going so well. Have they scanned you? Is there definitely no hope?? X
I'm measuring way behind what I should be.

Got to be rescanned in two weeks.

I guess there is still a chance, hence why they are rescanning, but I'm convinced I've lost it.


Wishing you all the luck in the world emily0505. Like you say they are re-scannning so you never know
Hi girls I'm joining you! Due end of April - going to say 30th but not 100 % sure after my miscarriage in June.
Already have a little boy whose 3.
No symptoms at the moment but same as with my son.
My last pregnancy that unfortunately ended in miscarriage I felt really ill.

Emily sorry to hear what you're going through. I really hope it's a positive outcome for you x
I had a little bit of bleeding today... not much just a couple of drops... is this normal? I'm so worried right now
Bleeding in pregnancy, although common, is not considered normal and should always be checked out.

It doesn't always mean the worst though hun so try not to panic.

i called 111 they're getting someone to call me... i'm hot but no abdominal pain at all
No pain is good hun.

Def get yourself checked out but I'm sure all is dandy.


Thank you Emily and i hope all goes well for you. I get scared easy since it's my first
It's not any less scary when it's your second either I'm finding out!

I'm in limbo land for the next two weeks unless something happens before.

Hope you can get seen quickly hun.

Called my mum since mums know best :) she asked me the amount of bleeding i said it's just some drops... not even red just pink... she said it's normal and if it gets worse go get checked out but should be fine... Stressing out the way i am is worse for the baby than a few drops of blood
Had my scan yesterday sorry for the late update in agony with toothache. Scan went great baby is fine 6 weeks think she said 20th April being scanned again on 11 September xxx
Can't believe there are May mummies in tri 1, time seems to be passing so slowly since bfp!

Fingers tightly crossed for your next scan Emily, really hope everything is ok for you xx

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