*****April 2016 mummies*****

Hi ladies I need some advice from any lttc-ers

My SIL and BIL (OH's sister) have been trying for a long time and have recently been told their only option for a baby together is IVF and even then chances are slim. All very emotional and my heart breaks for them.

I want to tell them the news we are expecting our second in the most delicate and respectful way and I just don't know how to do it. My oh seems to think they will just be happy for another niece/nephew and I'm sure they will but but it will also be a massive blow with all their recent news.

Any suggestions? I really don't know how to deal with this. Txt? Tell them separately to other family, act like everything's normal and it's just brilliant news? Honestly I'm loosing sleep over this my oh thinks I'm mad! X

I had this exact situation hun.

I went round to their house and told them in person.

They knew we were trying which they said helped as it wasn't totally unexpected.

I just said I'm sure this will be met with mixed emotions and I totally understand but want to tell you that we are expecting a baby.

I'm sure it will be fine when you tell them hun.

They may be upset initially but I'm sure they will be happy for you too.

Thanks for all the advice everyone it's helped loads!!

On another note for mums with 1 already - I'm getting increasingly worried my lg will not handle a new baby well! She loves her babies and dollys but the last 2/3 months if I even pick up another baby she bursts into tears and gets very upset! She will be 2y9m by time this one arrives! Anyone else worried or have any tips on how to get a toddler to accept a new baby!? x
Well, the plan was to tell people after our first scan, however seems like our first scan won't be for a while as don't have our booking in app until 11weeks, which could mean we won't have a scan date until 14weeks :(
OH was busting at the seams, so today we've told one of his sisters, his grown up nephew, and his brother & family.
His mum, dad and other sister are abroad currently, so he is sending a photo announcement to them later when they're online.

Now that he has begun telling his family, its only fair my family know too! We weren't going to see them until around end of September due to a very busy month of plans. (They were due to go on a break this weekend, then on holiday the week after, then we're at a wedding the following week.) I refuse to tell them over text etc and will only do it face to face.
However, we've been invited to go away with them this weekend! So that's when I'll be revealing it to them :)

Now that we have been listening to baby's heartbeat, we feel that little bit more confident about doing so. Got a clear recording too (was used to announce to one of OH's sisters today).

Ahh starting to feel real!! xxx
Holi, include your LO as much as possible but try not to make such a big deal out of the pregnancy (I know it's all consuming but your little girl won't understand) I didn't tell my son he was going to be a big brother until 22 weeks last time and even then we said it was 'our' baby, his baby too. He came to the scan and saw the baby on TV :P Once he knew he soon got bored and just wanted to play! There's almost 4 years between my first 2.
When do you plan to tell her?
Holi, include your LO as much as possible but try not to make such a big deal out of the pregnancy (I know it's all consuming but your little girl won't understand) I didn't tell my son he was going to be a big brother until 22 weeks last time and even then we said it was 'our' baby, his baby too. He came to the scan and saw the baby on TV :P Once he knew he soon got bored and just wanted to play! There's almost 4 years between my first 2.
When do you plan to tell her?

No idea! She's only two and and we've half mentioned to her she's going to be a big sister but she hasn't a clue what we mean really! Was thinking of waiting to explain it better around Xmas when I'm bigger and she'll hopefully understand more!!

Thanks for the advice!! Xx
My little boy just turned three last Friday.

We'll tell him at some point after my scan but I'm not sure how much he'll understand!

I'm not entirely sure how he'll be with another one, but I think he'll do fine to be honest.

My daughter is 4 in 2 weeks and it's probably only the last 4-5 months she's understood about babies and being a big sister but I think that was mainly down to some of her nursery friends becoming big brothers/sisters and them talking about it.
But even then there is a few times she said her cousin is her big sister so obviously hasn't totally grasped the concept and I'm hoping she doesn't say it in public as we would get some very serious looks of disgust! lol

PP xXx
I'm planning on getting my little boy a baby doll and a buggy etc to play with so he can have a baby to look after too.

Don't know if it will help or not!

We did the baby thing and found a blue pushchair in ELC except we used a build-a-bear instead of a doll and he chose clothes and accessories etc for it :) My Mum embroidered 'Big Brother' and 'Little Sister' on plain tshirts for the bears too.
Just finished filling out my notes for my booking in on Wednesday.

I don't remember there being so many forms last time!!

Hopefully I'll get my scan date sorted too. I want to see my lil bug!!!

I'm a returning member, and so happy to be here! EDD 26 April 2016. Feels like forever away! xx
My scan went great with baby developing buds for arms and legs... measuring 8+1 and so edd is now 3/04/16. So surreal! X
Got a scan on Thursday! They want to make sure my dates are ok so they are getting me in quickly! Very excited and nervous! X
I had my first appointment with the midwife today... When i came home i got a call saying my BMI is high so she's upping my folic acid and my vitamin D. I feel awful that my weight might hurt my baby :( My blood pressure is slightly high. I ust feel selfish for getting pregnant at a time where i'm not healthy enough to protect my baby
Don't feel bad! I'm in same position this time as I was with my first pregnancy! Last time I had a low risk pregnancy and my lg came out fit and healthy - hopefully the same will happen this time! Honestly BMI scoring is rubbish and is very vague, doesn't take consideration into people's builds and lifestyles etc. my midwife said it was a load of rubbish but to just aim to only put on 10-17lb through whole of pregnancy, which I did last time so I hope the same will happen.

Don't beat yourself up lots of 'heavier' people have babies it's not a crime! X
Between 10-17lbs the whole pregnancy.... I think I put that on in the first trimester last time haha.... I wouldn't even worry about aiming for that tbh. I put over 3 stone and by the time she was 6 months old I had lost all that plus some extra and that was without exercise or eating any different just breastfeeding xx
My boobs have been so painful from before I found out I was pg to now
But last day or two they feel back to normal ?
Is this a worry ?
Should I be concerned ?

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